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Re-Check/Weird Scenes
Think you saw something strange in the last episode. Post it here. This includes Alien Alphabet findings.
Admins:  Ubermods:  Moderators: futurefreak, ~FazeShift~
Subject Replies Views Started by Last post
Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 ... 58
The Complicated genealogy of Phillip J. Fry 26 19083 Farnsworth150 12-31-2011 03:15
by Solid Gold Bender
Dixie and Trixie's Ages... 20 5150 DannyJC13 12-30-2011 06:36
by Solid Gold Bender
Cyclical Time (CTSU) vs. Cyclical Universe (LTMU) - Let's Get Ready to Rumbleeeee!
« 1 2 3 4 »
131 40711 Chives 12-28-2011 11:29
by Bend-err
ITWGY -- What happened to the rest of Feministas? 29 4595 Mello-Yellow 12-19-2011 09:48
by meisterPOOP
3 Alien Language Sightings in opening 16 7386 Drippy_taco 12-12-2011 03:56
by winna
Stalked Ex from "Attack of the Killer App" in "Tail of Two Santas " Sighting 9 5820 Ratraccoon 12-11-2011 00:59
by Otis P Jivefunk
Zoidberg's age 8 3960 Archer 12-10-2011 18:18
by Solid Gold Bender
MOVED: Is Bender Gay? 0 2907 futurefreak 12-04-2011 22:58
by futurefreak
Cryogenics Goofs
« 1 2 »
52 16409 DannyJC13 11-27-2011 10:22
by futurefreak
"Thing Longer"? What the Heck?
« 1 2 »
47 6883 Zubans 11-08-2011 06:01
by futurefreak
The Nimbus falling in BBS 31 8103 SpaceGoldfish fromWazn 10-27-2011 03:39
by coldangel
lists of funny things seen? 4 3699 Capīn McGlurk 10-22-2011 12:26
by freddo
Dark One's telepathic command to Leo Wong 10 6628 Inquisitor Hein 10-11-2011 19:29
by polocatfan
Finglonger ?
« 1 2 »
73 14300 [-mArc-] 09-26-2011 10:40
by hobbitboy
Possible Time Keeps on Slipping Goof 5 2237 5qu1d 09-10-2011 19:46
by Beanoz4
Farns' inventions in Clone of my own
« 1 2 »
41 5329 DespT 09-09-2011 17:57
by transgender nerd under canada
My Three Suns - Trisolians 23 3823 futurefreak 09-03-2011 00:09
by SpaceGoldfish fromWazn
Holophoner Hand Grip 8 2261 Inquisitor Hein 08-29-2011 00:11
by Otis P Jivefunk
A Fishful of Dollars - Robo Repo 6 3170 futurefreak 08-28-2011 01:07
by transgender nerd under canada
2 TBWABB Errors... 29 2684 DannyJC13 08-27-2011 13:01
by DannyJC13
Beast with a billion backs, Leela's wrist thingy 11 2492 FuturamaObsessed 08-27-2011 12:05
by UnrealLegend
Strong Leela 26 6366 starone 08-26-2011 14:09
by spira
Position of Time Machine: The Late Philip J. Fry 25 3723 mazda07 08-26-2011 14:08
by DannyJC13
One sentence left unaddressed....
« 1 2 »
74 11450 RogerWilco81 08-20-2011 10:34
by Inquisitor Hein
Head jar time travel goof 22 3508 Jpogo96 08-18-2011 21:57
by Bend-err
Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 ... 58
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