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Author Topic: Yo, jabronie! The My Little Pony: Friendzone is Magic thread.  (Read 96559 times)
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PEE Poll: Which pony would you let snort blow off your thighs?
Star Swirl the Bearded
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Apple Bloom
Babs Seed
Granny Smith
Big Macintosh
King Sombra


Starship Captain
« Reply #160 on: 04-26-2013 00:33 »
« Last Edit on: 04-26-2013 00:34 »

^ Love that xD
I've taken the MBTI several times and have gotten either INTJ or ENTJ; I'm definitely going to go with my INTJ side this time, as I really don't want to be Trixie  :)

Why not both? I've taken on both, and consequently turned myself into a pony ><

Your pony looks great, but I'm not artistic enough to make a combination pony for myself  :)

TLF, I really don't dislike RD at all; it's just that her arrogance and insensitivity make her the least likable of the mane 6 for me. I do love her loyalty to her friends, though, and I think she usually has the best lines.
See wheras I think characters that are the most far from perfect are the best characters, it's certainly why RD is quite often the character that has to learn something in an episode. I'm trying to suss out who your fave character is... Twilight?

I completely agree that the best characters are often the most flawed; I just think each one is equally flawed, just in different ways, and I find the others' flaws more sympathetic. My favorite's Pinkie Pie, with Rarity being a close second  :)
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #161 on: 04-30-2013 05:50 »
« Last Edit on: 04-30-2013 06:50 »

I could make people ponies, maybe, but I don't want to start making ponies for everyone since I've still got several dozen requests for Futurama stuff, so if I do it'll be after all this other stuff I want to get through.

Well there's a fair few Rarity fans floating around this site, if the poll is anything to go by. Poor AJ, not getting much love.

Although don't get me wrong, she's my second fave, if only because of the competitive dynamic she has with RD, also when she's in a disagreement with Rarity, that stuff's just hilarious cause she pisses off Rarity so much. :laff:

Debating whether to start getting comic books or whether it's going to be an expense I can't afford. Covers are amusing though xD
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #162 on: 05-01-2013 03:12 »

Well there's a fair few Rarity fans floating around this site, if the poll is anything to go by.

I still don't know how to answer that poll.

By the way, I think Daniel Ingram is composing music for the "Equestria Girls" film. I have to wonder if that is true, if they will also be using the original voices as well?
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #163 on: 05-02-2013 03:41 »

from EQD:

When a crown is stolen from the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle pursues the thief into an alternate world where she transforms into a teenage girl who must survive her biggest challenge yet… high school. With help from her new friends who remind her of Ponyville’s Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, she embarks upon a quest to find the crown and change the destiny of these two parallel worlds.

Full post: here
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #164 on: 05-02-2013 17:54 »


Admittedly, I've heard of worse synopsis or plots, and I suppose Twilight is particularly good at being a fish-out-of-water character.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #165 on: 05-04-2013 04:44 »

Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #166 on: 05-06-2013 04:33 »

The Doctor has been doubled!
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #167 on: 05-13-2013 05:42 »
« Last Edit on: 05-13-2013 07:17 »

Equestria Girls has a preview

I'm still not fond of that design. - Thank goodness they ditched the 'lips' and the pony features. The only appearance thing that bothers me now is the fact they're impossibly thin. Also, that RD and AJ are wearing skirts, granted, RD is wearing shorts underneath, but then that begs the question as to why put a skirt on over the top?

Because I'm bored, I shall do my screen cap thing. Think of it as a warm up to when new Futurama comes out.


Space Pope
« Reply #168 on: 05-13-2013 08:26 »

Ouch! Spike the Dog hurts my eyes. Also yeah...the skin color is throwing me off, seems kind of weird. I'm not even gonna bother with the trailer, these photos have hurt me enough.

« Reply #169 on: 05-13-2013 16:51 »

Too bad the movie doesn't come out earlier, I could have watched it for my culture and art class to make an assignment about :laff:

The trailer is a bit weird, and I am REALLY anoyed by the background music "friendship is magic lalalalala-ugh"

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #170 on: 05-13-2013 22:44 »

I'm so nervoucited! :D

I'm also surprised that everyone has such a negative view of this. Are we forgetting that two of the best episodes of this series were about a fashion show and a sleepover?

Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #171 on: 05-14-2013 04:22 »
« Last Edit on: 05-14-2013 11:19 »

I'm not being negative... much... There's just some things that really bug me, like Spike and certain characters wearing skirts. There's some things though that I was delighted to see.

le edit:

le second edit: because random lol


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #172 on: 05-14-2013 13:30 »

I'm not being negative... much... There's just some things that really bug me, like Spike and certain characters wearing skirts. There's some things though that I was delighted to see.

Actually, I wasn't referring to you. Most PEELers have been very reasonable, interestingly enough. ;)

The Spike thing will depend on how it's played. The skirt thing, on the other hoof hand, is non-issue for me, because it seems to me very informed by stereotype to say certain characters wouldn't wear skirts just because of their personalities, and even more so when you consider that the only version of their personalities that we know don't normally wear clothes in the first place.

As evidence, I submit this picture of Applejack wearing a dress :p :

Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #173 on: 05-14-2013 22:01 »

An' it don't look rite! >__<

Something that always struck me about that scene is the missed opportunity of pointing out that frou-frou dresses can be found just lying around Twilight's home.

Twilight's guilty pleasure of playing dress-up seems something that could generate a fair bit of air time. :p

I should write another fanfic!
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #174 on: 05-16-2013 04:28 »
« Last Edit on: 05-17-2013 06:49 »

"Beggin' pardon Rarity, but we don't normally wear clothes."

I find that pic so amusing. Applejack needs to pretty up more often. Maybe not in baby blue  and pink >< Red, perhaps.

The fanbase is out of control! And they talk about love and tolerating, tsk.

Zed; it could be just from a dress stash Pinkie Pie has. For dress emergencies


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #175 on: 05-21-2013 11:28 »

Your brain is about to get raped:

Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #176 on: 05-23-2013 07:20 »

Not so much raped, just annoying.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #177 on: 05-23-2013 07:23 »
« Last Edit on: 05-23-2013 09:02 »

Are you even aware of what's going on in that video?

Vaguely. Even if the word "Hack" wasn't in the title, I would have guessed they were mucking around with the system - if only to create the mlp theme at the end. Which, is clever of them, and I do appreciate the final product, but I didn't need to be shown how, it was kinda boring for someone who's more Sony inclined, I tried...

Yes... this is very basically what they did.  More to the point, they just Matrix'd the gameboy and made it did what they wanted it to do from inside a videogame.  It'd be like if you were playing MGS4 and you reloaded your gun a thousand times to write a code so that psycho-mantis ran around with ponies for hands.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #178 on: 05-23-2013 07:44 »

Vaguely. Even if the word "Hack" wasn't in the title, I would have guessed they were mucking around with the system - if only to create the mlp theme at the end. Which, is clever of them, and I do appreciate the final product, but I didn't need to be shown how, it was kinda boring for someone who's more Sony inclined, I tried...

Although it sounds cool as a chip-tune, the only chip-tune I reallylike is Blackout City Artist: Anamanaguchi

And to keep this pony related, here's the PMV


If you haven't seen Ponies The Anthology or the sequel, they're worth a look.

« Reply #179 on: 05-23-2013 19:42 »

So I drew fluttershy on my phone's cover, and when I was at the pool watching my niece when a girl next to me(she was 12 I think) asked me "What is that on your cover?" And I was like "ehm, A pony..." she: "Oh cool! That's fluttershy!"

I made a jump of excite in my head  :laff:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #180 on: 05-25-2013 07:06 »
« Last Edit on: 05-25-2013 07:32 »

For the record, the comics are pretty well written and the art is really quite wonderful.

Honestly, they have some of the most beautiful art I've ever seen in a comic.

Oh, and I definitely want to see a complete side series about Spike and Celestia.

« Reply #181 on: 06-08-2013 22:36 »
« Last Edit on: 06-09-2013 21:34 »


And here is, in case you missed it, another Equestria Girls trailer :D This one looks so much more promising if you ask me(tough it does spoil the plot quite a lot)

Some framegrabs:

« Reply #182 on: 06-09-2013 22:18 »

An' it don't look rite! >__<

Something that always struck me about that scene is the missed opportunity of pointing out that frou-frou dresses can be found just lying around Twilight's home.

Twilight's guilty pleasure of playing dress-up seems something that could generate a fair bit of air time. :p

I should write another fanfic!

That's not the only thing they found lying around her house. :p

Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #183 on: 06-14-2013 03:59 »
« Last Edit on: 06-14-2013 04:38 by Xanfor »

Eternium's putting me out of a job.

Although I have a few comments to add


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #184 on: 06-14-2013 04:14 »

Why are they people now? :confused:
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #185 on: 06-14-2013 04:32 »

Why are they people now? :confused:


Urban Legend
« Reply #186 on: 06-16-2013 02:03 »

This is stupid.

They don't look all that slutty to me.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #187 on: 06-16-2013 05:07 »

Aww, the "ask random people what they think" form of journalism. That's adorable.

Another ridiculous assertion I've heard is that Hasbro only made Equestria Girls to sexually appeal to older fans, a postulate to which there is only one appropriate response:

Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #188 on: 06-17-2013 04:06 »


Space Pope
« Reply #189 on: 06-17-2013 04:44 »

That one pony with the curly hair and glasses looks like Emma Stone in Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (which may be on TV right now and I may have watched part of it because I love Emma Stone and be the only reason I'll ever bring this movie up again in any context).


Starship Captain
« Reply #190 on: 06-17-2013 05:41 »
« Last Edit on: 06-17-2013 05:43 »

I love that, TLF! Maybe I'm just too tired, but that image of Rainbow Dash at the end made me laugh out loud. Thanks for taking the time to make that.  :)

Also, I know I'm biased in her favor, but Rarity is way cooler than that says. :D

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #191 on: 06-17-2013 12:03 »

Yeah but these days it's cool to not acknowledge just how cool she really is.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #192 on: 06-17-2013 15:20 »

Yeah but these days it's cool to not acknowledge just how cool she really is.

Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #193 on: 06-19-2013 03:31 »

Did anyone go see it in the cinema? I would've but combined with the airline ticket to America it seemed a bit pricey to go.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #194 on: 06-22-2013 00:10 »

I'm thinking about it, but I already spent my yearly cinema budget on Star Trek. :(
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #195 on: 06-22-2013 03:20 »

Did anyone go see it in the cinema? I would've but combined with the airline ticket to America it seemed a bit pricey to go.

Actually, I am planning on seeing the film tomorrow, Saturday. I vowed to myself I'd only see the film if it was less than an hour drive to the theater, knowing that I probably wouldn't drive seven hours to the other side of the state, but after they revealed more theaters, several of them happen to be the closest theaters to where I live. I'm obligated as a brony to do so, but I've also been anticipating this and have been excited for the event. Theater is like fifteen minutes away but we stopped going to it now that it has fallen under poor management and disrepair... no wonder that theater's showing it. Still, I actually quite like the theater- they serve slushies and nacho chips and cheese. I feel like I should wear a dark hoodie and thick shades when I purchase my ticket...

Starship Captain
« Reply #196 on: 06-22-2013 03:53 »

I wish I could go see it in theaters, but I don't think it's playing anywhere within several hours of me. :(
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #197 on: 06-22-2013 05:15 »

I'm thinking about it, but I already spent my yearly cinema budget on Star Trek. :(
I approve of your choice of film. I also went and saw this.

Frida; Well I hope the film makes up for the poor management. Enjoy your nachos and slushie!

I wish I could go see it in theaters, but I don't think it's playing anywhere within several hours of me. :(

I feel your pain, having lived in the country for ages, there's some films that don't make it to the local theatre. Luckily, a trip to the city can be done in a day.

August 24th. Freaking, August, why must it take so long for it to reach Australian cinemas?!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #198 on: 06-22-2013 05:26 »

I approve of your choice of film. I also went and saw this.

Then again, my yearly cinema budget consists of enough for two films. Technically, since I used half of this year's allotment to take a friend to see Star Trek with me, I could easily requisition additional funds for Equestria Girls without a radical alteration of my financial paradigm.

<SEL2000>: But you only stamped the paperwork four times!
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #199 on: 06-28-2013 05:19 »

It's on Youtube if you want to watch something that's clearly been recorded with a potato mobile phone. I, uh, may have seen it that way, but that won't change the fact that I'll go see it in cineman when it's out, because I feel bad about copywrite stuff.
I know the million dollar question, is it worth seeing in cinema?

My favourite scene/facial expression in the entire thing;

Although, the cute little Sparity moments amused me also,

Although, now I say "cute" and look at that picture...

Speaking of Rarity, I was fiddeling with hair stuff before leaving and started wondering if I should see if I could make the blind bags into accessories, didn't end up making much, just taking pics of my Blind Bag Rarity frolicking in ribbon.

They sit well tied to clips, although they look like they've hung themselves.

And yes I did try it on, pic should be up on PEELer pics soon.

I would love to do this with Futurama characters, but I've not found figurines small enough to do this with.  :(
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