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Author Topic: Yo, jabronie! The My Little Pony: Friendzone is Magic thread.  (Read 96589 times)
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PEE Poll: Which pony would you let snort blow off your thighs?
Star Swirl the Bearded
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Apple Bloom
Babs Seed
Granny Smith
Big Macintosh
King Sombra

Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #400 on: 05-18-2016 12:45 »

You can really tell that the production staff are well in their stride now; everything seems much more detailed and polished, and the new background ponies are rich in character and diversity - although I've commented on that before...

Although I was disappointed that they didn't detail Starlight Scrooge disposing of the group of ponies who surely must have challenged her for stealing their presents out of their hoofs....

So while the episode was a liiiiiiiiiiitle cringy in places (retelling a Christmas Carol set around a totally-not-Christmas-"designed-to-offend-and-appease-no-one" sort of rubs me the wrong way), the writer had the brilliant idea of "let's try Luna in this role" and awesomeness ensued.

Also what strikes me as off is that we are to have a big hiatus (WHY DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO YOU AMERICA!?!) which probably means Pony will be on around Christmas, so why on earth not have the episode scheduled around then?

The cynic in me thinks it perhaps has more to do with filling up a quota for a seasonal-themed DVD they can release.

It also means that the timeline is progressing quite quickly too. While some - like myself - argue that most of the first few seasons only actually happened within one in-show year, it doesn't seem very long since the last not-Christmas, suggesting that this year in Equestria has gone by very quickly, or that maybe many years have gone by since the return of Nightmare Moon and nothing much important has happened. Or maybe we shouldn't read that much into things and not worry so much...

I was going to make another point but I've forgotten it now... probably for the best...
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #401 on: 10-07-2016 04:05 »

Because then it would be a gift from Rarity to Pinkie to Maud.

Although, to be fair, Pinkie could have bought a rock pouch from Rarity (provided Rarity could make one by the end of the day without access to her materials and workspace). This assuming, of course, that Rarity wouldn't also want a party cannon as payment.

I liked how, in the latest episode A Hearth's warming tail, they showed a unicorn levitating several small items who had to put them down before she could used her magic to open a door.

It's such a small little detail but it's nice to see that they even think of those sorts of details.

I must have missed that. When does that happen in the episode?

Also, I made a thing.

Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #402 on: 10-13-2016 11:59 »

Here's another thing.


Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #403 on: 10-16-2016 13:08 »

      I liked how, in the latest episode A Hearth's warming tail, they showed a unicorn levitating several small items who had to put them down before she could used her magic to open a door.

      It's such a small little detail but it's nice to see that they even think of those sorts of details.
   I must have missed that. When does that happen in the episode?

At the 6:28 minute mark (including the intro), which is about 1 minute into her villain song, Snowfall Frost comes through a door and puts down the objects she is levitating and turns around to (magically) close the door.
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