The Listmaker
Urban Legend
What do you mean with "starting to ruin"? PEEL did fine with that over 5 and a half years, of course people have been complaining about these names before, but still it never was a problem. Just because your brother doesn't get the name he wants doesn't ruin the message board. It's not that important, or is your brother? Like suggested, alternate the name he wanted. Or be a little creative, can't be that hard to do. You managed it as well. well, you are not the first to have asked for that, like I already said: Q: Originally posted by cujoe169: why does peel have so many 0 post members? can't the admins do some kind of cleansing? to delete the inactive members? A: Originally posted by Teral: Why should they? The accounts don't take up server resources, deleting would be time consuming and if people returned to post a question they might be miffed to see teir account deleted (I know I was when Toonzone nuked me account without any warning). and also here: http://www.peelified.com/cgi-bin/Futurama/13-000243-2/#41
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
It could be counted as either. I lurked here for a while before I joined, and looked around even more after.
DOOP Secretary
Nevermind my last post. It's alright now.
The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #351 on: 12-01-2005 15:48 »
« Last Edit on: 12-01-2005 15:48 »
We do take you seriously, but you don't want to agree with this message board's policy and rules. Let me try to explain it once more: This message board - PEELified.com - and its older members have laid down rules about how to behave here and what to do, so that we all can get along well with each other. These rules need to be followed, since this message board had, and somehow still has problems concerning bandwidth and usage of space. There fore members agreed on cutting down redundancies in threads and general spamming. That means for you that you shouldn't open new threads if there is obviously an old one existing. So please search everytime you got an idea for a new thread before you even click the link for a new pool or thread. As long as you don't follow that, every attempt you make will be closed. I even predict that not long to go you will get some official warning to a ban - which will exclude you from this forum. Believe me, it is easier for you to stretch to these rules than the whole message board stretching just for you. Rules have worked for years now and they will go on doing so, until someone in charge lays down new ones. To remind you: we are only bullying those guys that won't even understand us after the 10th time we told them how to behave here. And to give you another chance, go take a look at our guidebook: The PEELers' FAQ.@DeltaP42: We have talked about it last year, and from what I know it is a topic that comes up at least once a year. The problem is that most newbs just come in to ask one question (prefered is "Will it come back?" ) wait for a reply and either start to bitch about it, or leave again. Restricting new members from starting threads at all would prevents them on doing so of course, but that also means that we won't have new members anymore. It would perhaps be easier if there would be the option of a "sticked thread" for newbs, but as we all know that isn't possible
DOOP Secretary
We're not "bullying", it's more of an "initiation ritual."
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by mcl6525: does Peel have N00b of the year award? i think there should be because us noobs have no other source of recongition Surprisingly yes. There's a Best New PEELer award at the PEELies.
DOOP Secretary
What about a N00b Award, for the most n00bish person on PEEL?