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Author Topic: From the creators of DER and TUM TA TITTALY TUM TERPA DERP south park thread  (Read 41257 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #440 on: 10-13-2011 07:55 »

The Last of the Meheecans was better than I thought it was going to be, Butter being the Mexican leader was fun and Border Patrol catching the Mexicans and taking them back to the US was hilarious.
Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #441 on: 10-14-2011 02:19 »

I found this episode to be one of my favorites. Butters-centric episodes are always almost awesome.

Urban Legend
« Reply #442 on: 10-14-2011 05:55 »

pretty unny episode, helped that I knew that Mantequilla was Spanish for Butter

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #443 on: 10-14-2011 17:43 »

Double bill on CC in the UK from 10 tonight, already seen Ass Burgers, what I've heard about The Last of the Meheecans sounds promising. :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #444 on: 10-16-2011 14:02 »

I wasn't too keen on it in all honesty. It felt like one of their weaker episodes to date.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #445 on: 10-16-2011 15:03 »

I like it, but it wasn't as good as everyone was making it out to be. Maybe it's better if you're American.

Space Pope
« Reply #446 on: 10-16-2011 18:42 »

I imagine it's a bit funnier for Americans because we get to laugh at the moronic immigrant-hating people we know in real life, but I still wouldn't say this was one of the better new episodes. I enjoyed it, for sure, but I doubt I'll consider it a standout episode.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #447 on: 10-16-2011 19:09 »

I loved it, myself; just got a weakness for butters-centric episodes, I guess.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #448 on: 10-16-2011 19:25 »

Apparently City Sushi was pretty bad for a Butters ep.

Space Pope
« Reply #449 on: 10-16-2011 20:43 »

I actually really liked City Sushi. The end gets a bit ridiculous, though.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #450 on: 10-16-2011 21:31 »

I finally saw it a few days ago. Kind of...

I missed the first 4 minutes, then I was busy on here, but i was listening to it a little and watching. I enjoyed the reference to Professor Chaos, among other things.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #451 on: 10-16-2011 21:49 »

"City Sushi" Was amazing I agree with you about the ending but still I forgive them because they've always been known for their random episodes.

Well done on watching it Danny :)

And in the UK CC aired "The Last of the Meheecans" before "Ass Burgers" luckily I realized before watching them!

Urban Legend
« Reply #452 on: 10-16-2011 22:02 »

'City Sushi' is another of the show's weakest episodes to date. Season 15 has a lot of them.

None of the episodes are bad yet in my opinion - just as I wouldn't consider The Futurama Holiday Craptacular to be bad television - they're just bad compared to the rest of the show.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #453 on: 10-16-2011 22:12 »

I'm really missing the older episodes (You know when they wrote the episodes in more than week.) Episodes these days are just "Meh" for me. And you can see the amount of pressure they're in to write 14 episodes a year.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #454 on: 10-16-2011 22:17 »

I still love South Park to the max, but I was just watching "Child Abduction Is Not Funny" and "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", both Season 6 (2002), and wow, lot of laughs, whereas now I only laugh like twice. Still, love the show. Good work.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #455 on: 10-16-2011 22:19 »

I was just watching "Spookyfish" the other day for the first time and I laughed my balls off..

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #456 on: 10-16-2011 22:20 »

Goldfish? You mean "Spookyfish"? Season 2.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #457 on: 10-16-2011 22:23 »

Yes I made a mistake and sorted it 46 seconds before your posted about my mistake.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #458 on: 10-16-2011 22:24 »

Hadn't updated on my screen. :p


Urban Legend
« Reply #459 on: 10-17-2011 02:49 »

I'm really missing the older episodes (You know when they wrote the episodes in more than week.) Episodes these days are just "Meh" for me. And you can see the amount of pressure they're in to write 14 episodes a year.

For me, the show's peak was season 8 which was one of the seasons where they wrote every episode in a week (and that season was also made during the year that they were drained as hell from 'Team America').
So I don't know if the quick turnaround is to blame for the lackluster recent seasons or if they're just running out of steam. To be honest, I bet the staff-writers are a big part of it. The ideas still have potential to be brilliant episodes but they're just not pulling them off as well as they used to.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #460 on: 10-17-2011 07:12 »

I enjoyed Last of the Meheecans.  Yeah i was a little predictable in places and perhaps not brilliant, but it was fun to watch.  Is it just me or did Butters not stutter as much as usual?

Ass Burgers was great but the over-the-top fecal imagery was a bit much.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #461 on: 10-17-2011 17:41 »
« Last Edit on: 10-17-2011 17:44 »

New eeeeeppp...

Bass to Mouth

The students of South Park Elementary are the victims of a new gossip website. An elusive hacker has somehow gained access into the student’s confidential phone calls and e-mails and is posting all their juicy stories. The boys are shocked when they discover the identity of the hacker.

Hm, the preview clip makes me think it's Cartman... Woo, big surprise... ¬_¬

Ass Burgers was great but the over-the-top fecal imagery was a bit much.

There was a lot less than in "You're Getting Old". :hmpf:

Urban Legend
« Reply #462 on: 10-17-2011 20:33 »

Bass to Mouth could be brilliant with that concept providing they pull it off.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #463 on: 10-17-2011 21:20 »

The preview clip shows Cartman telling everyone in the corridor about some kid who shit his pants or something in class, they are like "How do you know that for real?", he shows them a website on his phone called Eavesdropper, explains it has all the student's secrets on it. It then shows Kyle holding a phone and talking to everyone else, saying "We're about to find out who's been posting our secrets." and they all burst into the music room. We see them all stop and get shocked looks on their faces, Stan and Kyle look at each other. End of clip. :hmpf:

Cartman isn't with them at all when they burst into the music room. :shifty:

Urban Legend
« Reply #464 on: 10-17-2011 21:52 »

Neither are the crab people!

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #465 on: 10-17-2011 21:53 »

Is this show even funny:confused:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #466 on: 10-17-2011 23:50 »

Here's the clip

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #467 on: 10-18-2011 00:21 »

Is this show even funny:confused:

It has its moments, yes.  A few of the eps were so insanely funny that I could hardly see the TV through the tears of laughter.  It's like great sex, though: you really have to be in the zone before you start.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #468 on: 10-18-2011 00:26 »

I just noticed a bit of a goof
Here we see Token between Stan and Butters and next to Token we see Craig

Here we see Token more between Stan and Wendy and Craig is miles away from Token!!

Urban Legend
« Reply #469 on: 10-18-2011 01:29 »
« Last Edit on: 10-18-2011 01:30 »

You can't judge the episode on that clip. The show is still in production and there's a good chance that clip will be completely different by the time it comes to air. The clips often do change before the episodes air.

EDIT: Actually, now I've looked at it, it's not even a goof, it's just to do with camera angles.

Space Pope
« Reply #470 on: 10-18-2011 03:31 »

Who even cares if it is a goof? Do people actually pay attention to things like that?

Hm, I suppose this thread already answered my question.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #471 on: 10-18-2011 04:03 »

It shows that the show has a high level of unprofessionalism.  I don't think many people will enjoy this series, and it'll probably get cancelled after its first season.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #472 on: 10-18-2011 18:12 »

Just for one day, I'd like to live in winna's world... :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #473 on: 10-18-2011 18:41 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #474 on: 10-19-2011 03:47 »

camera angles.

Working in a 2-dimensional medium, there's only ever really one 'angle'. Besides which, cameras haven't been used in the show's production since the pilot episode.


Urban Legend
« Reply #475 on: 10-19-2011 12:27 »

The preview clip shows Cartman telling everyone in the corridor about some kid who shit his pants or something in class, they are like "How do you know that for real?", he shows them a website on his phone called Eavesdropper, explains it has all the student's secrets on it. It then shows Kyle holding a phone and talking to everyone else, saying "We're about to find out who's been posting our secrets." and they all burst into the music room. We see them all stop and get shocked looks on their faces, Stan and Kyle look at each other. End of clip. :hmpf:

Cartman isn't with them at all when they burst into the music room. :shifty:

While it seems like something Cartman would do, why would they all have shocked looks on their faces if it were Cartman? If it were Cartman they'd probably have more "For fuck's sake, Cartman we should have know it was you" faces.

Urban Legend
« Reply #476 on: 10-20-2011 05:34 »

I think I would have loved that episode if the aforementioned character had no part of it. It was a great concept and full of funny moments, but the other stuff didn't quite gel with it for me.
I would have rathered they be two separate episodes. Still, I very much enjoyed it, it's one of the best episodes of season 15 so far in my opinion, though a far cry from great episodes we once got on a regular basis.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #477 on: 10-20-2011 07:18 »

The Last of the Meheecans
Very solid episode! I thought they were going to tackle immigration but they went for the whole American pride thing instead and I'm so much happier for it. Seeing all the Mexicans trying to flee back to their homeland was hilarious, and I enjoyed Butters' plot.

Bass to Mouth
I've been waiting AGES to Lemmiwinks to return... Definitely wasn't expecting it to happen like this, though. Not that I'm complaining, it was all really funny. It's more the Mr. Mackey/teacher faculty storyline that just didn't sit right with me. I dunno, I may have to watch this one again. There was some funny stuff but it didn't all seem to gel. I loved the music though.

Overall, neither one will be a stand-out for this season, but both were pretty good. :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #478 on: 10-20-2011 08:23 »

Bass to Mouth was one of those really silly episodes that are always fun, but I agree with cyber_turnip and Beamer that the two stories didn't really feel right together. It feels like the episode could have just been the story with Lemmiwinks and his brother or the story with Cartman and the teachers and it would still have been great.

Even though it felt like they were trying put two different episodes' plots together, I still thought it was really hilarious and fun.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #479 on: 10-21-2011 16:28 »
« Last Edit on: 10-21-2011 18:46 by Xanfor »

It wasn't so much the fact that the two stories didn't work together. I mean, it all made sense, plot-wise (as much as South Park usually does, anyway). Maybe it was more just the fact they took so long to properly intersect?
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