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General Disscussion
Talk about anything Futurama-related that doesn't fit into any of the specialized boards. Typo in board name has nostalgic value.
Admins:  Ubermods:  Moderators: futurefreak, ~FazeShift~
Subject Replies Views Started by Last post
Pages: 1 ... 184 185 186 [187] 188 189 190 ... 242
[Help] Transcription 509 17 1120 joke0 06-18-2003 09:33
by K5
[Help] Transcription of [4ACV12] The Farnsworth Parabox 16 6375 joke0 06-18-2003 09:06
by joke0
Is Amy just using Kif? 7 1027 Random 06-18-2003 03:59
by Tweek
Futurama.......a possible return? 11 1292 davids 06-17-2003 20:00
by Kryten
Robin Williams 11 5182 Clive_Evil_C 06-17-2003 13:24
by Nixorbo
DVDs comments.txt 2 997 beck 06-17-2003 02:34
by [-mArc-]
DS9 exploding... 13 1459 Hulkbuster 06-17-2003 02:07
by AJ
[Searching for video] Billy West Interview and others 15 1055 strange1 06-17-2003 01:01
by McGrady
A Word From our Sponsor 6 992 M Jackson 06-16-2003 21:13
by VelourFog
The new episodes 11 978 Chump 06-16-2003 20:35
by ShadowFox
Your Fantasy Episode 15 1203 Cube_166 06-16-2003 15:09
by VelourFog
Okay, I'll bite 2 1115 Random 06-16-2003 14:10
by VelourFog
Hurry up and upload Three Thousand Big Boys! 0 858 Maelin 06-16-2003 08:07
by Maelin
Best Advertisment in Futurama 30 1151 ShineFusion 06-16-2003 03:37
by Pittzoid
futurama gone 2 1074 ooy 06-16-2003 03:04
by ShineFusion
The Other Illegal OPEN 300 Big Boys Thread 6 893 Sarge 06-15-2003 19:48
by VelourFog
'why of fry' other comment did anyone hear it? 30 1056 olivia25 06-15-2003 14:06
by Denton
What do you know about the Futurama Game? 24 981 Mark 06-15-2003 13:13
by Tweek
Three hundered Big boys 12 1047 Australian Guy 06-15-2003 12:50
by Tweek
The subtlest joke 8 1196 Cube_166 06-15-2003 02:36
by Nixorbo
S05E11: Three Hundred Big Boys *spoilers* 7 948 bokchoy 06-15-2003 02:28
by Nixorbo
Most underrated episodes 24 1225 ShineFusion 06-15-2003 02:27
by Nixorbo
FOX Promo for Futurama (yeah, they did it again!) 6 1045 Bender5000 06-14-2003 13:26
by NibblerJr
Easter Eggs? 11 1117 SwanMan3000 06-14-2003 11:03
by Tweek
Character vs. Character 23 1203 SwanMan3000 06-14-2003 10:59
by Tweek
Pages: 1 ... 184 185 186 [187] 188 189 190 ... 242
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