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Author Topic: Yo, jabronie! The My Little Pony: Friendzone is Magic thread.  (Read 96581 times)
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PEE Poll: Which pony would you let snort blow off your thighs?
Star Swirl the Bearded
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Apple Bloom
Babs Seed
Granny Smith
Big Macintosh
King Sombra


Space Pope
« on: 01-15-2013 07:58 »

Just filling demand where I see it. Do whatever it is that you guys do in here.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #1 on: 01-15-2013 08:06 »


Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 01-15-2013 08:08 »

Ok guys I confess: I want Pinkie Pie to wear a mustache for forever.

Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 01-15-2013 08:29 »

It saddens and angers me that the last thread was able to reach 20 pages.

I judge you, I judge you all!
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 01-15-2013 09:52 »

Gorrammit, I vote for Queen Luna last thread, then someone changed the poll around so it looked like I voted for the option of saying Flutteryshy sucks.
 :mad: :mad: :mad:



Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 01-15-2013 10:10 »

You can rest assured that things are different around here now. You're safe from humiliation in my The My Little Pony thread.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #6 on: 01-15-2013 10:15 »

Fluttershy is one of my favorite pony ponies.  I voted in the poll first!

« Reply #7 on: 01-15-2013 15:43 »
« Last Edit on: 01-15-2013 15:46 »

Everyone knows that crystal meth is the drug of choice for ponies.

We had an entire 2-parter episode dedicated to it at the start of this season.


Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 01-15-2013 22:01 »

This thread needs moar background ponies.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #9 on: 01-16-2013 03:50 »

I want my damn Rarity episode.

Space Pope
« Reply #10 on: 01-16-2013 10:46 »
« Last Edit on: 01-16-2013 10:48 »

This thread needs moar background ponies.

Actually, I have to warn you that I will be coming down hard on anybody engaging in this behaviour. There is to be none of that here. I'm stripping out all of the chaff and getting back to basics. This is to be a lean, efficient the my The My Little Pony Thread thread. Only the strongest will survive.

Fluttershy is one of my favorite pony ponies.  I voted in the poll first!

Good show, that man! Thank you for voting in the my The My Little Pony Thread thread.

On-topic question from somebody who has only seen one episode before, and it was about Applejack becoming obsessed with collecting her apples, or something: Pegusi and Unicorns co-exist in the The My Little Pony universe, as I understand it. And as I further understand, both species hold a distinct advantage over unspecialised ponies. Do these species have any clear weaknesses (heat dissipation, easily fatigued, energy requirements, etc.) to compensate, or are the poor unspecialised ponies doomed to extinction, like the poor doomed Neanderthals? Do they even share a common biological link with the unspecialised ponies or is it merely convergent evolution? Furthermore, are there any known examples of Pegasi/Unicorn hybrids in this universe?
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #11 on: 01-16-2013 11:05 »

I don't quite understand what the poll is axing. Can somepony put it in laypony's terms?

On-topic question from somebody who has only seen one episode before, and it was about Applejack becoming obsessed with collecting her apples, or something: Pegusi and Unicorns co-exist in the The My Little Pony universe, as I understand it. And as I further understand, both species hold a distinct advantage over unspecialised ponies. Do these species have any clear weaknesses (heat dissipation, easily fatigued, energy requirements, etc.) to compensate, or are the poor unspecialised ponies doomed to extinction, like the poor doomed Neanderthals? Do they even share a common biological link with the unspecialised ponies or is it merely convergent evolution? Furthermore, are there any known examples of Pegasi/Unicorn hybrids in this universe?

Though it isn't explicitedly stated in the show (though it is referenced in "Hearth's Warming Eve", each sub-species of pony has their own unique ability. Unicorns have magic powers, but typically limited to levitation. Pegasi can fly (duh) and can walk on clouds. And normal ponies, earth ponies as named in the show, possess a more subtle form of magic. Earth ponies have a natural connection to the land and all its living things. They cultivate crops better, they have a better understanding of other critters (Fluttershy was originally supposed to be an earth pony), and they seem to have a real knack at cooking.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #12 on: 01-16-2013 14:06 »

The poll is asking which pony is your poniest pony!

Which basically means which pony would you prefer to let ingest (large quantities of) cocaine laying (preferably in neatly bundled rows) across your thigh(s) through their pony nasal cavities.


« Reply #13 on: 01-16-2013 23:25 »
« Last Edit on: 01-16-2013 23:27 »

Yeah, without earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns starve to death.

This is basically enshrined as canon in the episode "Hearth's Warming Eve" where each race has an ultimate veto card they can play:

Unicorns are required to raise the sun, pegasi are required to control the weather, earth ponies are needed to grow the food due to their higher physical strength, unicorns and pegasi are too weak for manual labour.

In a post-Princess Celestia world (she is an Alicorn, the unicorn/pegasus hybrid you were wondering about), the unicorns no longer raise the sun, but are still useful since a lot of pony technology (such as their healthcare and a lot of their machinery) runs on magic.

Another interesting thing to note is that as a culture they have almost nothing in the way of an organized military, even the wonderbolts who are supposed to handle disasters aren't much use. Their efforts are focused more on medicine, where they have better technology than modern humans, broken bones take only 3 days to heal completely.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #14 on: 01-17-2013 00:40 »
« Last Edit on: 01-17-2013 04:16 »

Actually, I have to warn you that I will be coming down hard on anybody engaging in this behaviour. There is to be none of that here. I'm stripping out all of the chaff and getting back to basics. This is to be a lean, efficient the my The My Little Pony Thread thread. Only the strongest will survive.
Have you not learnt my method of getting conversations started in a thread? Post a pic and see what follows. At least, it's very effective in the shipping and food threads. Ironically it sparked a response from you  :p ;)

If pictures are not what you want in here, I can stick them in spoiler tags.

On-topic question from somebody who has only seen one episode before, and it was about Applejack becoming obsessed with collecting her apples, or something: Pegusi and Unicorns co-exist in the The My Little Pony universe, as I understand it. And as I further understand, both species hold a distinct advantage over unspecialised ponies. Do these species have any clear weaknesses (heat dissipation, easily fatigued, energy requirements, etc.) to compensate, or are the poor unspecialised ponies doomed to extinction, like the poor doomed Neanderthals? Do they even share a common biological link with the unspecialised ponies or is it merely convergent evolution? Furthermore, are there any known examples of Pegasi/Unicorn hybrids in this universe?
I think other people have commented on this, but I would like to perhaps add to this.
Winter Wrap Up showcases Earth Pony and Pegasus doing things that perhaps the other cannot. Pegasus is rather obvious with their flying and weather controlling, but as was shown in the episode, Twilight stuffed up trying to help doing things earth pony way because she's used to doing things with magic or making Spike do them. Either way, just looking at pictures it should have been obvious of at least the area she might have had some success in.

I don't think Pegasi are greater than earth ponies. Even RD the fastest (known) in equestria is actually matched in speed by Pinkie Pie. As for strength, RD maybe be able to best AJ in an arm wrestling competition, but can't stop the runaway cart like AJ can. 'Best flier' may go to RD but 'best athlete'...

Also to say unicorns and pegasi are fragile is maybe not true. Twilight had a whole lot of stuff dropped on her in Feeling Pinkie Keen and Rainbow Dash has had multiple crashes, only once has she broken a bone in Read it and Weep.

The poll is calling for a 'Vinyl Scratch' option  :shifty:

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #15 on: 01-17-2013 11:11 »

Have you not learnt my method of getting conversations started in a thread? Post a pic and see what follows. At least, it's very effective in the shipping and food threads. Ironically it sparked a response from you  :p ;)

I'm not one to disagree with your methods.  Though I'm usually shooting for provocative.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 01-18-2013 03:13 »

Today's (guest) strip from the PVP web comic:


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #17 on: 01-18-2013 08:39 »

When does his girlfriend have a miscarriage? :confused:

Bending Unit
« Reply #18 on: 01-18-2013 15:36 »

Dashie Licks Your Monitor!

Also I fear Twilight might become an Alicorn.

Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #19 on: 01-18-2013 22:24 »

Yes, that's one of several  topics of conversation I've seen:

1) Twilight *may* become an Alicorn - or at least officially a Princess.
2) Ponies don't have bathrooms and outhouses, they poop on the ground and use it as fertiliser.*

* Lauren Faust twittered it - which is the primary source of FiM gospel.

But somewhat more importantly, in my opinion:

3) Hasbro has started using ContentID stuff on YouTube which means quite a few mlp videos will start disappearing. This is bad news for me because the episodes uploaded on YouTube are the only place I get to watch them and also the system has blocked Friendship is Witchcraft (just in America, for now) and may well delete them outright. They'll probably get away with restarting on a different website or something, but it's disappointing all the same. :hmpf:
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #20 on: 01-18-2013 23:47 »
« Last Edit on: 01-19-2013 00:08 »

I just assumed that Twilight is some sort of Chosen One, and that she is needed to defeat a Pony Voldemort Sauron Palpatine of some sort.  I'm guessing the other five have some role to play as the Element bearers, but Magic is supposed to be the most powerful Element of all and rules over the other three.  Basically, Twilight is the Link and the Zelda in one to the other pony Sages.

Maybe Spike is the real hero, and it is his mission to overturn the matriarchal Equestria and enslave all marekind, with the help of the Elements of Misogyny, held by Braeburn, Big Mac, Shining Armour, Donut Joe, Dr Whooves and Soarin'.   Oh and Caramel too.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #21 on: 01-19-2013 00:16 »

Lauren be trollin' harder than Tara methinks. If there is no 'outhouses' then explain the moment in The Last Roundup.

In relation to the panic that the rumor 'Twilight is going to become an Alicorn' may have some grounding to it, but this toy that's been floating around for a while now may be relevant as well:
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #22 on: 01-19-2013 00:47 »

I don't know whether a "Coronation" would befit a newborn member of the royal family, but Skyla's appearance into the world (well, the show proper I should say) would make a sound plot-point for an episode (where's the conflict though?)

The whole merchandise front does seem to be an den of controversy for bronies - what with pink Celestia, Skyla to begin with (suspiciously like Sweetie Belle on the box) and it's also arguably the greatest source for the Twilight Alicorn. Rabid speculation on talk of Twilight "being ready for the next stage" and "realises her destiny" made people wonder what if, but it was a seemingly insignificant and quite possibly erroneous depiction of Twilight with wings in a sticker book of all things that has virtually confirmed some people's worst fears it seems...

One suggestion I have seen mentioned is the idea that Twilight is made a Princess and/or Alicorn for the episode but eventually decides to give it up to remain with her friends. Seems fine to me - though I can't help but think that if Celestia has been grooming her for a position of tremendous power and responsibility over the realm, Twilight suddenly saying "nah, I'd rather remain a small-town librarian" may not be case of "oh well, not to worry then". :p
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #23 on: 01-19-2013 01:02 »

Lauren be trollin' harder than Tara methinks. If there is no 'outhouses' then explain the moment in The Last Roundup.

In relation to the panic that the rumor 'Twilight is going to become an Alicorn' may have some grounding to it, but this toy that's been floating around for a while now may be relevant as well:

I doubt those wings are real.  She looks like she's from the Equestria equivelant of Toddlers and Tiaras.  Not included: Broken Dreams, the morbidly obese pageant mom pony who alternates from screaming and harshly berating her offspring, to and standing up and cheering for Princess Skyla from the audience (Princess Skyla is her first name.)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #24 on: 01-19-2013 23:53 »

In relation to the panic that the rumor 'Twilight is going to become an Alicorn' may have some grounding to it, but this toy that's been floating around for a while now may be relevant as well:

First time I saw that, I read it as "Princess Sylar."

One suggestion I have seen mentioned is the idea that Twilight is made a Princess and/or Alicorn for the episode but eventually decides to give it up to remain with her friends.

Twilight may already be a princess (or entitled to become one), by virtue of being a member of the royal family. What I think is going to happen is that when Cadance is crowned as leader of the Crystal Empire, the magic involved is going to accidentally manifest in Twilight, resulting in a temporary physical transformation. Then shenanigans will ensue.

Space Pope
« Reply #25 on: 01-20-2013 06:05 »
« Last Edit on: 01-20-2013 06:17 »

In all honesty that Skyla plush toy looks like they're just trying to get rid of the leftover G3.5 toys they still have.

Notice the similar stars in the eyes. Notice how that is also not Scootaloo at all for she has no scooter and is not radical.

PS: I grew up on G2 where the ponies probably looked more like horses than any other incarnation.

PPS: I tried to add a picture of a very weird G3.5 Cheerliee but I messed it up so here's an interesting evolution of Applejack toys from G1-G4.


Space Pope
« Reply #26 on: 01-20-2013 10:05 »

Pigs have infiltrated the photo shoot... soon they shall make their presence known. Death to the beauty fascists!

On-topic question from somebody who has only seen one episode before, and it was about Applejack becoming obsessed with collecting her apples, or something: Pegusi and Unicorns co-exist in the The My Little Pony universe, as I understand it. And as I further understand, both species hold a distinct advantage over unspecialised ponies. Do these species have any clear weaknesses (heat dissipation, easily fatigued, energy requirements, etc.) to compensate, or are the poor unspecialised ponies doomed to extinction, like the poor doomed Neanderthals? Do they even share a common biological link with the unspecialised ponies or is it merely convergent evolution? Furthermore, are there any known examples of Pegasi/Unicorn hybrids in this universe?

Though it isn't explicitedly stated in the show (though it is referenced in "Hearth's Warming Eve", each sub-species of pony has their own unique ability. Unicorns have magic powers, but typically limited to levitation. Pegasi can fly (duh) and can walk on clouds. And normal ponies, earth ponies as named in the show, possess a more subtle form of magic. Earth ponies have a natural connection to the land and all its living things. They cultivate crops better, they have a better understanding of other critters (Fluttershy was originally supposed to be an earth pony), and they seem to have a real knack at cooking.
Yeah, without earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns starve to death.

This is basically enshrined as canon in the episode "Hearth's Warming Eve" where each race has an ultimate veto card they can play:

Unicorns are required to raise the sun, pegasi are required to control the weather, earth ponies are needed to grow the food due to their higher physical strength, unicorns and pegasi are too weak for manual labour.

In a post-Princess Celestia world (she is an Alicorn, the unicorn/pegasus hybrid you were wondering about), the unicorns no longer raise the sun, but are still useful since a lot of pony technology (such as their healthcare and a lot of their machinery) runs on magic.

I think I understand now. It's a kind of magic-based caste system? Unicorns are the ruling caste, pegasi are a kind of winged priest/seer/scholar class, and the "earth" ponies (comprising the majority) do all of the thankless drudge work to support their decadence? And Apricorns are a decadent living embodiment of deityhood, like the officers of mystery cults in times of old? I see. Truly, these are harsh lessons on power relationships I am learning from the my The My Little Pony Thread thread...


Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #27 on: 01-20-2013 12:01 »

Favourite line from today's episode:

In response to Fluttershy asking 'Do you all think I'm a silly gullible fool?' the responses are non-commital mumbles except for Rarity's 'Oh, only in the sense of being silly and gullible.'

Ah, classic "Were you insulted when I insulted your hair?" Rarity.   :D

Space Pope
« Reply #28 on: 01-20-2013 15:25 »

And that's why Rarity is best pony. Except for Applejack.
Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #29 on: 01-20-2013 16:03 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #30 on: 01-20-2013 21:30 »

That picture makes no sense. Ponies don't use paper currency.

And that's why Rarity is best pony. Except for Applejack.

Fixed that for you.

I think I understand now. It's a kind of magic-based caste system? Unicorns are the ruling caste, pegasi are a kind of winged priest/seer/scholar class, and the "earth" ponies (comprising the majority) do all of the thankless drudge work to support their decadence? And Apricorns are a decadent living embodiment of deityhood, like the officers of mystery cults in times of old? I see. Truly, these are harsh lessons on power relationships I am learning from the my The My Little Pony Thread thread...

Sort of, in the Before-Celestia world. (B. C.?) Nowadays, it would be more accurate to say unicorns are the ineffective bureaucratic caste, thinking they hold power due to obsolete notions of power and status; that pegasi are self-fancied proud warriors with nothing left but the ancient victories of their ancestors; that earth ponies are the only sensible individuals, who neither have their heads in the clouds nor special powers to grant them any illusions about themselves; and that alicorns do the brunt work of actually getting useful stuff accomplished though the sheer force of being instruments of the divine.

Space Pope
« Reply #31 on: 01-21-2013 01:28 »

And occasionally sexing up their subjects. NSFW if you're really prudish.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #32 on: 01-21-2013 01:30 »

To be fair, some of the stuff on there is pretty risque. 

It's weird how the ponies are pretty much naked all the time, but putting panties on them makes it seem really NSFW. 
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #33 on: 01-21-2013 09:38 »

And occasionally sexing up their subjects. NSFW if you're really prudish.
I initially thought you were referring to Princess Molestia :p

Yes it does seem odd that to sexualise the characters the need to dress them is often required. Socks being one particular device to make things more kinky somehow.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #34 on: 01-21-2013 11:02 »

There's actually a fair bit in the show that's a bit risque, you've just got to know where to look for it.

SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #35 on: 01-21-2013 16:45 »

It's not quite the same as putting a pair of skimpy panties on Celestia and have her grinding her ass against the screen. 

Starship Captain
« Reply #36 on: 01-21-2013 17:57 »
« Last Edit on: 02-13-2013 16:42 »

Post deleted!

Space Pope
« Reply #37 on: 01-21-2013 20:24 »

It's not quite the same as putting a pair of skimpy panties on Celestia and have her grinding her ass against the screen. 

And that's why I love the internet.

And occasionally sexing up their subjects. NSFW if you're really prudish.
I initially thought you were referring to Princess Molestia :p

Yes it does seem odd that to sexualise the characters the need to dress them is often required. Socks being one particular device to make things more kinky somehow.

Why refer to something else when I can pimp myself? :D

I suppose it's like a variation of the whole Victorian-era schoolmarm thing. The more you hide, the more kinky it gets, especially if you're "hiding" things in a way that doesn't really hide anything at all. 1880s fashion was the height of that sort of thing.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #38 on: 01-21-2013 20:34 »

The bustle was pretty much fashion creating the "baby got back" look.  They were like padded bras for your buttocks.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #39 on: 01-24-2013 10:33 »

And that's why Rarity is best pony. Except for Applejack.

Fixed that for you.

I'm not entirely sure what you're insinuating. Are you, Xanfor, claiming that Rarity is best pony, and Applejack is not worthy of such a title? Or is Archonix forwarding the idea that Rarity is best pony next to Applejack?

Also, Archonix, eww.

I think I understand now. It's a kind of magic-based caste system? Unicorns are the ruling caste, pegasi are a kind of winged priest/seer/scholar class, and the "earth" ponies (comprising the majority) do all of the thankless drudge work to support their decadence? And Apricorns are a decadent living embodiment of deityhood, like the officers of mystery cults in times of old? I see. Truly, these are harsh lessons on power relationships I am learning from the my The My Little Pony Thread thread...

Sort of, in the Before-Celestia world. (B. C.?) Nowadays, it would be more accurate to say unicorns are the ineffective bureaucratic caste, thinking they hold power due to obsolete notions of power and status; that pegasi are self-fancied proud warriors with nothing left but the ancient victories of their ancestors; that earth ponies are the only sensible individuals, who neither have their heads in the clouds nor special powers to grant them any illusions about themselves; and that alicorns do the brunt work of actually getting useful stuff accomplished though the sheer force of being instruments of the divine.

I was pretty much in agreeance with m0le, but Xanfor's insight is probably more accurate.

I remember watching in the abridged series (fan-made, of course) that Rarity was trying to convince Twilight to give her the ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala by arguing that as they are both of the superior sub-species, they both deserve the best.

I don't like the portrayal of pegasi being "rough-and-tumble". Maybe its because earth ponies practically roll around in the dirt, or maybe its my partiality to things with wings.
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