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Author Topic: Yo, jabronie! The My Little Pony: Friendzone is Magic thread.  (Read 96560 times)
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PEE Poll: Which pony would you let snort blow off your thighs?
Star Swirl the Bearded
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Apple Bloom
Babs Seed
Granny Smith
Big Macintosh
King Sombra


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #240 on: 09-03-2013 12:52 »

Just wondering where the best place to watch all the episodes thanks.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #241 on: 09-05-2013 03:31 »

Probably best to purchase them from iTunes. I'm a YouTube watcher myself but it's not all great quality and some eps are cropped.

Starship Captain
« Reply #242 on: 09-05-2013 04:49 »

I've been watching them on Netflix, which is of very high quality, and I think may overall come out as cheaper than iTunes (I may be wrong about that, though).

« Reply #243 on: 09-05-2013 07:40 »

I watch them mostly on youtube and dailymotion, Daily motion is uncropped and all HD. But most only 720p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #244 on: 09-05-2013 21:30 »

Sorry but there no my little pony on uk netflix and iTunes :(
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #245 on: 10-07-2013 06:03 »

It's been how long since someone posted in here?!

New pony on Nov. 23. Can't wait!


Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #246 on: 10-07-2013 12:11 »

   It's been how long since someone posted in here?!

How long did you say?!

Starship Captain
« Reply #247 on: 10-15-2013 04:31 »

There's currently a special on TV about Bronies and "pony acceptance"...

Also, I just did find this out: the Flim Flam Brothers song is supposedly based off of this piece from The Music Man:
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #248 on: 10-16-2013 05:48 »

xD That's awesome. I love seeing all the references, especially ones I don't know.

I only noticed the REALLY obvious ones, like the Daring Do/Indiana Jones and Con Mane/James Bond.

Although I'm please to say that when I saw the ending of Return of Harmony Part 2 I was like 'Hey, this looks like Star Wars. Hey wait, this is exactly like Star wars!' Only real fans of Star Wars could have known, at least ones that had seen "A New Hope" anyway.


Starship Captain
« Reply #249 on: 10-16-2013 14:49 »

I don't mind people liking MLP:FiM, but it creeps me out when they say "everypony" or "anypony" instead of the normal terms.

« Reply #250 on: 10-16-2013 21:32 »

I don't know, it's just an awesome show I guess... And the fandom is great! I don't normally write it that way. but since you brought it up:
It's been how long since somepony posted in here?!

Excited for season 4, loved the song in the SDCC animatic!
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #251 on: 10-17-2013 03:02 »
« Last Edit on: 10-17-2013 07:07 »

Why does this show have such a massive fanbase compared to the other similar shows?
I'm not sure why, I know I like it because I like shows with strong characters and fun/engaging story-telling. I can't speak for everyone else though, and I tried to google it for you and there doesn't seem to be a clear answer. I can provide a video that can explain the roots of it though;


le edit: Found that on April Fools Day a list of episode names were released. AS you'd expect, these are probably fake, I'mma post them anyways cause they's hilarious;
(bits in bold are my comments)

■01 & 02: Wingin' It Cause Twilight's got new wings, but I'd be thinking that because of the
teaser, that this is not so far fetched, whether or not it's the season opener is another thing...[/b]

■03: Now You Sea Them… Ok, so I don't know much about the supposed "seaponies" from gen1, but I wouldn't mind seeing out that would turn out... if it happened, which I don't think it will, not this season anyway

■04: Meet Princess Skyla Because Shining and Cadence should totally have babies. And then Pinkie Pie can do babysitting again.

■05: The Student Becomes the Teacher: The Return of Sunset Shimmer Sunset Shimmer probably won't make an apperance this season, I would maybe like to see her in the season 5 premiere maybe?

■06: Luna-tic

■07: Pinkie Apple Pie - Pinkie Pie becomes the Princess of Pie (mini-arc part 1)Lol, what?

 ■08: Don’t You Dare - Rainbow Dash threatens to leave the Daring Do fandom when they turn her hero into an Earth Pony. This is a tease to those who threatened to leave the fandom when Twilight became an Alicorn. Very funny ><

 ■09: It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy - Justin Bieber guest stars in our musical episode. (Continues in 16) And then Sweetie Belle beats him in a singing contest and then RD hi fives him in the face with a Rainboom

 ■10: Oops - Rarity is the star of a play but is replaced by AJ.Twi forgets and tells everypony RY is the star. Ponies are pissed. I don't even...

 ■11: Bats - It's just like the musical "Cats", but with, you know, bats. And ponies. But mostly bats. Nana nana nana nana...

 ■12: The Return of the Return of Harmony - Discord is back! And his new personality is kind of meh. Stupid writers Pfft, hah! It was one of the writers who tweeted this, glad to see they can poke fun at themselves

 ■13: Wrap It Up - Every loose end is tied up. Hilarity ensues when the ponies realize there are 13 more episodes to go. 4th wall breaking, starring Pinkie Pie perhaps?

 ■14: Pie in the Sky - Pinkie Pie becomes the Princess of Pie (mini-arc part 2) But isn't the expression "Pie in the sky" something to do with the moon? Is Pinkie the new Luna?

■15: Who Are You? - David Tennant guest stars as a random, nameless background pony no one has ever noticed before. Allons-y!

 ■16: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies - (Continuation of 09) ends with Justin singing with the Breezies *facepalm*

 ■17: Just Forget It - The CMCs try literally everything they can think of to get their Cutie Marks. They don't. The end. This is literally every CMC episode

 ■18: Death Comes to Ponyville - Didn't bother to read it. Was super busy that week. I'm sure it will be fine. Zombie Ponies

 ■19: Maude Pie - Pinkie Pie becomes the Princess of Pie (mini-arc part 3) Maybe this is part of an extended Pie eating contest

■20: For Whom The Sweetie Bell Tolls - cuz literary and makes us sound smart and stuff and,dude, is anybody else hungry? Ooh look, cake!

 ■21: It Ain't Easy Bein' Weezy - a hilarious parody of The Jeffersons. Look, they can't all be gold, people. So they're Silver?

 ■22: Best Pony - New pony comes to town and she’s cool and likes craft beer and Legos and has a typewriter Cutie Mark Someone's self-inserting OCs

 ■23: Spike and Rarity Sittin’ in a Tree - Nothing happens. That would just make things weird between them. Plus, his ex is totally psycho. Plot twist: his ex is Rarity's sister, that's why they're sitting in the tree, to escape from her psychoness

 ■24: Let the Games Begin - Shining Armor and Cadance join the professional wife-throwing circuit. Destroy the competition.

 ■25 & 26: Princess Discord - Discord becomes a draconequalicorn and replaces Celestia. As she always intended.

I was bored... that is my only explanation
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #252 on: 10-22-2013 02:43 »

The things you find on tumblr...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #253 on: 10-24-2013 20:00 »

Don't You Dare is an episode I really want to see now.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #254 on: 10-24-2013 20:47 »

I have seen most of season three and I am really enjoying them. Love how Twilight Sparkle becomes a princess also I love the music. Applejack happened to be my favourite character.

I am surprised that fully grown men do you enjoyed the show as well.

« Reply #255 on: 10-25-2013 21:44 »
« Last Edit on: 10-25-2013 21:45 »

Rarity's hot minute, with Spike -_-

0:65 ----> Glimpse of the "new" opening for season 4!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #256 on: 10-27-2013 16:51 »

Okay, despite... massive scepticism on my part... this show is actually rather funny.
Quite a masterful reinvigoration of an incredibly random franchise. I wouldn't go out of my way to see it or anything, but with nothing else to watch TLF lent us her copy and... yeah, it's kind of cool.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #257 on: 10-27-2013 20:46 »

Rarity's hot minute, with Spike -_-

0:65 ----> Glimpse of the "new" opening for season 4!

Love it. I just seen all the characters hot minutes.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #258 on: 10-29-2013 03:27 »

Thanks for letting me share it. Twas fun watching that and Thor and all the other stuffs.

It's bizarre, I never liked ponies when I was younger, I liked trains *run over*

Maybe it's something to do with me being an 80s child and that 80s stuff is back in fashion...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #259 on: 10-29-2013 17:56 »

Thanks for letting me share it.

Thanks for infecting me with it. Now I actually like it and feel like significantly less of a man because Pinkie-Pie is my favorite.

Yes, I actually have a favorite.

It's bizarre, I never liked ponies when I was younger, I liked trains

They've ruined him with CGI now.

Maybe it's something to do with me being an 80s child and that 80s stuff is back in fashion...

Pfft. It never went out. Duran Duran is as popular now as it ever was. I like to imagine.

« Reply #260 on: 10-29-2013 20:12 »

Any favorite princesses? My favs are princess Luna and Rarity :3

I liked trains
Yes you do.

I used to love the pony toys, but only if they had butterfly wings (I've alwats been obsessed witg faeries and such)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #261 on: 10-30-2013 00:34 »


Blasphemy. Everyone knows Gordon is best engine.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #262 on: 10-30-2013 01:50 »

Thanks for letting me share it.

Thanks for infecting me with it. Now I actually like it and feel like significantly less of a man because Pinkie-Pie is my favorite.

Yes, I actually have a favorite.

It's bizarre, I never liked ponies when I was younger, I liked trains

They've ruined him with CGI now.

Maybe it's something to do with me being an 80s child and that 80s stuff is back in fashion...

Pfft. It never went out. Duran Duran is as popular now as it ever was. I like to imagine.

I don't think anyone likes the CGI crap except for the kids that don't know any better.


Blasphemy. Everyone knows Gordon is best engine.
Objection! James is best engine.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #263 on: 10-30-2013 02:00 »

I like the fat cunt-the fat cunt-the fat controller.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #264 on: 10-30-2013 02:08 »

I like the fat cunt-the fat cunt-the fat controller.
Pfft, lol.

Hey Coldy, get Maz to check her phone, I sent her a message like an hour ago

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #265 on: 10-30-2013 02:26 »

Yes, done. You didn't tell us the film showing was for a CHURCH fundraiser! You know how I feel about churches! And funds!

Also Maz is asking if you would like to go to the Ballarat show on the ninth to see fireworks, money allowing.

Also, yes you could come over on Friday.

We need to tally our bananas to see what we can and can't do. We can only afford one fun thing thing this fortnight, and Maz wants to go to the show. Me, I'd rather do nothing, but I love her.

My job won't be starting until nearer the end of this month, and I've unexpectedly been saddled with related costs (see work thread).

See? "Saddled". It's on-topic. PONIES!
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #266 on: 10-31-2013 04:41 »

I thought I said Youth Group Fundraiser to you when I was there last, maybe you didn't hear me. But yes, I shall visit you tomorrow and we can have our own fund raiser, with blackjack and hookers! Oh wait, you can't afford fun things? Forget the blackjack and the hookers. Ah screw the whole thing.

I'll be there. With bells on... and clothes, hopefully.

*off to find bells*

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #267 on: 10-31-2013 15:54 »

Yeah, we're sorry we couldn't make it. Me especially, because I do want to see the new Thor. But especially Maz, because she enjoys outings.

Happy birthday! I posted it to you on MyFace, but I'll put it here as well because it's relevant!

It's the gayest thing I've ever done, and I once hugged a man.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #268 on: 10-31-2013 21:37 »

Great drawing, Coldy!


« Reply #269 on: 11-03-2013 15:00 »

Season 4 trailer!! :D
http://cheezburger.com/55946753 (on my phone, so no YT link)
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #270 on: 11-13-2013 03:49 »

Season 4 coming soon, I'm so pumped for something new. Also to help us get over equestria girls and move on.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #271 on: 11-13-2013 03:53 »

Equestria Girls was fun and enjoyable and had relevant character development for Princess Twilight. :(


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #272 on: 11-14-2013 02:57 »

Fun and enjoyable are synonyms.

I didn't mind the film that much, though I can see why many wouldn't.
Oddly the main thing that bothered me about it was the humans retaining pony names, which just... those aren't human names, is all. People are not called Pinkie-Pie or Fluttershy. If that was supposed to be a representation of our world (ignoring the unusual skin colours), then it fails with the unimaginative naming.


Space Pope
« Reply #273 on: 11-14-2013 06:45 »

The people were all different unnatural colours and called things like Pinkie-Pie and Fluttershy. Why would they call in the Air Force, etc? It was just a normal day in their world. You have to see it from their point of view, or you'll never make it as a Bronie/y.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #274 on: 11-14-2013 07:15 »

Airforce = Wonderbolts in the pony world. (at least that's the impression that I get) and they only have interceeded twice in the series, both times being ineffective (although you could argue that Rarity got in the way of her own rescue in Sonic Rainboom.) If the human world did have an air force, they would be perhaps just as ineffective.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #275 on: 11-14-2013 18:30 »

Fun and enjoyable are synonyms.

Fun has a connotation of being an amusement quality, while enjoyable is weighted more toward having a pleasurable experience, both qualities that I wished to accentuate while preserving the three-part sentence structure I desired my post possess.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #276 on: 11-15-2013 02:18 »

I dunno, Xan... I'm a pedantic author and even I find that point of difference dubious.
Also, I done read a pony graphic novel TLF done lent me. Hilarious. So many movie parodies! It's funny because kids wouldn't get most of it.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #277 on: 11-15-2013 02:42 »

Perhaps the difference in percieved meaning is due to us being from different cultures?

Which one did she lend you, coldangel? I just got the first Micro-Series trade myself. :D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #278 on: 11-15-2013 17:10 »

I don't fucking know... the one with the black shape-shifter things. Who cares? Not me, that's for sure. I'm not a little girl with pigtails and a pink dress. Fuck ponies. I mean, don't fuck ponies...
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #279 on: 11-15-2013 23:57 »

Issue 1.
I haven't got any of the mini comics yet, the Ballarat comic book store didn't have the first mini comic so I haven't got one yet. I might go back and see if he's getting more in.

Coldy she's a changeling.
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