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Author Topic: Few Questions/Suggestions  (Read 33976 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #360 on: 12-07-2005 14:11 »
« Last Edit on: 12-07-2005 14:11 »

When are the PEELies??


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #361 on: 12-08-2005 04:26 »

Probably around January.. it's pretty speculative... don't worry about it  ;)

Bending Unit
« Reply #362 on: 12-08-2005 19:38 »
« Last Edit on: 12-08-2005 19:38 »

ok cool.  when will someone knock some sense into seanstud. is it possible to get banned for spamming??
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #363 on: 12-08-2005 22:46 »

Oh yes. Very possible.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #364 on: 01-06-2006 07:48 »

oh yeah, i don't know if this has been suggested before or not but lemme post it before i forget.

I think the "search" function should be modified to link you directly to that post with the keyword or what not you are looking for. otherwise sometimes i am forced to sift through 20 pages of text going by the date, which is very tedious and time-consuming that some posters (like me) sometimes don't have the patience for. Just a suggestion. Thank you - this message has been brought to you by winna and futurefreak  :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #365 on: 01-06-2006 15:11 »

the sarch button isnt worknig for me

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #366 on: 01-09-2006 10:12 »

I figure there's about a .02% chance of this suggestion being applied, and at least a 50% chance someone has suggested it in the board's 5 years, but I'm gonna suggest it anyway.
You should add [alien] tags, to display enclosed text in AL1. There's already a font out there somewhere, I don't remember which site but I know I saw the d/l link, so it should either be easy or impossible (not actually sure if websites can force a d/l of a new font or not, if they can it should be easy)

And to anyone thinking "Screw that, I can't read AL!" you could always just copy & paste the AL text and it'd show up in a normal font - even into the QuickPost field.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #367 on: 01-09-2006 11:57 »

hmm, the problem isn't to implement the tag, since that shouldbe pretty easy. The problem would be that not every one has, or can install the font. The displaying of differend fonts isn't server sided, but depends on your machine and browser you use.

So if you'd be on another PC that doesn't hold it (or not under the same name as the tag wants), it either gets displayed in hieroglyphs, not at all or in the standart font (mostly Arial).

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #368 on: 01-09-2006 13:00 »

yeah, as I commented before, I figured it was either easy or impossible.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #369 on: 01-21-2006 07:07 »

mcl6525: Try this one!
<INPUT TYPE="submit" Value="Sarch">

Wait... this doesn't work either...

I need more info than "doesn't work"...

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #370 on: 01-21-2006 09:13 »

Sarch... hahaha  :laff:

May I give you more info marc?

At least for me, it sometimes happens that the search needs an endless amount of time to react (if it doesn't even time out before), or it gives me a 404 right away. That happens on all forums, so I guess it is the cgi, even more the DB even. However these things are mostly the case when the PEEL server is running slow anyhow.
Beside that I have a plea/wish about the search function. Can you reverse the order? So that the youngest comes first? That would decrease the times a 5 year oldthread is bumped for nothing, and it would make searching for an existing thread easier.  ;)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #371 on: 01-21-2006 12:34 »

Sadly, that and jumping directly to the right post is not efficient using the old flat file format of peel (whould have to read the file backwards, which won't work fast or fetch all results in all cases, which won't work fast either).

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #372 on: 01-22-2006 00:46 »

mArc!  Even I was beginning to doubt your existence.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #373 on: 02-09-2006 00:36 »

hmm. just ran into something wierd posting here. Sorry if its a known issue. IMG tag in a URL tag worked in preview but not in the thread view. Bug?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #374 on: 02-11-2006 02:43 »

You got a space after the .gif there.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #375 on: 02-11-2006 06:34 »

Do I? Hmm. It worked in the preview before I posted it, and when I was editing it worked in the preview again. I'd expect them to use the same code, so what breaks one should break both?

While I'm here, suggestion for a new feature: Peel's "Gate" (the redirect page) needs some decorations. How's about the heads (avys) of the most recently banned users impaled on stakes?  :laff:

man, I crack myself up...

Bending Unit
« Reply #376 on: 02-12-2006 18:22 »

What is the ranking system here???

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #377 on: 02-12-2006 18:28 »

Read about it in the PEEL'ers FAQ

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #378 on: 02-12-2006 18:48 »

Nice idea Gopher for the Gate, but think about people coming to the site. "Why's Zoidberg's head impaled on a stake?"

« Reply #379 on: 02-14-2006 06:54 »

Is it just me or does anyone think that the "search" button should be a slighter larger and more noticable. We all know its there, but the noobs probably don't notice it until their new thread gets closed and they are linked to it. I mean, i know there will always be people starting threads, of which identical/better ones already exist but its fair to say that a lot of people just don't see the search button up there and go full steam ahead in starting threads such as "hey guys! whats your favourite futurama episode???" or "OMGZ did j00 guyz no that FuTuRaMa was kancelled?" which we all have become acustomed to seeing closed.


As you know, when joining a lot of websites you have to accept to their 'terms and agreements'. What do you think about having the Peel'ers FAQ a mandatory read for new users.

« Reply #380 on: 02-14-2006 09:41 »

Having the FAQ as madatory probably wouldn't work. I don't know about you, but I never read the terms and conditions when joining sites.

On PEEL, I did it out of choice.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #381 on: 02-14-2006 09:42 »

Actually a nice idea, if the Search button would stick out a little... like one of these , hopefully that'll have at least a slightly impact... not much with most newbs though  :cry:

About that other thing you had... Well the discussion about it comes up every now and then. It returns pretty much every half year as far as I noticed. The last time we came to the conclusion that it wouldn't really change a thing, because most people fastly scroll by these agreements anyhow.
We even considered a little "entry test" for new members, but decided that this would be a little too much".
Really nice to see that 2006 started better than 2005 newbie wise however ;)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #382 on: 02-14-2006 22:10 »

Oh god, those newbies last year were so bad. Especially that i_c_weiner guy. He posted. I wonder whatever happened to him...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #383 on: 02-14-2006 22:27 »

I banned him.

« Reply #384 on: 02-15-2006 00:58 »

Yeah, i realise that a fraction of the people that joined would actually bother reading it. I almost went back and edited my post to remove that but couldn't be bothered.

with the search button, i was just thinking about it put next to the button instead of the small text link underneath. I'm sure at least small number of the stupid threads could be the result of people just missing the search link. Also, i know it would probably be too strict, but what about stopping people with less than 25 or 50 posts staring a new topic (if thats actually possible to do). At least that would stop most of the "hi i'm new" threads.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #385 on: 02-15-2006 06:51 »

^thats a good idea^, though it'd be a bit unfair, if you've got something incredible that you need to say in a thread of its own

« Reply #386 on: 02-15-2006 07:31 »

Maby we could just not allow popplers to start new topics, and if they really needed to start one, 5 posts wouldnt be hard to make. Just hypothetical ideas that wouldn't work properly. The only one that i would like to see happen is the search button makeover.

Space Pope
« Reply #387 on: 02-15-2006 16:07 »

Originally posted by Blane:
Maby we could just not allow popplers to start new topics, and if they really needed to start one, 5 posts wouldnt be hard to make.

Why not restrict the ability to open new threads to Space Popes & DOOP Secretaries...

That would be far more effective.  :p

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #388 on: 02-15-2006 23:24 »

I know you're only half-serious, but that would backfire big-time in increased spam in other threads by people trying to rank up.

Space Pope
« Reply #389 on: 02-17-2006 05:39 »

So, does anyone actually read the terms and conditions to any website or forum or chatroom they go to? Ever? I've never done so. I've never read PEEL's T&C either and flicked through the FAQ. Sensible rules are things like "Be polite, use adequate grammar and punctuation, Don't spam". Following these three golden rules will see you fine in 99% of the internet, and the other 1% are run by dictatorial adolescents who don't really care for the rules laid out and kick you for fun. They also get beaten up in high school and have no-one to go to the prom with.

One thing I could get behind is restricting the number of posts on the first day to, say, five. This should hopefully do a little to stop someone from signing up and immediately posting lots of spam before a mod gets on to ban them *cough*FAKE YOU*cough*. To do so would require more coding though and I do'nay wish tha' upon mArc.

Urban Legend
« Reply #390 on: 02-27-2006 20:01 »

mmmm k, I posted twice in the Airbag world tour topic and both times they just disapeared.  I posted first after the first set of pictures Pikka posted, and had post #287.  After about 5 mins, I saw Pikka had posted again, I went to look, and my post was gone, and his new post, with more pictures was #287. 

I posted again, and after the reload the post was there.  A few mins later, I again noticed Pikka was the last poster, I looked back, and my post was just completly gone.  Anyone know whats up?

Space Pope
« Reply #391 on: 02-27-2006 23:54 »

The internet hates you?

I understand. I have the same thing with everyone I meet.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #392 on: 02-28-2006 09:22 »


Bending Unit
« Reply #393 on: 02-28-2006 10:35 »

Its funny how 2 people with high post counts just posted complete spam.

Anyway, maybe your using the back button and its like youve never posted any thing, that happened to me a couple times.

Also, will PEEL ever ger PMs?? that would be cool.

Urban Legend
« Reply #394 on: 02-28-2006 12:05 »

No it wasnt using the back button.  I had a direct link to the post, which worked for another person, and then it just was gone, and replaced.  Apperently Tnuk had the same problem in the same thread
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #395 on: 03-01-2006 00:52 »

Originally posted by Hypnotize:
Its funny how 2 people with high post counts just posted complete spam.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #396 on: 03-01-2006 09:50 »


Bending Unit
« Reply #397 on: 03-02-2006 04:26 »

Isn't that some thing called O RLY OWL?

Also I think it would be cool if someone made a 1337 (leet) Futurama website  :D
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #398 on: 03-02-2006 10:34 »

Originally posted by Glasses:
Also I think it would be cool if someone made a 1337 (leet) Futurama website   :D


Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #399 on: 03-02-2006 18:48 »

Glasses: There is one. You're just not 6df32d enough to know about it, let alone fd3dv5 enough to actually join. I mean, you're so f53dc32 you probably don't know what '6df32d' and 'fd3dv5' mean.
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