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General Disscussion
Talk about anything Futurama-related that doesn't fit into any of the specialized boards. Typo in board name has nostalgic value.
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Subject Replies Views Started by Last post
Pages: 1 ... 191 192 193 [194] 195 196 197 ... 242
Channel 4 Censorship 10 1415 nik 04-28-2003 02:44
by CyberKnight
Music from s02e20 8 1094 Howster 04-27-2003 13:50
by Mercapto
THE 1ST SEASONAL FUTURAMA AWARDS:AND THE WINNERS ARE.. 12 973 HawkingHole4001 04-27-2003 03:21
by Teral
Futurama Cancelled? 5 1149 Dancor40243 04-27-2003 00:58
by Kryten
THE 1ST SEASONAL FUTURAMA AWARDS: VOTING TIME! 25 1032 HawkingHole4001 04-26-2003 15:08
by HawkingHole4001
America have taken over the world? (in Futurama I mean)
« 1 2 »
42 3466 Stuart 04-25-2003 16:18
by Teral
The Eagle has FIRED! (other SciFi in Futurama) 30 1448 Yorokobi 04-25-2003 10:04
by reverend
David A. Goodman answers your questions (some spoilers) 14 15787 Smitty 04-25-2003 03:10
by Chanukah Zombie
Quotes & Sounds thread 38 3601 K5 04-25-2003 02:56
by Kryten
Aussie TV?
« 1 2 3 4 ... 20 »
760 23429 Seams_Buntum 04-24-2003 21:08
by Grim
"The Why of Fry" 5 1027 zyphr 04-24-2003 19:25
by Nixorbo
Why Didn't they give the Planet Express ship a name? 21 3029 Fee 04-24-2003 17:53
by Javier Lopez
Let's all go teasing the new guy! 6 997 zyphr 04-24-2003 17:39
by Tweek
A Quick Spelling Lesson 5 935 smallfry 04-24-2003 17:38
by Tweek
Futurama UK Ratings - March 23 11 938 sheep555 04-24-2003 17:24
by Teral
Worst Episode EVER 3 956 Jarvio 04-24-2003 09:25
by Nixorbo
Best Episode EVER 3 954 Jarvio 04-24-2003 09:24
by Nixorbo
HawkingHole4001 Presents THE 1ST SEASONAL FUTURAMA AWARDS! 22 1016 HawkingHole4001 04-23-2003 22:44
by HawkingHole4001
Did anyone get a Futurama re-run this past Sun.? 3 965 Spice Weasel 04-23-2003 17:30
by Future Angel
Dwite 2 1248 Dancor40243 04-23-2003 12:37
by Dancor40243
Win Season 1 4 1072 BobbyL 04-22-2003 11:49
by Nixorbo
My futurama dream (for shippers)
« 1 2 »
44 2149 crippled_@$$ 04-22-2003 04:33
by Chanukah Zombie
Preliminary episode information on "The Sting"
« 1 2 3 »
85 3173 CyberKnight 04-21-2003 22:46
by getak2003
Season 3 DVD 5 1117 MattyB 04-21-2003 17:31
by Nixorbo
time travel and paradoxes in Futurama 3 1299 Ace 04-20-2003 12:58
by Nixorbo
Pages: 1 ... 191 192 193 [194] 195 196 197 ... 242
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