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Author Topic: Actual Complaints  (Read 64281 times)
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Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #600 on: 07-11-2011 18:18 »
« Last Edit on: 07-11-2011 18:37 »

Ok I'm getting fed up of something enough that I actually feel like posting about it in here.

Firstly, I totally expected the thing you were getting fed up of to be SorynArkayn :laff:

Secondly, if you're making a longpost or a multiple quote post, use Notepad or Word to help you organise it. That's how I get around both those issues (which I have also noticed).


I do tend to use Word for breaking up quotes in multiple posts and other general long posts, but it still seems like a drag on Peel that this happens. The other thing is on Word if you want to put speech marks in a post it looks like “this”, but if you use Peel it looks like "this". I prefer the way the speech marks look on Peel, but if I type it up in Word and use Copy & Paste it will paste Word's crappy ones, and if they are a long way down within the given post I then have those previously mentioned problems trying to fix it...

I also sometimes make mistakes bolding or making italic with the tags on Word which I won't pick up on until I post it on Peel, then to edit and correct it those problems come into play again...

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #601 on: 07-11-2011 20:57 »

That's why notepad is more efficient.  Also, with your original problems, you can use things like page down or end to jump to the end of the quick post box.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #602 on: 07-11-2011 21:01 »

People keep accusing me of being Winna. Is there an SMF plugin that will stop this?

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #603 on: 07-11-2011 21:25 »

People keep accusing me of being winna as well. :(
Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #604 on: 07-12-2011 01:32 »

There's a Firefox add-on, Gopher.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #605 on: 07-12-2011 06:16 »

[-mArc-] : very minor feature request (the feature request thread was locked for spamming, this is the next best thing):

Could you fix the wikipeelia link on the main page to default to a new window/tab like, well, every other link on peel, rather than opening in the current as it does now? Thanks. Love, not-winna.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #606 on: 07-12-2011 21:35 »

That's why notepad is more efficient.  Also, with your original problems, you can use things like page down or end to jump to the end of the quick post box.

Sure there are ways around it, but fixing Peel would be the best cure...

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #607 on: 07-21-2011 22:24 »

Have you ever considered checking the length of strings used for the username when creating an account?  I think 17 characters seems to be the magic number before the username is long enough to break the page.... don't really know how you feel about this situation, just thought I'd mention it. :)

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #608 on: 07-21-2011 22:32 »

Have you ever considered checking the length of strings used for the username when creating an account?  I think 17 characters seems to be the magic number before the username is long enough to break the page.... don't really know how you feel about this situation, just thought I'd mention it. :)

Everyone did notice the thread where every third post was from some new account whose name was breaking the page, if that's what you're asking. :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #609 on: 07-21-2011 22:33 »

forced linebreak would work too.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #610 on: 07-21-2011 22:35 »
« Last Edit on: 07-21-2011 22:37 »

That's true... personally I'd prefer just to forcing the users to have a certain length username; it looks cleaner that way.  17 characters may not be the actual number though, but it seems like the characters and spacing are equidistant.

Edit: I stand corrected; they are most certainly not a fixed width.... so it might depend if you have all caps or some such. :hmpf:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #611 on: 07-21-2011 22:36 »

At least 17 joined characters, if you have multiple words it works, if I remember correctly.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #612 on: 07-21-2011 22:37 »

there is no actual number. PEEL does not use fixed-width fonts.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #613 on: 07-21-2011 22:39 »

Well, you have to either use a fixed number to restrict it though, or forced linebreak, no?

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #614 on: 07-21-2011 22:46 »

I guess forced linebreak would be the best way to go about it, yes.  However, it's more complicated than that, and you'd either just have to make up a number to linebreak it at or create an algorithm to guess the actual link of the name and where to cut it off at, which is overly complicated. :hmpf:

I guess forget I brought it up. :rolleyes:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #615 on: 07-21-2011 22:49 »

Well, each of the characters have a fixed size, so you could calculate the size after each characters and have a algorithm if the checking if it's longer (in pixels) than it should be have a line-break before it.

Might be too complicated than it should be. Maybe the size of the characters can just somehow be automatically be resized once the name hits a certain length? I've seen that done on other boards.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #616 on: 07-21-2011 22:57 »

the obvious solution is to switch peel to use fixedsys as it's only font.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #617 on: 07-21-2011 23:21 »

Or comic sans.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #618 on: 07-21-2011 23:22 »

Or Wingdings!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #619 on: 07-21-2011 23:25 »


Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #620 on: 08-03-2011 06:43 »

I'd like to request the ability to edit my own posts in locked threads.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #621 on: 08-03-2011 07:02 »

Anything I can help you with, or just in general?

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #622 on: 08-03-2011 07:04 »

just in general. Thanks tho. :)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #623 on: 08-03-2011 22:20 »

When someone is banned why does it not show it next to their profile, or at least within their profile? Most forums do...
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #624 on: 08-03-2011 22:27 »

I thought that their rank was supposed to change to "Near Death Star Inhabitant" or something. Does this not happen?

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #625 on: 08-03-2011 22:28 »

that's not bans, that's a special thing for people who request to be put into a chemically administrator-induced coma.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #626 on: 08-03-2011 22:41 »

Yes... I may have been mistaken when I put that on the wiki. Sorry.

To the WikiPEELmobile!


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #627 on: 08-03-2011 22:51 »

It's the PEEL Mobile, not the wiki :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #628 on: 08-03-2011 22:53 »

Then why is there a big "W" on the front, huh?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #629 on: 08-03-2011 22:55 »

There's also a V.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #630 on: 08-03-2011 23:00 »

cut it, you two, or marc will close this thread like he did the suggestions thread.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #631 on: 08-11-2011 22:15 »

This keeps happening, I quote someone and there's nothing in the reply box. I have to then click quote again, but often the quote will appear twice within the reply box after :mad:...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #632 on: 08-11-2011 22:43 »

This keeps happening, I quote someone and there's nothing in the reply box. I have to then click quote again, but often the quote will appear twice within the reply box after :mad:...

This happened to me when PEEL was glitching a few days ago, sometimes I'd quote someone, be in the middle of typing and then the quote would pop up again. :hmpf:
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #633 on: 08-12-2011 19:39 »

Not just me then, although I never got white Peel. So many things keep glitching here lately though. Is it ghosts or poltergeists?...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #634 on: 08-12-2011 19:59 »

What do you mean by a "white PEEL"? I've been wondering that for a while now.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #635 on: 08-12-2011 20:03 »

SoS posted a screen:


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #636 on: 08-12-2011 20:03 »

What do you mean by a "white PEEL"? I've been wondering that for a while now.

Me and SoS had dodgy connection to PEEL cause we're both in the North West and use Virgin, and we both got this multiple times:


*edit* Bend-err beat me to it. :p

Urban Legend
« Reply #637 on: 08-13-2011 03:17 »

I always get this white peel thing. But only for a few seconds before returning to normal, and it's just because of my crappy australian internet connection that it does take that long to load up a page normally.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #638 on: 08-13-2011 12:36 »

I don't think it's a PEEL-specific thing though because I occasionally get it (and not just on PEEL, either) when my browser (Firefox 3.6.18) or my internet connection is running particularly slow.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #639 on: 08-13-2011 21:47 »

AARRRGGGHHHH that fucking quote thing just happened again. It did nothing, then I clicked it again and I saw one quote in the reply box and I replied with my bit and only saw the other one after I'd posted. My bit ended up halfway between. I'm getting really pissed off with it now :mad:...
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