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Author Topic: From the creators of DER and TUM TA TITTALY TUM TERPA DERP south park thread  (Read 41255 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« Reply #560 on: 11-16-2011 21:39 »
« Last Edit on: 11-16-2011 21:40 »

South Park re-newed to 2016 http://ccinsider.comedycentral.com/2011/11/16/south-park-extended-through-2016/?xrs=synd_facebook

And tonight's the final (Already?!?)

EDIT: Top Of The Page Fat Cat Dance
Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #561 on: 11-16-2011 22:52 »

Damn. I'm waiting for the Simpsons comparison.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #562 on: 11-16-2011 23:09 »
« Last Edit on: 11-16-2011 23:16 »

That takes it to 20 seasons!


Also, I don't wanna risk sharing Eric Rogers' tweets in the "It's got a TV!" section after last time, but this is so true:

Okay, @ComedyCentral, u picked up #SouthPark for 85 more seasons... do the same for #Futurama & no one gets hurt! 4 more seasons will work!

Urban Legend
« Reply #563 on: 11-17-2011 01:55 »

I was going to say something similar to Eric in this thread but I guess he beat me to the punch.

But yeah, here's a Simpsons comparison. It's not unthinkable that South Park might run longer than The Simpsons at this point. Obviously, The Simpsons will have more episodes, but they're only 5 greenlit seasons behind The Simpsons now and The Simpsons is on somewhat thin ice.

Urban Legend
« Reply #564 on: 11-17-2011 11:57 »

"The Poor Kid" was fantastic. Best episode of season 15 for my money.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #565 on: 11-17-2011 17:07 »


Mysterion! Kenny! He dies! WOOT.

Urban Legend
« Reply #566 on: 11-17-2011 17:37 »

I'd honestly like to see South Par surpass the Simpsons (kind of unlikely). Trey and Matt deserve that redit way more than Matt groening

Urban Legend
« Reply #567 on: 11-17-2011 18:29 »

Does anyone have a good picture of the bird lizard thing?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #568 on: 11-17-2011 18:46 »
« Last Edit on: 11-17-2011 18:49 »

One here, newhook. ;)

And some higher quality ones just further down this page. ;)

Urban Legend
« Reply #569 on: 11-17-2011 20:25 »

Thanks, chief.

Urban Legend
« Reply #570 on: 11-18-2011 22:34 »

awesome season finale.  Great to see Kenny's siblings--forgot he even had siblings--I also love that Kenny really cares for his little sister.  The ending just came out of nowhere, but I was like "eh, Kenny will wake up the next day and no one will remember."

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #571 on: 11-18-2011 23:45 »

That was a great episode, the more Kenny the better. And Cartman wasn't actually super annoying in this one. :D

I like how Stan and Kyle were worried about losing Kenny, for once they acknowledged him a little more, and as we saw in "You're Getting Old", Stan and Kyle reflect Trey and Matt, so it's nice to see they still care about him. :love:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #572 on: 11-19-2011 08:14 »

I wouldn't really look too far into that. Kenny's a prop for the most part, they only acknowledge him when he has a purpose to serve the plot. Let's not forget they're the ones who tried to kill him off permanently 9 years ago.

Anyway, the Thanksgiving episode was one of the funniest things I've seen in ages. As for the finale, just... Wow. In terms of style, plot and humour, that was seriously a PERFECT blend of the old-school episodes and the new ones. Excellent finale. I'm also stoked about the show's renewal. :D


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #573 on: 11-19-2011 10:08 »

I wouldn't really look too far into that. Kenny's a prop for the most part, they only acknowledge him when he has a purpose to serve the plot.

See, this is what I don't like. Kenny has a lot of fans. He's an iconic character. He's (supposed to be) one of the main characters. HE APPEARS IN THE INTRO DAMMIT.

But who do we get? Butters. Fucking Butters. I don't mind Randy, but Butters... :nono:

I wish they'd just use Kenny as much as they use Butters, it's not fair at all. :(

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #574 on: 11-19-2011 10:19 »

And? A lot of characters appear in the intro. You're pretty damn limited when you have a character who the audience can't understand. Kenny basically has two aspects to his personality: He's poor and he's perverted. Though granted, the Mysterion storyline has added a lot more depth to him - again, because you can finally hear for sure what he's saying. But this was all later additions, it's not like they went into the show planning to slowly develop Kenny over the last 13 years. Matt and Trey wanted to permanently get rid of him in season 6 - the only reason they brought him back was at Comedy Central's request. Why? Because he sells merchandise.

And it makes sense to use Butters more often, he's a far more well-developed character, and he's the perfect person to play against the boys, particularly Cartman. Basic rule of comedy: Polar opposites = Humour. This is why the Butters/Cartman episodes are usually so good. I understand you may have some sentimental attachment to Kenny, but from a writing perspective, Butters is where the good material is at. I'd still classify both as supporting characters - Kenny gets the same amount of focus in the show as, say Jimmy or Mr. Mackey. Just because he's "part of the main 4" doesn't mean Matt and Trey are obliged to use him constantly. He's about as prominent as Maggie is in The Simpsons, and she's technically a main character. And appears in the intro. But again, you can't do much with a character the audience can't understand.

Anyway, to conclude. I really don't have a problem with the amount Matt and Trey use him. When they DO come up with a good Kenny story, his episodes can be amazing. Look at Best Friends Forever. If they kept trying to utilise him just for the sake of it, you'd get sick of him. It's the same reason they stopped killing him off every episode.

Urban Legend
« Reply #575 on: 11-19-2011 10:52 »

Let's not forget that after Kenny died "permanently" he was replaced by Timmy in the intro and he's a prop character as well.

Space Pope
« Reply #576 on: 11-19-2011 11:35 »

I've never really thought to look so deeply into South Park myself. I've always just kind of...enjoyed it. Why rip all the fun out of it by analysing it :hmpf:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #577 on: 11-19-2011 11:38 »

Analysing the show has made quite a few episodes mean a LOT more to me because of it. Like all good satires, it has layers. For those who want to enjoy it on the surface level, they can. For those (eg. myself) who get off on picking things like this apart, we can too. :)

Let's not forget that after Kenny died "permanently" he was replaced by Timmy in the intro and he's a prop character as well.

I think that was more for the purposes of obscuring the third line in the theme song as per tradition. Just having the word "Timmy" over and over again pretty much serves the same purpose as having Kenny sing a muffled line. They cycled through a few line-ups of characters that season too, and eventually came to just settle on the three boys interacting with whatever may come their way that particular episode. Which is basically what the show had already become by that point, anyway. The show pretty much has three main characters now in my eyes, and has pretty much for the past ten years, at least. Kenny's just utilised as the fourth now because we're so used to that idea of "the four boys." It's fan service and nothing more.

Urban Legend
« Reply #578 on: 11-19-2011 11:56 »

Let's not forget that after Kenny died "permanently" he was replaced by Timmy in the intro and he's a prop character as well.

I think that was more for the purposes of obscuring the third line in the theme song as per tradition. Just having the word "Timmy" over and over again pretty much serves the same purpose as having Kenny sing a muffled line.

I know that, I was just pointing out the fact that Timmy was in the intro at one point but he wasn't a main character, since Danny seemed to think that Kenny has to have an important role in every episode since he's in the intro.

Just to clarify, Kenny is my favourite character but he is essentially a prop character most of the time. In fact, Matt and Trey refer to him as a prop character in one of the audio commentaries.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #579 on: 11-19-2011 13:15 »

I've never really thought to look so deeply into South Park myself. I've always just kind of...enjoyed it. Why rip all the fun out of it by analysing it :hmpf:

Nor do I, or most people, but "You're Getting Old" was analysed the shit out of.

Urban Legend
« Reply #580 on: 11-19-2011 13:54 »

Butters is awesome. He shits all over Kenny.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #581 on: 11-19-2011 13:55 »

Butters is awesome. He shits all over Kenny.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #582 on: 11-19-2011 17:08 »

I really loved the final.
I loved how Kenny took care of his (forgotten) little sister by using a super hero she could look up to!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #583 on: 11-19-2011 17:17 »

15 is a good number, I don't see it lasting much longer, definitely not to 20

How wrong was you?!

Edit: Sorry didn't see my double post!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #584 on: 11-19-2011 23:06 »

So I calculated that by the 14th episode of the 20th Season, the show will be up to 293 episodes. :D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #585 on: 12-08-2011 20:42 »


Forgot to mention, as well as the 2nd downloadable game coming to the Xbox next year, they are also making a South Park RPG for PS3, 360 and PC. :D Matt and Trey are supervising EVERYTHING about it.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #586 on: 12-08-2011 20:43 »

I forgot to mention aswell
Should be good!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #587 on: 12-27-2011 19:50 »

Got the South Park Episode Guides, Volume 1 and 2, for Xmas. Vol 1 is Seasons 1-5 and Vol 2 is Seasons 6-10. Very interesting, funny, etc. Love all the "Where the idea came from" sections, if you're a big fan of the show I'd recommend getting them.

Hopefully they'll release Vol 3 now Season 15 is over. :D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #588 on: 01-25-2012 14:14 »


Season 15 Cover Art has been revealed.

DVD/Blu-ray includes:

*All fourteen episodes
*Deleted Scenes
*Behind the Scenes of “City Sushi”
*The Featurette “6 Days to Air: The Making of South Park”

Out in Region 1 March 27th. No other dates for other Regions yet. :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #589 on: 02-18-2012 11:30 »


Season 16 starts on the 14th March in the US, so I imagine it will begin on the 23rd March in the UK with a double bill of S16E01 and S16E02.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #590 on: 02-18-2012 14:04 »

Yay! The new season starts on my birthday! How many episodes are we getting? 13, 14?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #591 on: 02-18-2012 14:06 »

I think it will be 14 as usual.

Urban Legend
« Reply #592 on: 02-18-2012 14:25 »

It'll be 7 starting then and another 7 come October.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #593 on: 02-18-2012 14:40 »

I think it's gonna remain at 14 until the show ends now. ;)

Urban Legend
« Reply #594 on: 02-18-2012 15:35 »


Except there's the off-chance that we'll get a 15-episode season at some point due to Comedy Central demanding another Christmas special.

Urban Legend
« Reply #595 on: 02-18-2012 15:50 »

especially since the last one was seven seasons ago

Starship Captain
« Reply #596 on: 02-19-2012 02:21 »

I guess they figure they'll never top "blood orgy".

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #597 on: 02-19-2012 16:17 »

Well the critters did return in the Imaginationland Trilogy...

Bending Unit
« Reply #598 on: 02-19-2012 16:29 »

I never liked those critters. ( but I got to admit the "bloody orgy" thing was funny)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #599 on: 02-19-2012 16:31 »

I like how they talk about pissing in Strawberry Shortcake's eye socket and giving her AIDS and making her eat her own eye and stuff. :D
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