
The Listmaker
Urban Legend
Many PEELers - myself included - have suggested that already. The theory however is predictable to fail, because how many people really read the Rules, Policies, and Disclaimers before they hit the agree button? Nearly no one. It would be the same with a link included in the registration mail. All you are looking for in that mail is your passowrd to start, and not the rules. At least I can see that most newbs do it that way. I didn't read them for instance, and was lucky that my behaviour basicly fitted them from the start on.

DOOP Secretary

Email them and give them a threat. In other words, no way at all.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by i_c_weiner: In the profile section, it says "Allow Bulletin Board Administrators and Moderators To Send You Email Notices?" What would they email me about? Your charming personality. You doing anything Tuesday?

Starship Captain
hey... you're not GFF... Ah! Help! you are messing with my mind! And to not make a pointless post, why isn't the PEELers FAQ used as the official FAQ? It contains all the details, as well as more. It's also more aesthitically pleasing. Oh, and: Nix said: Your charming personality. You doing anything Tuesday? If he is, I'm not. Do you want to get a bite to eat or something?

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
Originally posted by IDIOTSVILLE: Yes thank you What? Since when do you carry my name?  Oh yes, aslate. I am slightly happier.  @Futurama Crazy : You guessed right!  @Krokei: The PEELers' FAQ isn't considered as official since it isn't anyting other than the comprehension on the " Helping the newbs thread. The real FAQ covers questions about how to cope with the Ultimate Bulletin Boards software, its code and behaviour. The rules admins and moderators developed can be found in the Information Booth, mainly in the rules of the road thread, but also many other threads made in this section of PEEL. You see that aslate's PEELers' FAQ (the one I refer to) is just a comprehension of these all. Still it can't hurt to take a look on the real/official things. The Disclaimer you agreed to while signing up is also part of it.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
There is no sign in. You can set your cookie to remember your password here, that's all, though.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Krokei: Oh, and: Nix said: Your charming personality. You doing anything Tuesday? If he is, I'm not. Do you want to get a bite to eat or something? I'm open. But I'm not into that kind of stuff, thank you. Michael Jackson obviously isn't either, so don't go bother him. So, Krokei, go do stuff. Also, stop the stupid posts that are random and don't are directed at a comment not intended to you. Futurama Crazy, I'm not sure if that was spam, post-jacking, or if you really thought GFF made things alot easier. If it was the either of the first two...SPAM! Spam I say! Spam everywhere! It's covering me! I must escape from the spam! Too much spam!

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by IamBender: You said it, IV. Off with the spammers!
Okay, bye.

DOOP Secretary

*cough*Pretty much all the new PEELers at On-topic.*cough*