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Author Topic: Who else do you know likes Futurama?  (Read 1858 times)
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Urban Legend
« on: 10-01-2003 12:27 »

My sister and I love the show.  It's something we watch together!  We also like South Park, too.  Our parents hate those shows.  They think we're obsessed with them.

Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 10-01-2003 12:35 »

My bother and sister like it and soe of my friend like it. none of them like it as much as me, though.
Ozor Mox

Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 10-01-2003 13:51 »

I have a friend who likes it, and at least three friends who I have converted from being neutral to liking it a lot. I am the biggest fan of them all though, plus none of them have a favourite character like me  ;)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 10-01-2003 13:54 »

Everyone loves Futurama. They just don't know it yet.

Me and my brother used to watch the show together. But then he moved out.
Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #4 on: 10-01-2003 14:01 »

some of my friends like it, but they have only seen 3 or 4 episodes
Ozor Mox

Starship Captain
« Reply #5 on: 10-01-2003 14:14 »

Everyone loves Futurama. They just don't know it yet.

Correct! What's not to like about it?

« Reply #6 on: 10-01-2003 15:44 »

Originally posted by Xmpel:
Everyone loves Futurama. They just don't know it yet.

Is that a Discworld Noir reference I spot? Also i know about two people who like futurama, i.e. they've watched all the episodes, but they aren't as obsessed as us. I know two people who are neutral also.

Urban Legend
« Reply #7 on: 10-01-2003 15:48 »
« Last Edit on: 10-01-2003 15:48 »

I have some Fututrama stuff decorating my school stuff. People'll say, "That show is really good" or "I love that show". Though I doubt any of them are obsessed as I, I don't know any one who dislikes the show. Though many haven't heard of it.
Evil Fox Exec

Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 10-01-2003 16:12 »

It's weird.  Before college it practically felt like I was the only person  in the world who watches Futurama.  Then I got to college, and found lots of people watch it on Adult Swim.  So, that was a really good thing.  Oh yeah, also my little sister watches Futurama, basically because I was watching it, so she started watching it.  She's not as obsessed with the show as I am, although she likes it a ton.

Starship Captain
« Reply #9 on: 10-01-2003 17:50 »

I have a couple friends that like the show, but aren't really as into it as I am.  My younger brother likes Futurama about as much as I do, and the rest of my family "appreciates" it.  That is to say, they watch it when I do, and think it is funny, but not much more than that.
John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #10 on: 10-01-2003 18:06 »

Originally posted by KurtPikachu2001:
Our parents hate those shows. They think we're obsessed with them.

Are you implying that you're not?   :nono:

Anyway, my friend watches it sometimes, and so does another. The first one partly because I threaten him if he doesn't hail Zoidberg.   :p
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 10-01-2003 18:09 »

Mum, Dad, sister, crazy people I chat to on the internet...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #12 on: 10-01-2003 18:13 »

My wife does, but not enough to join a forum dedicated to it.  Everyone that I've shown episodes to, has loved it.

« Reply #13 on: 10-01-2003 18:21 »

All my friends love it, my parents love it, my girlfriend thinks it's good, too.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #14 on: 10-01-2003 18:35 »

Most people I know have seen about 1-5 episodes, but I was fortunate enough to hook a few friends, and my brother and mom, on it.


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #15 on: 10-01-2003 18:47 »

I try to talk most of my friends into watching, and they've seen some of the episodes... especially since it comes on adult swim now...

« Reply #16 on: 10-01-2003 18:52 »

my friend(and future PEELer) LOVES IT!!!!! we talk about it, watch 1st season dvd's, episodes we taped from channel 7,and -when i get it- 2nd season!

« Reply #17 on: 10-01-2003 18:54 »

Almost everyone I know watchs the show (exepct my parents. Infact if I had a choose I would miss everything just to watch the show   :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #18 on: 10-01-2003 18:59 »

Some people I know say they've seen around 60-70, but they don't even know what Leela or Fry's names are and the names of even their favorite episodes.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #19 on: 10-01-2003 19:07 »

Originally posted by Frymeister:
Some people I know say they've seen around 60-70, but they don't even know what Leela or Fry's names are and the names of even their favorite episodes.

You are talking about Mike... his favorite episode was Bendin' In The Wind and he didn't even know that. Sad, sad shell of a kid.

Luckily, having seen 71 episodes, I can name any episode with a few clues  :D
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #20 on: 10-01-2003 19:07 »

I don't really know anyone who's into it as much as I am. I remember a time in school when I talked with a friend about the Slurm Factory episode, but that's about the most interaction I've had yet.

 However, I'm doing a Media Studies coursework project on Futurama, so hopefully I can arouse the interest of a few classmates while I'm at it.  :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #21 on: 10-01-2003 19:27 »

I've got one friend who watches it and that's about it. She's really obsessed, but not as much as me.

Bending Unit
« Reply #22 on: 10-01-2003 19:42 »

Me and my brother are very big fans, i have a few friends that like the show (but they don't own any of the DVD's) and i have at least one friend that dose have the DVD's, :D


Bending Unit
« Reply #23 on: 10-01-2003 19:49 »

Originally posted by Asylum-Fry:
 You are talking about Mike... his favorite episode was Bendin' In The Wind and he didn't even know that. Sad, sad shell of a kid.

Luckily, having seen 71 episodes, I can name any episode with a few clues   :D

Also people at school, too, Asylum-Fry.
Vintage Dave

Bending Unit
« Reply #24 on: 10-01-2003 20:23 »

One coworker watched it casually during its original run.  Other than that, nobody.  Just you lovable freaks.

Bending Unit
« Reply #25 on: 10-01-2003 21:14 »
« Last Edit on: 10-03-2003 00:00 »

me and my friend had a sleep over once, and, once again, we're only kids. we watched futurama and now she really likes the show    ;). 10/3/03, i found out that this kid at school named eric Monzel likes the show. everybody else except  my friend and i have no idea what the show is considering it's an elementary school with all these little kids flooding the place. i sure wish jounior high came in the 5th grade.

« Reply #26 on: 10-01-2003 21:21 »

Some of my friends like it. We're pretty crazy over it, well, at least I am.
« Reply #27 on: 10-01-2003 21:43 »

Most of my friends do, but only a couple of them bother staying up to watch it.

Oh well.

« Reply #28 on: 10-01-2003 22:12 »

A cousin of mine converted me to Futurama, and a few people I know from school watch it sometimes, but that's about it.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #29 on: 10-01-2003 22:12 »

Most of my friends watch it, but none are as obsessed with it as me. My dad will ocassionally watch it too.

Bending Unit
« Reply #30 on: 10-01-2003 23:24 »

Originally posted by KurtPikachu2001:
My sister and I love the show.  It's something we watch together!  We also like South Park, too.  Our parents hate those shows.  They think we're obsessed with them.

My sister doesn't like it. In fact, she refuses to watch any episode - although she likes the Simpsons. Weird.

A couple of my friends enjoy the show, but none of them as much as I do. Probably because they haven't watched it as much (thanks a lot, Focks).

Goose Patrol
Space Pope
« Reply #31 on: 10-01-2003 23:38 »

My younger sister thinks it's ok, my older sister hates it, but my parents like it. I have about 2 friends who like it at school, and that's it.

« Reply #32 on: 10-02-2003 01:28 »

Two of my friends like it, my brother likes it but none of them love Futurama as much as me.
Rage Dump

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #33 on: 10-02-2003 03:14 »

All of my friends at school like it, almost as much as me. One i know of did visit PEEL briefly after watching Crimes of the hot, to remind the rest of us of the Morbo classic in that episode  :) But he wasn't here for very long, he was a one-post wonder  :)

Other than that :
Parents - Never seen it, i don't think
Other 'Relies' - Most watch it (Or at least, used to when it was on at a sane time), don't know of thier specific opinions though...

« Reply #34 on: 10-02-2003 04:13 »

Well I, my roommate, my dad, and several of my friends watch it, with one more trying it out, and I know someone who did character layouts on the show for three years.  I convert as many people as I can.  ;)


Bending Unit
« Reply #35 on: 10-02-2003 09:30 »

Originally posted by persephohi:
I know someone who did character layouts on the show for three years.  I convert as many people as I can.   ;)


persephohi, that's way cool that you know someone who worked on the show!

One friend from our local Star Wars club also is into it bigtime.

« Reply #36 on: 10-02-2003 14:50 »

I actually knew her before she worked on the show, so it was doubly cool when she got the job.  She's got one piece of Leela art that she did in her spare time still up on her page (I think she used to have more but she cleans her older stuff out a lot).  http://aimeemajor.com/images/portfolio/misc/lleela2.jpg

M Jackson
« Reply #37 on: 10-02-2003 16:26 »

All the family and friends, really. And since I just started Uni, I've met loads of others who like it. Since i'm taking animation, most people in my class seem to like it. This started when somebody noticed the Futurama wallpaper on my desktop in class. All the people in my flat like it too. The Frenh girl in my flat (I don't know how to write her name) was in my room looking through my DVD/CD wallet. She asked what Futurama was, I lent her a DVD, and now she's borrowed and watched them all. Just a few minutes ago I was at the Computer help desk and the guy  who was sorting out my laptop saw the wallpaper and started chatting about it. I think that anyone who has actually watched the show likes it. But thanks to Fox not enough people even know about it.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #38 on: 10-02-2003 19:02 »

Most people I know have watched at least one episode because it used to be on in Australia at 8:00pm on Fridays. However, since the show has returned, hardly anyone watches it anymore due to it's crappy timeslots. McSeason 3 and most of McSeason 4 was aired at 10:30pm on Monday or Thursday, and McSeason 5 is being aired at 11:30pm on Tuesdays!

If only people gave the show a chance...  :(

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #39 on: 10-02-2003 19:11 »

Pretty much all my friends and people I hang around like Futurama.  When Adult Swim started showing it I had people quoting it to me like, every day(since I'm the resident Simpsons and Futurama nerd at my school essentially), and that trend more or less continues today.  My sister also really likes it and watches whenever I do.  Parents also will watch with my occasionally (Mom really liked Luck of the Fryrish, and Dad really likes Bender).
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