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Author Topic: Sequels and Prequels and Remakes, Oh My! (Upcoming Films)  (Read 47733 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #120 on: 03-14-2012 17:37 »

But it is made by a Dutchman.  I really don't see your point.

Starship Captain
« Reply #121 on: 03-14-2012 23:42 »

Forgive me, but I must say this at every opportunity: If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much. Ontopic, the first one looked silly so I never saw it, nor will I see this one (no matter how many Dutch folk are in it).

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #122 on: 03-15-2012 01:31 »

You ain't much, if you're Dutch is how the saying goes.

Space Pope
« Reply #123 on: 03-15-2012 07:05 »

Now wait a minute, I think that's a little offensive to our many Netherlanding PEELers. Like           and                . And Let's we not forget                ?

That's what I thought.

SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #124 on: 03-15-2012 14:13 »
« Last Edit on: 03-16-2012 00:56 »

I have been hearing so much talk on this Hunger Games movie that I looked up the synopsis on Wikipedia. Kids fight in a gladiator type arena to the death for the entertainment of the higher ups. Sooo...its like a Star Trek episode, except completely awful and done with kids.

...what? I don't understand the big deal. People are predicting it to be the new "Twilight"...as if we needed more...

What do you guys think? Do you think it's just another typical kids-put-in-adultlike-situations to make them feel empowered, like Harry Potter? I think it sounds more like that saga than that Twilight stuff. No one's a hero in that.

If that's what people want, then they really should consider adapting one of Louise Lawrence's novels for film.  She does a great job of writing teenagers put in situations beyond their understanding and control, and her characters feel a lot more natural and complex then the typical "kid heroes" type thing.  

She's not shy about showing people cracking under pressure or committing suicide when they're pushed beyond their despair horizon, however, which might make her a bit too bleak for many.  Her other main strength are her writing style and vivid descriptions, which would get lost in a movie format.

Anyway, I'm taking it have they finally cancelled the Dark Crystal sequel?  I mean, we've had nothing from it for three years.  I remember when there was a lot of fanfare about it when it was first announced, languished in development hell for four years or more (not even getting any new concept art) and now it seems officially dead.  Pity, because it seemed quite exciting.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #125 on: 03-18-2012 00:56 »
« Last Edit on: 03-18-2012 22:19 »

New Prometheus trailer.
And the International trailer (quite different)
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #126 on: 03-20-2012 03:13 »

True or not, what the fuck is this shit? What doesn't Michael Bay potentially ruin these days (forgive me if you've discussed this, but I did not see anything concerning it)?

Bending Unit
« Reply #127 on: 03-20-2012 03:27 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2012 03:30 »

People blew up this guy's FB page about this. His name is Doug Walker, an online critic.

Space Pope
« Reply #128 on: 03-20-2012 04:02 »

Hm? What does the Nostalgia Critic have to do with it? Or are you just saying that he posted something about it on facebook and it got a shitton of comments?

Bending Unit
« Reply #129 on: 03-20-2012 05:37 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2012 05:43 »

I'm saying that when I went on his FB page fans clogged his page about the news and that's how I found out about it.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #130 on: 03-20-2012 06:20 »

True or not, what the fuck is this shit? What doesn't Michael Bay potentially ruin these days (forgive me if you've discussed this, but I did not see anything concerning it)?

It's just what he does. The problem is an intense reality disconnect; he honestly believes making a few subtle changes will actually make the premise realistic, which just proves what a moron he is.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #131 on: 03-20-2012 20:40 »

Yeah. Turning mutants into aliens ups the realism by at least 0.0000000000000001%.
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #132 on: 03-21-2012 01:49 »

Lest we forget he mentioned that the characters will be tough, edgy, funny and completely lovable.

Jeremy Jahns YouTube vid on this topic if you are too lazy to read. Plus I love his ranting. Basically this video= what I would say more or less.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #133 on: 03-21-2012 21:44 »

The first 5 minutes of Iron Sky are online:


(Already got my card for the midnight premiere...but...DAMN!!! I VANT TO ZEE ZAT MOVIE NOW!!!!)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #134 on: 03-21-2012 22:30 »

New Prometheus trailer.
And the International trailer (quite different)
At around 2:00 of the International Trailer, I believe that would be a Face Hugger.


Space Pope
« Reply #135 on: 03-21-2012 22:37 »

New Prometheus trailer.
And the International trailer (quite different)
At around 2:00 of the International Trailer, I believe that would be a Face Hugger.


ZOMG indeed. This is gonna be a kickass movie, definitely gonna try to see it in IMAX.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #136 on: 03-21-2012 23:27 »

Urgghhh super excited for this movie now, love the Alien films. :D This looks super interesting, the viral videos are pretty awesome too.
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #137 on: 03-22-2012 03:51 »

The first 5 minutes of Iron Sky are online:


(Already got my card for the midnight premiere...but...DAMN!!! I VANT TO ZEE ZAT MOVIE NOW!!!!)
Perhaps my tastes are off, but I found this on par with a SyFy movie. It's unintentionally comical to me for many reasons. One, Space Nazis (They're Nazis! IN SPACE!). Two, the funny looking hopping about on the moon's surface. Three, the cheesy SFX. I'm not saying this movie belongs in the toilet, but I found the first bit unintentionally comical and not to my liking. Still, it's better than Bayformers and that Michael Bay TMNT shitfest coming down the pike.

Urban Legend
« Reply #138 on: 03-22-2012 04:21 »

Whilst I haven't watched the first few minutes yet, I can assure you that the concept of space-Nazis is intended to be funny.

Urban Legend
« Reply #139 on: 03-22-2012 04:23 »

I don't know if it's possible for a comedy to be unintentionally comical ...

I'm still not sure whether I should watch the first five minutes yet or just wait until I can watch the whole movie.
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #140 on: 03-22-2012 05:00 »

Well, being a total ignorant person to Iron Sky, I had no idea it was meant to be funny. Herp derp.

Jezzem, it's entirely possible. Just look at all the hilariously bad "comedy" films of today! We laugh at them because they're so stupid and horrible... or maybe we're laughing at ourselves for watching them. Or laughing to mask our inner sorrow for wasting precious time... Yeah, probably that one.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #141 on: 03-22-2012 15:34 »

Iron Sky is made by the same people who made Star Wreck.

Pretty much a given that it's a comedy. :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #142 on: 03-22-2012 15:38 »

Also it is made by Finns, they are never serious.  Just look at their language.

Urban Legend
« Reply #143 on: 03-22-2012 16:50 »

Also, it's a film about space-Nazis.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #144 on: 03-22-2012 16:52 »

sadly, space nazis are a very common theme in serious scifi, so that's not a good indicator by itself. Of course, they're not usually actual, literal nazis...
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #145 on: 03-23-2012 17:11 »
« Last Edit on: 03-23-2012 17:13 »

I'm trying to get my head around Snow White and the Huntsman, because it seems like it will be another enjoyable if forgettable and ultimately pointless Grim!Dark!Fairy!Tale! the way Alice in Wonderland was.

But seriously, as soon as I hear the mirror say that the Lady Lipbiter from Twilight is not just fairer then Cherlize freaking Theron but the fairest of them all I just roll off the floor laughing my arse off.   Next they'll be casting Emma Watson as Helen of Troy or Ellen Page as the goddess Aphrodite.

I'm not saying plain/pretty but not striking/cute but not beautiful or even ugly or unattractive women shouldn't be actresses because that's just stupid and sexist, but when the character's extreme beauty is an actual PLOT POINT or defining aspect of them, then you cast someone who is you know... lives up to the constant praise of their physical appearance in the script.   When characters gush constantly about the extreme beauty of someone who isn't really anything special, it ends up feeling like a live action adaption of a Mary Sue fanfiction at the very least.  

Bending Unit
« Reply #146 on: 03-24-2012 18:12 »

2 snow white movies coming soon, both made that same mistake

"Fairest of them all" Guffaw

Urban Legend
« Reply #147 on: 03-24-2012 18:25 »

Hollywood's been casting ridiculously attractive people as unattractive best friends for years - basically expecting us to believe that if they're wearing a pair of glasses, then they're losers with no friends who no one will ever want to touch with their genitals.

So it's rather odd to see the reverse in action for a change.

Oh, and it's very stupid, also.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #148 on: 03-24-2012 22:07 »

Dutch people.

3/5ths compromise.

New Prometheus trailer.
And the International trailer (quite different)

Awesome!  I was watching Alien the other night in my theater downstairs.  I got a reel copy of the film about a decade and a half ago, and the movie still invokes strange childhood emotions deep inside me.

True or not, what the fuck is this shit? What doesn't Michael Bay potentially ruin these days (forgive me if you've discussed this, but I did not see anything concerning it)?

Lol!  Michael Bay and Shia Lebouf are determined to ruin the 1980s for everybody.

The first 5 minutes of Iron Sky are online:


(Already got my card for the midnight premiere...but...DAMN!!! I VANT TO ZEE ZAT MOVIE NOW!!!!)
Perhaps my tastes are off, but I found this on par with a SyFy movie. It's unintentionally comical to me for many reasons. One, Space Nazis (They're Nazis! IN SPACE!). Two, the funny looking hopping about on the moon's surface. Three, the cheesy SFX. I'm not saying this movie belongs in the toilet, but I found the first bit unintentionally comical and not to my liking. Still, it's better than Bayformers and that Michael Bay TMNT shitfest coming down the pike.

Totally off-bar.  Iron Sky is the bad-ass project that's been in development forever.  It's gonna be grand!  GRANNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ellen Page 

Don't say bad things about Ellen Page.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #149 on: 03-24-2012 23:24 »

The first 5 minutes of Iron Sky are online:


(Already got my card for the midnight premiere...but...DAMN!!! I VANT TO ZEE ZAT MOVIE NOW!!!!)
Perhaps my tastes are off, but I found this on par with a SyFy movie. It's unintentionally comical to me for many reasons. One, Space Nazis (They're Nazis! IN SPACE!). Two, the funny looking hopping about on the moon's surface. Three, the cheesy SFX. I'm not saying this movie belongs in the toilet, but I found the first bit unintentionally comical and not to my liking. Still, it's better than Bayformers and that Michael Bay TMNT shitfest coming down the pike.

Totally off-bar.  Iron Sky is the bad-ass project that's been in development forever.  It's gonna be grand!  GRANNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well said...Good man :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #150 on: 03-25-2012 03:37 »

Since Hollywood is not above recycling any idea, I'm anxiously awaiting a remake of the movie Alive.  Possibly starring Ryan Reynolds.  I'd love to see someone eat his abs.  Oh, and it should be "reimagined" as a comedy.

Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #151 on: 03-29-2012 05:46 »


Anchorman Sequel Announced

Urban Legend
« Reply #152 on: 03-29-2012 13:15 »
« Last Edit on: 03-31-2012 03:52 »

I really hope they didn't have to ditch the musical idea they had in order to sell it to Paramount.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #153 on: 03-31-2012 03:13 »

2 snow white movies coming soon, both made that same mistake

"Fairest of them all" Guffaw

Yeah... especially the girl in Mirror, Mirror.  She's actually quite pretty, even though a third of her face seems to be taken up by her eyebrows.

Still at least they're not trying to pass her off as more beautiful then Cherlize fucking Theron.

Space Pope
« Reply #154 on: 04-02-2012 06:54 »

The trailer for Seth MacFarlan's Ted is out. I'm gonna be totally honest, it made me giggle a little and I'll probably end up watching this. Also I would totes go lesbian for Mila Kunis.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #155 on: 04-02-2012 10:48 »

I like the part where he rhymed off all the names. :laff:

Space Pope
« Reply #156 on: 04-02-2012 18:40 »

That (what Danny just said) was really the only part I found funny. The rest just looks awkward. And I don't mean awkward because of the "it's a foul-mouthed teddy bear" aspect, but because the CGI interacting with the rest of the characters just looks...odd.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #157 on: 04-02-2012 19:44 »

Is it just me or does this remind you of Stewie and Rupert his Teddybear?

Space Pope
« Reply #158 on: 04-02-2012 21:25 »

Well, seeing as the bear is voiced by Seth McFarlane (the creator of Family Guy and voice of Stewie), I'd guess it's not just you.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #159 on: 04-02-2012 21:38 »

Dumb and Dumber 2 confirmed!

Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels and the Farrelly Brothers are on board, BEYOND excited! :D
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