Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

That's why notepad is more efficient. Also, with your original problems, you can use things like page down or end to jump to the end of the quick post box.
Sure there are ways around it, but fixing Peel would be the best cure...

DOOP Secretary

forced linebreak would work too.

DOOP Secretary

At least 17 joined characters, if you have multiple words it works, if I remember correctly.

DOOP Secretary

Well, you have to either use a fixed number to restrict it though, or forced linebreak, no?

DOOP Secretary

Well, each of the characters have a fixed size, so you could calculate the size after each characters and have a algorithm if the checking if it's longer (in pixels) than it should be have a line-break before it.
Might be too complicated than it should be. Maybe the size of the characters can just somehow be automatically be resized once the name hits a certain length? I've seen that done on other boards.

DOOP Secretary

Anything I can help you with, or just in general?
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

When someone is banned why does it not show it next to their profile, or at least within their profile? Most forums do...

DOOP Secretary

Yes... I may have been mistaken when I put that on the wiki. Sorry. To the WikiPEELmobile! 

DOOP Secretary

Then why is there a big "W" on the front, huh?

DOOP Secretary

There's also a V.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

This keeps happening, I quote someone and there's nothing in the reply box. I have to then click quote again, but often the quote will appear twice within the reply box after  ...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Not just me then, although I never got white Peel. So many things keep glitching here lately though. Is it ghosts or poltergeists?...

DOOP Secretary

What do you mean by a "white PEEL"? I've been wondering that for a while now.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

AARRRGGGHHHH that fucking quote thing just happened again. It did nothing, then I clicked it again and I saw one quote in the reply box and I replied with my bit and only saw the other one after I'd posted. My bit ended up halfway between. I'm getting really pissed off with it now  ...