DOOP Secretary
I don't think they need to make it into two movies. That's a money-grab, as they will be able to sell two tickets and two DVDs to everyone who wants to see The Hobbit. This is a growing trend, and one I don't like. Twilight is doing it, Harry Potter did it, Kill Bill did it, and I'm sure there have been others.
Make one 3.5 hour movie. Don't make two movies 100 minutes each and tell us there was too much story to tell in one go.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn
Urban Legend
« Reply #86 on: 02-05-2012 13:36 »
« Last Edit on: 02-05-2012 13:39 »
For the most part, it felt like the good guys were one hive mind, and the bad guys were another.
I can't say I agree with this. Many of Tolkien's characters have a kind of moral ambiguity; such as Boromir.
I said there were exceptions but for the most part they were all generally in the same boat. Boromir always struck me as misguided rather then genuinely morally ambiguous, as being too eager to repeat the same mistake Isuildur made in the beginning of the Third Age, but you may be right there. When I say hive mind, very few of the characters had specific or unique quirks/personality traits. They always remained distant and not alive to me, like they were characters in a school history book, rather then living breathing people. Well it's pretty obvious isn't it: they want to squeeze out as much money as possible. Deathly Hallows was split into two films despite being much shorter then some of the other books, Breaking Dawn was split into two movies, and now the Hobbit will be two movies. Return of the Ka-Ching! I would like to see where they are going with the 3rd Kill Bill movie, since there were a lot of things that got cut from the first two films that may get recycled into the next film (such as Gogo Yubari's twin sister Yuki.) I'm guessing it's going to be a showdown between Nikki (Vernita Green's daughter) and... The Bride and her daughter Poor Nikki. Watching a strange lady come into your home and murder your mother can't be the easiest thing for a five year old to watch.
Maybe all the music isn't like that.
It looks awesome, and I am squeeing with excitement. :3
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
I have been hearing so much talk on this Hunger Games movie that I looked up the synopsis on Wikipedia. Kids fight in a gladiator type arena to the death for the entertainment of the higher ups. Sooo...its like a Star Trek episode, except completely awful and done with kids.
...what? I don't understand the big deal. People are predicting it to be the new "Twilight"...as if we needed more...
What do you guys think? Do you think it's just another typical kids-put-in-adultlike-situations to make them feel empowered, like Harry Potter? I think it sounds more like that saga than that Twilight stuff. No one's a hero in that.
DOOP Secretary
Human Centipede 3 is going to have 500+ people in the centipede. Yup.
DOOP Secretary
Dutch people.
DOOP Secretary
This one is being filmed in America.