
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #483 on: 10-24-2011 12:48 »
« Last Edit on: 10-24-2011 18:52 by Xanfor »
New ep. Broadway Bro Down
Sharon is thrilled that Randy is making an effort to do more things that she enjoys. But, after he takes her to see a hit musical in Denver, Randy becomes Broadway’s biggest fan. Sharon is whisked away to New York and treated to every musical on the Great White Way.

DOOP Secretary

But Randy is the best character in the show.

DOOP Secretary

Wasn't a big fan. Pretty much your typical "South Park runs one joke into the ground for 22 minutes" affair. Was expecting a bit more given The Book of Mormon and Trey's love of musicals.

DOOP Secretary

Read the plot online, the Spider-Man part sounds fun.

DOOP Secretary

Morbo: Blowjobs are not supposed to be funny!
I should get to watch the ep tonight

DOOP Secretary

Just watched now, the ending was super weak, because I heard in the US version that a commercial for "The Book of Mormon" plays when Randy and Sharon wonder what musical will be coming to South Park next, but in the UK it just kind of ended. No joke. Just ended. But yeah, fun episode I guess, no Kyle, but at least we saw Kenny unhooded at the pool.  Best joke: The granddaughter part.  "You fucking pervert."

DOOP Secretary

But it wasn't even an actual ad, it was a mock ad created for the episode...

DOOP Secretary

Watched it last night but couldn't maintain my interest past about the halfway point. Might watch the whole thing the next time it's on. maybe

DOOP Secretary

Yus, here: 1%
The kids at South Park Elementary are being punished for Cartman's failings in the physical education department. What will Cartman do when they all gang up on him?

Urban Legend
« Reply #508 on: 11-03-2011 03:27 »
« Last Edit on: 11-03-2011 03:29 »
This last episode was awesome, refreshing, didn't seem like a recycled plot and used the Randy/Sharon relationship for the first time...since well season 1. Also, I never laughed so hard at SP in a long while.
You mean it used the Randy/Sharon for the first time since 'Ass Burgers'. Prior to that, 'You're Getting Old'. Prior to that, 'Creme Fraiche'. And I could go on.

DOOP Secretary

Well, I personally haven't been following the whole Occupy Wall Street thing at ALL so all that stuff was pretty much lost on me. The Cartman plot was brilliant though. I love when Matt and Trey don't hold back on making his character completely fucked up in every conceivable way.

DOOP Secretary

It annoys me to have to say "second", but Josh expressed my feelings on the ep perfectly. I did like it, and was pleasantly surprised to see them take a few shots at the movement. The portrayals of both points of view would have been much more effective with a touch more subtlty, though. Major win on the Cartman angle, too!

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #515 on: 11-04-2011 05:06 »
« Last Edit on: 11-04-2011 05:07 »
Yeah, the Occupy Wall Street stuff was definitely too blatant. The fact that I barely knew anything about it yet pinpointed the reference immediately is a bad sign. South Park is at its best when the satire is just sitting smugly in the background, and the plot is still cohesive even to people who don't get the references. They totally abandoned the whole "gym scores" aspect of the plot once the Occupy stuff came in. Bad move. They should've just focused on the Cartman stuff. This last episode was awesome, refreshing, didn't seem like a recycled plot and used the Randy/Sharon relationship for the first time...since well season 1. Also, I never laughed so hard at SP in a long while.
Totally missed this the first time around. What are you talking about? It's a frequently used dynamic in the show, especially as of late. Not to mention the fact that season 1 didn't have ANY Randy/Sharon episodes. A brief appearance here and there, sure, but their characters really didn't get fleshed out until season 6. I'd say Child Abduction is Not Funny was probably the biggest turning point for Randy's character in my opinion.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

BEAM BAG!!!!!! Where have you been??? I missed you I'm going to PM you. K done going offtopic. I regretfully have not seen a new episode of south park since I dunno, perhaps the cream fraiche episode. I don't have cable 

DOOP Secretary

Haha, I'm still lurking in the shadows. Though I haven't had a regular internet connection since 2008, hence my sporadic appearances.

Space Pope
This guy, people! This guy right here! He's the guy! You'll always have a home with us, Beamer. Are you in any trouble? I've only seen the first three episodes of the new half-season. The first ( Ass Burgers) was my favourite, but I had forgotten why the duck was President due to the mid-season lapse. A truly disturbing premise.  Wasn't a big fan. Pretty much your typical "South Park runs one joke into the ground for 22 minutes" affair. Was expecting a bit more given The Book of Mormon and Trey's love of musicals.
I haven't seen the episode yet, but I've always thought that there needs to be a name for it when South Park does that, even if it isn't the only show that falls prey to it. I'm especially thinking of the ones where it's the same phrase repeated over and over, like "They took 'er jerbs!", "Niiiiice!" and "You're trapped in the closet". I've been calling them "catchphrases-by-attrition", but there must be something better.