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Author Topic: A first step towards career chips? :)  (Read 835 times)
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« on: 11-27-2003 08:28 »

Hallo all! Look what I found in the website of the "New Scientist"... An article about a company that can implant a chip under your skin in order to hold data like your credit card number, health info, etc. The system can automatically communicate with an appropriate reception device present in the area where the subject is. According to the article, a variant of this chip was also implanted in July 2003 in 30 Mexican patients in order to make it easier to access their medical histories and treatment schedules.

Of course, I imagine that the original concept for "career chips" in Futurama must have come from the chips that are implanted in pets, but this is the first time in the "real world" that those chips are proposed for implantation in humans.

The relevant link is here.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 11-27-2003 12:29 »

So that article reminds you of Futurama, does it?
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