
DOOP Secretary

Would Sky help though, both it and Fox belong to Murdoch?

Bending Unit
« Reply #4 on: 04-17-2002 08:51 »
« Last Edit on: 04-17-2002 08:51 »
Originally posted by the_AmyLover_1: I think sky would do something if aproached.
Hmm... Wish I could believe that. As already mentioned its part of the Murdoch empire and currently buys Futurama (at a knock-down price) from FOX. I think Sky would have to have a _really_ huge fanbase (i.e. Sky would collapse if it stopped showing it!) for it to get involved. I'd be interested to see the UK ratings for the show. Sky has it in quite a prominent time-slot, right after new 'Simpsons' on a Sunday night. I'm sure the show does well in comparison with other 'Sky One' shows. The other thing is that Sky does not have a major digital rival at this point (unlike FOX who have NBC et al). Sure it has the Beeb and ITV but these are free-to-air and unless Sky One goes down the same route (not likely) then its not going to compete directly. Lest us not forget: Futurama is not dead... yet. We still have another season to come and I will be looking forward to every-single-one of the eps. In fact im actually more excited about the Season 2 DVD release (please, please, please let there be full commentry tracks). Futurama in a crisp clear uncut digital form, give me an excuse to bin my tatty vids for all eternity. wiggles


Originally posted by KENNEDY: Does Sky even have an animation studio?It'll take a few million to buy the rights and then more to make episodes.Is this such a feisable idea? Probably not. The show would cease to be the same since they couldn't get all the writers and animators over to the U.K. But, the animators work for Rough Draft Korea in South Korea, right? But the writers, directors, etc...

DOOP Secretary

Apart from "Tourists behaving badly" type shows does Sky make any original programmes?


come on we got to make the show to continue alive. wa have to do all we can. i dont give a crap as long as the show continues

Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 04-09-2003 13:11 »
« Last Edit on: 04-09-2003 13:11 »
Originally posted by KENNEDY: Does Sky even have an animation studio?It'll take a few million to buy the rights and then more to make episodes.Is this such a feisable idea? FOX doesn't even own the animation studio which produces Futurama, either. FOX just buys the episodes from Curiosity Company to air (and the right to air (or in this case, not air them)). They wouldn't even have to move to the UK, Sky could just buy the episodes from Curiosity in the States. That said, it's highly unlikely Sky would/could do anything about it. They've certainly been treating Futurama pretty dang good this season (aside from the Simpsons 300th pre-emption, but I think we can forgive them for that  ), but they're still a niche network in a country that simply isn't as rich as the US. Futurama's suffering from "wrong time" syndrome. Perhaps in 2009, when the terrestrial networks will be turned off, Sky would probably have been more interested in picking up a show which would consolidate their stake in digital tv. The economic downturn probably hasn't helped Futurama in the US either (networks seeking cost-cutting measures). Of course, never say never. It would be a big publicity boon for Sky to have control of a Groening show, and they'd probably promote the hell out of it to make a good return on their investment (like CN), but I imagine it would take a significant bite out of their production budget. EDIT: Oh, and Sky do make some of their own shows, like Dream Team et al.