

Silence! A push-back in times, especially on Sunday, could help ratings.


Yes! Now I don't have to choose to watch the Simpsons, Daily Show or Futurama at 10! Just have to worry about 2.


Silence! But it should eliminate the conflicts with the demographic portion that wants to watch the news. And it doesn't conflict with Letterman or Leno.


Uh, silence!...yeah, anyway is anyone else mad about the not showing Space Ghost Coast to Coast anymore (at least not as much, I actually saw it last Sunday, but it doesn't have a normal timeslot that i know of)? I don't know about you, but I loved that show.
Also, speaking of Adult Swim, did anyone else used to stay up all night on Saturday and watch the 5-hour Midnight Run on C.N.? Just wondering.


Silence! What Midnight Run? A huge amount of Futurama? How did I miss that?


By the way, this was like 3 or 4 years ago on Saturday nights only, midnight to 5 AM


« Reply #14 on: 04-05-2003 12:37 »
« Last Edit on: 04-05-2003 12:37 »
Silence! Then why did you bother to mention it? Let's just see what happens. Maybe CN's ratings will go up even farther than they already have (see http://www.peelified.com/cgi-bin/Futurama/1-001730-1/ for DXC's ratings rise figures) and CN will order some new eps to eliminate the new/rerun/new sandwich that lfv was talking about. Boy wouldn't that be amazing.


Originally posted by SQFreak: Silence! Then why did you bother to mention it? Because Adult Swim is based off of the Midnight Run. Kinda like it evolved from it, and since Futurama is in Adult Swim and we were talking about other cartoons like Home Movies, I figured I'd mention it.
Bending Unit
Sorry for thread necromancy. But looks like we have an update. AS ran a short ad last night regarding a schedule change May 25th, and it looks like Futurama will be dropped from Sundays entirely and remain on Mon. - Thurs. The Adult Swim original shows will be showing new episodes though (except for The Brak Show, which is still off the air). Download the ad here - http://www.adultswimunleashed.com