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Author Topic: How do they add the outline on 3d models?  (Read 873 times)
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« on: 06-11-2003 15:17 »

I know how they make the 3d models, but how do they add the outline that always outlines it no matter what angle you see it from? For example, usually on a sphere if you see the outline on it from one angle, if you rotate, it will look like it has a line down the middle. How do they always keep the outline on the outside?

Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 06-11-2003 16:36 »
« Last Edit on: 06-11-2003 16:36 »

I think it's a technique called cell shading. it's also used in some newer video games like the new zelda on the gamecube, some pc game called XIII and the upcoming futurama xbox game. i don't know how it works exactly, but it has to do something with rendering the border pixels a bit thicker. i'm not an expert on 3D rendering and can't tell you more, so you'll best look up 'cell shading' in google (or whereever) yourself.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #2 on: 06-11-2003 17:13 »

Basically, by writing/altering their rendering engine they can make it look like just about anything - 3d renderers aren't limited to 'life-like' environments and smooth gradient shading.  :)

« Reply #3 on: 06-13-2003 07:54 »

Yeb it's a sertain renderer. I used it when I was doing a promo for a cartoon that involved 3-D models in a 2-D environment.
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