Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

That's what I always assumed, but you'd have to ask mArc, he made the site...

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
Thanks for the compliment.  Well about the deleting, normally they don't delete it, it would be a little too much work to go through every thread and search for double posts. Posts normally get deleted if they contain stuff that is offending or that is absolutely contraproductive - Like that picture that was posted in the "Xanfor" thread. Threads normally only get closed and not deleted. As far as I know the message board engine PEEL uses doesn't handle the deleting of whole threads too well and may crash. After all, this UBB is quite old, which makes it efficient but tricky to administrate at the same time.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
666 is not the number that you think it is. The designation that you would usually give to that number belongs instead to 10,314,424,798,490,535,546,171,949,056. Yes, there's a reason. Yes, I'm not telling you what it is. Being a board full of nerds, most of who will have read a lot of science fiction, I'm sure that at least one person knows what I'm talking about.


port 6667 is also something to do with irc servers etc if i recall correctly. Perhaps mArc was subliminally trying to make more people go to #fc. Perhaps not though...
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Nah, it'd definitely be Nurdbot.
He has the highest post count by a HUGE margin...

Space Pope
Originally posted by germanfryfan: Nurdy and respected because of posting? Probably not. Beside that I haven't seen him in quite a while, is he still on his PEEL-break, or even banned? Nurdy banned? Nah, he's just gone. But in the end it's the same anyway. Originally posted by Xanfor: Well, if he makes it to another rank (should [-mArc-] add one), he will be repected and and honored above all mortals. Nah, that PEELer (especially if it's Nurdbot) might be called a Spamwhore, but that's it.  *signs this post with his signature (for no reason)*

DOOP Secretary

I was making a joke.

DOOP Secretary

Just for that, I might start signing my posts again.

DOOP Secretary

Aww... (Scuttles off)

DOOP Secretary

Was PEEL just offline for the last half-hour?


Nah, the internet was taken offline for maintenence. It's back now though.