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General Disscussion
Talk about anything Futurama-related that doesn't fit into any of the specialized boards. Typo in board name has nostalgic value.
Admins:  Ubermods:  Moderators: futurefreak, ~FazeShift~
Subject Replies Views Started by Last post
Pages: 1 ... 153 154 155 [156] 157 158 159 ... 242
Nobody Stop trying 2 831 Davey 01-07-2004 13:33
by Nixorbo
What do u think..... 28 1076 helpimchoking 01-07-2004 13:06
by Mouse On Venus
Adult Swim website 0 874 KurtPikachu2001 01-07-2004 08:58
by KurtPikachu2001
Bender's laugh 1 1686 benderette 01-07-2004 02:14
by Xmpel
futurama feeds my cartoon fetish all to well 2 1040 irongod 01-06-2004 12:03
by Nixorbo
David Duchovny 5 906 M0le 01-06-2004 10:01
by Pikka Bird
junk and stuff 1 1111 Muledogus 01-06-2004 05:09
by Tweek
(Insert clever title name) 12 949 1 of the gang 01-06-2004 04:14
by Stinky
Hopes for 2004 27 1371 davids 01-05-2004 23:17
by M0le
Futurama has two titles 28 1149 KurtPikachu2001 01-05-2004 22:00
by mattmag
Who to Blame for the shop's cancelation 8 789 EspanolBot 01-05-2004 08:24
by Xmpel
The Fry hole (again) 1 823 helpimchoking 01-04-2004 00:09
by Xmpel
Astrology signs for the Futurama characters 3 926 KurtPikachu2001 01-03-2004 20:30
by KurtPikachu2001
All good things must come to an end... but WHICH end? 26 1068 PCC Fred 01-03-2004 11:55
by Teral
New Petition to Save Futurama 10 832 mattmag 01-03-2004 08:35
by VelourFog
i don't get it 9 989 Stinky 01-03-2004 03:59
by Stinky
please help! 1 982 skir300 01-02-2004 15:12
by Tweek
Jurassic Bark... 4 994 Jazzmonkey 01-02-2004 15:02
by Tweek
Bender Quotes 2 1810 twyst3d 01-02-2004 13:33
by Teral
Celebrity Heads 5 969 GWHiZiTSPHiL 01-02-2004 09:48
by Mouse On Venus
Sweet something of someplace! 1 889 1 of the gang 01-02-2004 08:04
by MrBurns
Odd question........ 10 949 helpimchoking 01-01-2004 07:27
by fools_captain
Afterwards... 15 1148 Futurama_Hil 12-30-2003 23:37
by Venus
Question about Space Pilot 3000 10 835 KurtPikachu2001 12-30-2003 09:28
by Nixorbo
Who does the Spanish voices? 5 964 Cristobal 12-29-2003 19:47
by Kellie
Pages: 1 ... 153 154 155 [156] 157 158 159 ... 242
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