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Author Topic: Futurama article in Winston-Salem (North Carolina) Journal  (Read 1125 times)
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« on: 04-04-2003 20:36 »

Futurama was featured on page E1 of the Winston-Salem Journal, my local paper.

The local reporter Tim Clodfelter interview David X. Cohen. The article is available at http://journalnow.com/wsj/entertain/tv/MGBFGLP33ED.html

Here's some bits and pieces:
Promotion: Futurama is getting attention it deserves
After years of neglect on the Fox Network, the animated science-fiction spoof Futurama is finally getting some respect on DVD and cable.
<Summary of show>
     "I think it's such a great show for DVD," said David X. Cohen, co-creator of Futurama. <snip>
     The first season has now been released in a boxed set with 13 episodes on three DVDs. The second season will be released in September, and other volumes are in the works.
<Summary of DVD features>
     "At this point, it's like a little reunion," Cohen said of the commentary recording sessions. "We do them in real time, with surprisingly little preparation."
     Futurama Started on Fox in 1999. It is still sporadically shown on the network, though episodes are frequently pre-empted by sports. Since the fifth season began in November, only six new episodes have been shown in their entirety. Another new episode will be shown at 7 p.m. Sunday.
     Although Fox has shown little support for the show, Futurama is faring better on the Cartoon Network...
     "They've doubled and tripled the ratings in their demographic," Cohen said. "I hear a lot of large numbers, and I'm not sure what they all mean, but when I see 'plus 100' or '200' percent, I assume that's good."
     "Talking urinal ads," Cohen said. "I'm not joking. There's a little poster of Bender they put up over urinals, and he talks to you while you're standing there. If that's not a classy promotion, I don't know what is."

So, important information gleaned:
R1S2 DVDs will be released in September
R1S3 DVDs will eventually be released
Fox WILL NOT reneg on Sunday's ep
Ratings on CN are better than excellent
Fox doesn't care

Hope everyone has enjoyed this excursion into my hometown.

Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 04-04-2003 20:43 »

Nice.  Thanks.

Not being privy (hah!) to the posters, can anyone tell me exactly what tale Bender regales one with in the commode?

« Reply #2 on: 04-07-2003 07:08 »

This morning's USA TODAY lists Futurama as "Cancelled (or near death)".
The Names Nick

« Reply #3 on: 04-07-2003 08:52 »

NEAR DEATH!! Im really haten FOX right now. I just hope they air the remaining eps sometime before the back end of 2004 or at least send em to CN to air em.

« Reply #4 on: 04-07-2003 09:29 »

We all are.
Unfortunately, USA TODAY didn't put the chart on the Website.
It would be nice if FOX at least gave us some closure.

Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 04-07-2003 12:47 »

Here is my favorite quote from the article:

"At this point, it's like a little reunion," Cohen said of the commentary recording sessions. "We do them in real time, with surprisingly little preparation."

What that says to me is that the Series 4 DVDs will probably have commentary since this interview was done long after the Series 3 commentaries were recorded and he's talking in present tense.  I'd love to hear Matt, and especially David's comments on "Where No Fan..." and "The Why of Fry", as well as all other Series 4 shows.

If I can't have more Futurama, I at least want to know I will own all 72 episodes as complete as the first 13 some day.

Starship Captain
« Reply #6 on: 04-08-2003 02:57 »

I agree.  Okay, Fox, screw around with us, just give us the DVDs!
Spice Weasel

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #7 on: 04-08-2003 03:00 »

Originally posted by Damitol:
If I can't have more Futurama, I at least want to know I will own all 72 episodes as complete as the first 13 some day.

Damn straight.  I was just saying that same thing to my chum over the weekend.
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