The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #360 on: 05-29-2004 09:31 »
« Last Edit on: 05-29-2004 09:31 »
Last night a guy on the radio played a game, he played the theme songs of Futurama and The Simpsons and wanted to know the names of the shows He said that both songs were written by Danny Elfman. I called and proved him wrong. The Futurama Theme song is from Christopher Tyng and not Danny Elfman. Sadly I didn't win, another jerk was faster. Edit: ... but I did win this TOTPD right now, yeah go me!
In health class the other day, we were doing a drug unit you know, "Don't drink or do drugs, yadda yadda yadda" and my teacher was asking if we knew which was more dangerous, driving drunk, or high. I was immediatly reminded of "The Problem with Popplers", where Lrrr eats the hippy. I said "When you're drunk, you have a slight sense of realit, how I know, I do not, but whne you're high, it's like "Woah...My hands.. they're HUGE! They can tuch anything but themselves" I would have said "oh, wait" , but everyone was laughing, and they were making me laugh. Of course, most of my school doesn't know about Futurama, curse them all!
Bending Unit
A boy at school (Andrew Baker, a.k.a Chubbs) reminds me of Futurama, because he is the one who introduced me to it. 'Woop woop woop woop' he would say, dancing around the classroom and making claw-clacking motions with his fingers. And I would stand there, pondering this strange and unfamiliar scene of madness; 'What are you doing??' 'I'm Dr Zoidberg! You know, from Futurama' Ah, yes. Futurama. I had only ever seen 3 episodes at this time, none of which had made much of an impression on me. And so he began to tell me all about the characters and of his favourite quotes. I was intrigued, and every day I would ask him more about Futurama. This inspired me to go on and research Futurama on the Internet, and I soon discovered that with just 16 of my pounds, the first series of Futurama could be my own. And so I ordered it from and 2 days later it was delivered to my door. I was hooked. I loved it. And now my life has been significantly improved by the joyous and most fantastic Futurama, and I owe it all to noble and merry Chubbs. God bless him.
In my history class, we have to write skits about a period in the Roman empire. My friend made picketing signs for hers, it was or other. I was holding it up when we were practicing,and all I could think of saying was " What do we want? FRY'S DOG!When do we want it? FRY'S DOG!" apparently I did it, because she was looking at me funny. Also, a friend of mine reminds me of Randy, because we suspect he's gay..and another idiot in my class reminds me of "Lady Boy" from PYHOMS, only, he's not a cross dresser, but we still call him Lady Boy.
Marcetron 4000
I can't eat french fries without thinking of Fry...and vice versa
When im drunk and fall asleep i remeber Fry in Insane in the Mainframe when he drank too much beer
i use futurama quotes very often my fav at the moment is BAM, when i get the upper hand on a conversation (argument). Another would have to be 'Im back Baby' (bender). All my friends and i constally when we walk back from the pub is doing the bender strut when bender was a pimp in the court house.
another is because my broter is a chef the spise wesle get mentioned often. i wish i could by one.
Dr. Morberg
We just finished studying Greek mythology, and the messenger god is Hermes. Now THAT's any easy name to remember.
At a meeting at work we were discussing changes we made to a client's website, and someone asked how they felt about the graphics we proposed to use as placeholders, and my boss said "They're not fans." In almost the same way Farnsworth says it to Leela in FOABP.