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Re-Check/Weird Scenes
Think you saw something strange in the last episode. Post it here. This includes Alien Alphabet findings.
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Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 ... 58
Futurama in Family Guy????
« 1 2 3 4 5 »
165 37634 PhilipJ.FryFan 12-07-2013 11:02
by Fry-Azel
Scruffy's other jobs / Cameos outside of PE 21 11413 Duece-c 10-24-2013 02:35
by MeatablePie
A Clockwork Origin - Amy's Finger 21 7538 Inquisitor Hein 10-10-2013 04:14
by Lost My Phone
Into The Wild Green Yonder (Nibbler's Shadow?)
« 1 2 »
79 17959 Rush 09-15-2013 23:07
by MuchAdo
Futurama/Simpsons Youtube Channel 10 9643 philliphomer 09-10-2013 23:59
by TheMadCapper
Futurama Opening with No Captions? 11 7039 SolidSnake 09-05-2013 21:46
by Mr Zoidberg
Useless, trivial facts about Futurama. 29 11522 UnrealLegend 08-27-2013 23:07
by TheMadCapper
Subliminal Message 13 10283 LolBix 08-22-2013 05:03
by Beamer
Expected Pronounciation of "Cahill" 16 10617 Inquisitor Hein 08-12-2013 03:07
by cartoonlover27
What's with the 17 dung beetles? S6E23 11 12361 steakeater 07-24-2013 21:54
by The Sophisticated Shut In
Bender and Leela moments from Season 7 ??
« 1 2 »
51 30398 SolidSnake 07-11-2013 04:14
by MeatablePie
COMIC GOOFS 1 3073 MeatablePie 05-10-2013 22:08
by transgender nerd under canada
It doesn't make sense 39 11686 Angelyne 04-23-2013 03:17
by UnrealLegend
Robot Duplicates 16 4147 futurefreak 04-22-2013 19:17
by PhoffiFozz
Bureaucracy grades of Hermes 2 10121 Quantum Neutrino Field 04-11-2013 17:55
by Quantum Neutrino Field
The Location of Robot Hell 32 5086 UnrealLegend 02-17-2013 20:08
by Koobooki
Nerdy zombie notion... 1 2511 SapeMies 02-09-2013 21:42
by Koobooki
Amy, Amy give me your answer do 29 15819 JDHannan 01-21-2013 16:49
by Eternium
Tell me y'all know about this. 7 8539 Yoshimanitsu 01-05-2013 22:34
by Inquisitor Hein
Alien Alphabet Findings? 5 7304 FutureChild 11-16-2012 03:05
by UrlMeister
Zoidberg's Wedding 28 10145 UnrealLegend 11-10-2012 02:02
by Koobooki
Why not Zoidberg? 11 19335 Cinimod 11-04-2012 22:58
by Koobooki
The Color Purple
« 1 2 »
63 7079 FrysGIRL 11-02-2012 01:51
by TheMadCapper
Is fry stuck in an alternate universe? 2 8220 TheRealFry 10-26-2012 02:05
by TheRealFry
Something not many people got 2 2413 FutureChild 10-20-2012 00:01
by FutureChild
Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 ... 58
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