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Author Topic: Sequels and Prequels and Remakes, Oh My! (Upcoming Films)  (Read 47607 times)
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Avatar Czar
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« Reply #80 on: 02-05-2012 10:08 »

I pretty much explained why I thought the new Hobbit movies will seem overblown to me; count that as your first definition in being done to excess. 

It's going to be divided into two movies, which doesn't make sense in comparison with the LotR film trilogy.  Each book in the Lord of the Rings is over 400 pages long; The Hobbit is approximately 300 pages long.  So why are they doing two movies for a shorter story?

Anyways, it sounds kind of like cyber_turnip is mostly irritable about the bandwagon effect associated with Tolkien in the last few years.  Can't blame him for that or his dislike for the series.  Oh well, it's no The Epic Cycle.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #81 on: 02-05-2012 11:03 »

I don't think they need to make it into two movies. That's a money-grab, as they will be able to sell two tickets and two DVDs to everyone who wants to see The Hobbit. This is a growing trend, and one I don't like. Twilight is doing it, Harry Potter did it, Kill Bill did it, and I'm sure there have been others.

Make one 3.5 hour movie. Don't make two movies 100 minutes each and tell us there was too much story to tell in one go.

Avatar Czar
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« Reply #82 on: 02-05-2012 11:07 »

I was thinking Harry Potter.  Though Kill Bill may have had some of that intention to it, I honestly make an exception for that.  It worked as two distinctly different movies of one story, and Tarantino was specifically shooting for that dynamic.  Although, apparently there's apparently another sequel to that franchise in the works; I don't feel too great about that.

Space Pope
« Reply #83 on: 02-05-2012 11:25 »

I don't think it was necessary for the Hobbit to be done in two parts either. But I believe they are also telling a story that wasn't really explored in much depth in the book: what Gandalf was up to during the second half of the story.

Bending Unit
« Reply #84 on: 02-05-2012 12:55 »

It's funny how the hobbit was only one book and it gets two movies but each of the LOTR movies were comprised of 2 books and only got one film each.

Space Pope
« Reply #85 on: 02-05-2012 12:58 »

We were lucky to get three films out of LOTR. They pitched it to the studio as two.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #86 on: 02-05-2012 13:36 »
« Last Edit on: 02-05-2012 13:39 »

For the most part, it felt like the good guys were one hive mind, and the bad guys were another.  

I can't say I agree with this. Many of Tolkien's characters have a kind of moral ambiguity; such as Boromir.

I said there were exceptions but for the most part they were all generally in the same boat.   Boromir always struck me as misguided rather then genuinely morally ambiguous, as being too eager to repeat the same mistake Isuildur made in the beginning of the Third Age, but you may be right there.  When I say hive mind, very few of the characters had specific or unique quirks/personality traits.  They always remained distant and not alive to me, like they were characters in a school history book, rather then living breathing people.  

Well it's pretty obvious isn't it: they want to squeeze out as much money as possible.    Deathly Hallows was split into two films despite being much shorter then some of the other books, Breaking Dawn was split into two movies, and now the Hobbit will be two movies.  Return of the Ka-Ching!

I would like to see where they are going with the 3rd Kill Bill movie, since there were a lot of things that got cut from the first two films that may get recycled into the next film (such as Gogo Yubari's twin sister Yuki.)   I'm guessing it's going to be a showdown between Nikki (Vernita Green's daughter) and...

Poor Nikki.  Watching a strange lady come into your home and murder your mother can't be the easiest thing for a five year old to watch.

Avatar Czar
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« Reply #87 on: 02-05-2012 14:42 »

That's the only thing I could think of Kiddo.

Also, you might be more interested in the Twilight books.  They do a much better job of describing every possible aspect of a character.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #88 on: 02-05-2012 14:56 »

Of course... the opposite can happen and you find out more then is actually likeable or interesting about a character.

I really didn't need to know that Bella has contempt for absolutely everything that doesn't sparkle.

Urban Legend
« Reply #89 on: 02-05-2012 18:36 »

Kill Bill was always supposed to be one movie but the Weinsteins chickened out and had the whole thing re-edited to be two at the last minute, at least that's my understanding.

They basically did the same thing with Grindhouse when they released it in the UK.

SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #90 on: 02-05-2012 18:48 »

Grindhouse... that reminds me.  I really want to watch Blood Orgy of the She Devils now.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #91 on: 02-09-2012 03:35 »
« Last Edit on: 02-09-2012 03:37 »

Apparently a new Jason Bourne Movie is coming out. I instantly know I won't like it, because neither Bourne or Damon is in it. :) It's called: The Bourne Legacy and it's about another agent who follows in Bourne's path to success. :nono: Why can't Hollywood leave things as they are?

Space Pope
« Reply #92 on: 02-09-2012 03:43 »

I'm pretty sure the Bourne franchise is based off a book series, so in a way it's fine what they're doing. However, I smell the death of the film franchise about now. Big mistake.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #93 on: 02-09-2012 03:46 »

I have a feeling that within the next ten years we're gonna start making puns about Bourne movies like what we did with "Die Hard". :laff:

Space Pope
« Reply #94 on: 02-09-2012 03:51 »
« Last Edit on: 02-09-2012 03:52 »

On the topic of action movies, who else is looking forward to the upcoming Bond film: Skyfall?

I certainly am. Quantum of Solace wasn't brilliant, but Casino Royale was. Craig is a great Bond.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #95 on: 02-09-2012 03:54 »

You know I am! Craig does in fact, make an excellent Bond! He reminds me of a young Connery! Lets hope that this one isn't overdone! :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #96 on: 02-12-2012 20:17 »

This really made me laugh today, I only wish it was a joke.


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #97 on: 02-22-2012 23:26 »

Short Bond "Skyfall" video blog

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #98 on: 03-01-2012 06:36 »

New Avengers trailer makes me happy in my pants

Space Pope
« Reply #99 on: 03-01-2012 06:42 »

It's looking purty good.

Space Pope
« Reply #100 on: 03-01-2012 10:19 »

...fuck. Bring me May 4th already.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #101 on: 03-01-2012 17:43 »

I have one complaint: Music is very Inception-y 'Mind Heist' sounding at the start. The Avengers is like the 3 millionth trailer to do this now... :hmpf:

« Reply #102 on: 03-01-2012 23:36 »

Maybe all the music isn't like that.

It looks awesome, and I am squeeing with excitement. :3

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #103 on: 03-02-2012 00:50 »

Despicable Me 2

Urban Legend
« Reply #104 on: 03-02-2012 00:56 »

I have one complaint: Music is very Inception-y 'Mind Heist' sounding at the start. The Avengers is like the 3 millionth trailer to do this now... :hmpf:

I think it's got more of a Transformers feel to it, personally. But the music is fucking awesome in that trailer.

Incidentally, that trailer also made me happy in my pants. There was a collective headsplosion with me and my best friends who are far, far too excited for this.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #105 on: 03-02-2012 00:59 »

nutty: agreed. The trailer has a very michael bay vibe that I find rather off-putting. I'm still looking forward to the movie tho.

Bending Unit
« Reply #106 on: 03-02-2012 03:00 »
« Last Edit on: 03-02-2012 03:08 »

I think I almost exploded from that trailer.  :eek:

I bet in the editing room while the producers were figuring out what the trailer would look like, I bet someone stood up and said "Michael Bay That Bitch!"

Urban Legend
« Reply #107 on: 03-02-2012 17:35 »

Maybe all the music isn't like that.

It looks awesome, and I am squeeing with excitement. :3

Music used in trailers is rarely music from the actual film. It's usually taken from other films because the film's score is one of the very last things to be completed and often isn't finished by the time the trailer is cut.

So yes, chances are this music isn't in the film at all.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #108 on: 03-04-2012 01:01 »

The low angle slowmo pan-around shots probably giving the Bayish feel... hopefully won't be too bad.
Isn't Thor stronger than Iron Man though, and Captain America? Wouldn't like to be under that shield or start a fight with him.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #109 on: 03-04-2012 01:13 »

yeah, I'm not expecting the movie to have the bayish feel of that trailer. I was skeptical about iron man; it was great. I was skeptical about iron man 2; it was also great. I was skeptical about thor; it was quite good. I was extremely skeptical about captain america; it was excellent. So I'm shelving the skepticism for avengers and expecting it to be good.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #110 on: 03-04-2012 01:18 »

Which means it'll suck. The day you go see a movie you're anticipating enjoying, it turns out to be shit. That's how stuff works.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #111 on: 03-04-2012 02:29 »

heh. You may be right, but I've decided to take the risk just this once.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #112 on: 03-04-2012 02:46 »

I thought like that one time.  Now I spend my evenings sitting in a corner of the kitchen masturbating on myself and eating rotten ramen noodles.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #113 on: 03-14-2012 07:53 »

I have been hearing so much talk on this Hunger Games movie that I looked up the synopsis on Wikipedia. Kids fight in a gladiator type arena to the death for the entertainment of the higher ups. Sooo...its like a Star Trek episode, except completely awful and done with kids.

...what? I don't understand the big deal. People are predicting it to be the new "Twilight"...as if we needed more...

What do you guys think? Do you think it's just another typical kids-put-in-adultlike-situations to make them feel empowered, like Harry Potter? I think it sounds more like that saga than that Twilight stuff. No one's a hero in that.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #114 on: 03-14-2012 09:06 »

I think it sounds more like that saga than that Twilight stuff. No one's a hero in that.
The only hero in Twilight is the end credits.

Space Pope
« Reply #115 on: 03-14-2012 15:32 »

I don't know Randi, it sounds more interesting then Twilight, but I agree it is just the new fad. I think the Harry Potter generation is trying to find it's new Harry Potter. Twilight, having never read/watched, was definitely not it, so maybe Hunger Games will be. The difference between HG and Twilight though is I might actually be willing to go watch it in theaters.

Space Pope
« Reply #116 on: 03-14-2012 16:15 »

it sounds more interesting then Twilight

That seems like another way of saying "it sounds less painful than a full frontal lobotomy performed without anesthesia."

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #117 on: 03-14-2012 17:25 »

Human Centipede 3 is going to have 500+ people in the centipede.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #118 on: 03-14-2012 17:27 »

Dutch people.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #119 on: 03-14-2012 17:34 »

This one is being filmed in America.
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