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Author Topic: Last insignificant desperate plea  (Read 1038 times)
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Starship Captain
« on: 06-13-2003 04:30 »

How many people are there that visit this site and many other Futurama related sites? probably quite alot so y dont we make a petition or something to a network like Cartoon Network- if they see all the die hard fans there gonna realise the benifits of comishening more shows surely? Im sure theres many reasons why this wouldnt work but isnt it worth a try? Any thoughts?  :confused:

i mean u should never give up, once in the past i nearly gave up but i never did. R u listening to me? i give up..... 

Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 06-13-2003 04:52 »

Doesn`t hurt to try.

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 06-13-2003 06:27 »

i think its been done...12 times

Starship Captain
« Reply #3 on: 06-13-2003 06:54 »

really? cus the only thing ive ever herd was going to Fox which is pretty useless. But if Cartoon network knew the amount of people that are interested it may work. Cartoon Network afterall have seen the effects of Futurama already on their station. They seem alot more down to earth and more willing to try than Fox, does anyone else think its remotly plossible?

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 06-13-2003 10:02 »

But Fox have the production rights.

Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 06-13-2003 10:22 »

Originally posted by SwanMan3000:
How many people are there that visit this site and many other Futurama related sites? probably quite alot so y dont we make a petition or something to a network like Cartoon Network- if they see all the die hard fans there gonna realise the benifits of comishening more shows surely? Im sure theres many reasons why this wouldnt work but isnt it worth a try? Any thoughts?   :confused:

i mean u should never give up, once in the past i nearly gave up but i never did. R u listening to me? i give up..... 

Oh, great, then I don't have to answer this...

The Cartoon Network would say something like:

"Hey, we would really like to order new Episodes of Futurama. Seriously.
Got several Million Dollars so that we could afford doing so?"

It is not about petitions, but about money. As usual.  :mad:

Starship Captain
« Reply #6 on: 06-13-2003 11:25 »

well i realise that, but if they see how many people they will be targeting they may realise they will make alot of money. its obviously about money but cant they get sponsers etc. i have no idea how much a season costs do u? i cant imagine its that much in comparison to other shows. cartoon network is a big company isnt? are u saying they dont make a million dollars? Do Fox still have production rights even after they put it in the trash?
I really dont understand why it hasnt got any backers matt groening alone must be worth millions- he obviously dosnt think that Futurama is a good enough investment...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 06-13-2003 14:03 »

::Beats yet another dead horse::

A single episode of Futurama costs about 2-3 million dollars each.  Cartoon Network has already blown their wad on gettin the reruns to Futurama and Family Guy.  <They do not have enough money to fund new episodes</h2>

And since we already have about five of these threads . . .
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