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General Disscussion
Talk about anything Futurama-related that doesn't fit into any of the specialized boards. Typo in board name has nostalgic value.
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Subject Replies Views Started by Last post
Pages: 1 ... 155 156 157 [158] 159 160 161 ... 242
Season 1 VOB subtitles 0 923 jfbarros 12-15-2003 09:14
by jfbarros
Mentorian Covers 0 872 jfbarros 12-15-2003 09:09
by jfbarros
Quick poll 2 1018 TheFryMan 12-13-2003 10:47
by Nixorbo
I ordered Futurama-O-Rama 1 929 KurtPikachu2001 12-07-2003 02:05
by Nixorbo
DVD inter-frame flicker 3 814 marco75 12-06-2003 10:13
by marco75
Accessing commentary on DVD 2 1366 Mello-Yellow 12-05-2003 22:17
by CyberKnight
The Animatrix - well and truly ashamed 3 995 Sil 12-05-2003 17:58
by Action Jacktion
The P.E. Crew before Fry and Co. 7 843 KurtPikachu2001 12-05-2003 17:04
by Sil
Simpsons jokes in Futurama. 6 1008 Pitt Clemens 12-05-2003 12:58
by Tweek
Futurama fans 2 949 EspanolBot 12-05-2003 12:47
by Tweek
The New Justice League! 2 934 vbender1 12-04-2003 23:23
by Nixorbo
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces 0 1493 Bob McDob 12-04-2003 22:05
by Bob McDob
Futurama Porn? 4 1512 angela8143 12-04-2003 21:33
by angela8143
Futurama Chronology 21 1019 MartyMcFly 12-04-2003 18:25
by Mouse On Venus
Did anyone know? 12 848 LetsburndownFOX 12-03-2003 23:08
by Nixorbo
Futurama Chat Sucks! 21 1151 Ploegman 12-03-2003 23:06
by Nixorbo
Hi 31 1188 vbender1 12-03-2003 23:04
by Nixorbo
Leela's boyfriend Shawn 5 1606 KurtPikachu2001 12-03-2003 20:25
by SamuelXDiamond
Say what? 2 1044 EspanolBot 12-03-2003 13:11
by Tweek
References to "2001: A Space Odessy" 8 2448 Zeep 12-03-2003 10:26
by Teral
Let's get some love for the Nimbus! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2 973 Bob McDob 12-03-2003 07:15
by SamuelXDiamond
Season 4 on Cartoon Network 8 955 Mello-Yellow 12-03-2003 01:10
by mjsmith
Showing off... 4 1016 LobsterChrush 12-02-2003 05:13
by Tweek
The best and the worst 7 971 bender+fry 12-01-2003 23:07
by Nixorbo
Favorite Xams Episode 1 811 mjsmith 12-01-2003 23:00
by Nixorbo
Pages: 1 ... 155 156 157 [158] 159 160 161 ... 242
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