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General Disscussion
Talk about anything Futurama-related that doesn't fit into any of the specialized boards. Typo in board name has nostalgic value.
Admins:  Ubermods:  Moderators: futurefreak, ~FazeShift~
Subject Replies Views Started by Last post
Pages: 1 ... 158 159 160 [161] 162 163 164 ... 242
About Futurama seasons DVDs 6 840 rock_girl 11-16-2003 09:29
by Tweek
What's your favourite Season 3 episode? (part 1) 7 803 Dolcelannah 11-16-2003 08:04
by Gleno
VAs from Europe 1 812 Haroken 11-16-2003 01:38
by Nixorbo
Worst epp? 7 1204 TheFryMan 11-14-2003 23:25
by Nixorbo
Subtitles 1 925 MSZ 11-14-2003 17:07
by Teral
Futurama art 2 1036 pyrepro 11-13-2003 14:25
by Teral
Foreshadowing 3 1114 Jrrr 11-12-2003 13:00
by Tweek
futurama petition? 3 897 ActionLaPointe 11-12-2003 00:09
by Nixorbo
Amy Wong 2 1952 futuramamama 11-11-2003 17:34
by Nixorbo
Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television song 3 1096 KurtPikachu2001 11-11-2003 12:23
by Tweek
Your first episode....! 2 843 rock_girl 11-10-2003 16:07
by Teral
All hail the Hypnotoad! 1 1531 Rabbit72 11-10-2003 11:49
by boingo2000
Parasites Lost wav files, when bender and zoidberg says shotgun ?? 0 5193 copse 11-10-2003 07:43
by copse
Anybody Know? 8 987 Facamus 11-09-2003 15:50
by Nixorbo
leela's origin 1 900 futuramamama 11-09-2003 12:52
by Futurama_Hil
I finally got it! 3 953 KurtPikachu2001 11-09-2003 10:26
by Nixorbo
Where's season 5 gone? 2 822 fanta fob 11-09-2003 04:24
by Tweek
Futurama Airdates 4 972 Jesse X Barboza 11-08-2003 19:55
by Action Jacktion
Why arent the guest voices shown as voices? 14 983 Jrrr 11-08-2003 17:50
by Mouse On Venus
Your Favourtie Charater! 2 842 Joel 11-08-2003 06:53
by Tweek
just a box set question 3 772 ActionLaPointe 11-06-2003 23:37
by Nixorbo
Adult Swim's new lineup 9 859 KurtPikachu2001 11-06-2003 13:36
by Nixorbo
Futurama Project 4 958 Atticus 11-05-2003 14:11
by Xmpel
What to know what would've been funny? 8 845 KurtPikachu2001 11-04-2003 21:54
by Nixorbo
When does Futurama season 3 come out in USA?? 1 821 TheFryMan 11-04-2003 14:41
by Teral
Pages: 1 ... 158 159 160 [161] 162 163 164 ... 242
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