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Author Topic: Actual Complaints  (Read 64174 times)
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transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #560 on: 03-08-2011 05:53 »

I use Firefox.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #561 on: 03-08-2011 06:04 »

I've used almost every browser available to post on PEEL at some point or another, and I don't recall ever having an issue such as described.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #562 on: 03-08-2011 11:17 »

I cannot reproduce the problem either. Could this be some addon acting up? If you are using Firefox, try starting it without addons (safe mode). Other browsers should have something similar.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #563 on: 03-08-2011 18:19 »

I get it occuring on the computers at Uni... not at home. I think the computers at uni have a bajillion Firefox addons, so this makes sense.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #564 on: 03-08-2011 19:58 »

I've noticed it.... before.  However, I don't know where... could have been IE at work...  and I don't have the means to reproduce it since I don't recall the specifics of how I did it when I did.  It hasn't been doing it to me lately, and I've extensively tested out that fact.

Urban Legend
« Reply #565 on: 03-08-2011 22:32 »

I use IE, a friend suggested Chrome but I just don't like it, and Firefox was being a bitch when I tried to download it last.  I did like FF in the past on the gf's computer, maybe I'll try that again.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #566 on: 03-08-2011 22:35 »

Try Opera then, it works perfect with PEEL.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #567 on: 03-08-2011 22:45 »

And it's pretty cheap.   Like $24.99 per month with promotional rebate.

Urban Legend
« Reply #568 on: 03-08-2011 22:57 »

Downloaded Opera, seems to work fine. 
Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #569 on: 03-09-2011 03:36 »

Opera rules. It's on my laptop, iPod, and cellphone.

New Tester
Urban Legend
« Reply #570 on: 03-09-2011 08:02 »

I addressed a problem I have on here before but it was on the test thread so i guess it was rightfully ignored.

When I post a link with a description in it and press post, it goes like this


by itself.

I always got to re-edit it. No matter what browser.  :hmpf:

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #571 on: 03-09-2011 11:57 »

How are you typing it in?  Do you put quotation marks around the url and do a like this: url="websitename.com" ???

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #572 on: 03-09-2011 15:03 »


It should be:
leave out the two tests and ][

New Tester
Urban Legend
« Reply #573 on: 03-09-2011 21:00 »

I don't put two descriptions and the "accolades" (pardon my french). IT Does that itself.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #574 on: 03-09-2011 21:10 »

Weird, Peel hates French Canada? Though it's the best Canada and the other Canada is hardly Canada.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #575 on: 03-10-2011 19:03 »
« Last Edit on: 03-10-2011 19:05 »

Testing Quick Reply:
Code: [Select]
[url=http://www.bash.org]test[/url] = test

No problem here.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #576 on: 03-10-2011 19:04 »
« Last Edit on: 03-10-2011 19:14 »

testing normal reply:
Code: [Select]
[url=http://www.bash.org]test[/url]= test

No problem either?

Try copy&pasting what's in the code section to see if it works for you. If it does, I'll bet on you using some weird french accented variant for the ≖ or ⁆ or something.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #577 on: 03-10-2011 23:22 »

Lolz.  I couldn't figure it out, but I suspect that it's something weird that's being input.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #578 on: 03-11-2011 10:33 »

I was just looking at the stats page on my profile, it says I created 74 topics and 17 polls. Is there a way to query these and show them as a link on the member's page? Like some how program it to find all topics started by said user, in much the same way it finds all posts by the user. I don't know though, I would have gotten a C in programming had it not been for the tremendous curve. I just thought it would be neat is all. :)

New Tester
Urban Legend
« Reply #579 on: 03-12-2011 02:14 »
« Last Edit on: 03-12-2011 02:15 »


It works mArc....what the hell, when I just click on the url thing add the ] then description it results in what I have talked about....still.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #580 on: 03-13-2011 12:24 »

add the ]

That looks like the problem. There is no ] to be added. Just the = right after the url part of the opening tag.

New Tester
Urban Legend
« Reply #581 on: 03-13-2011 22:42 »
« Last Edit on: 03-13-2011 22:46 »

Alrighty then


It works mArc....what the hell, when I just click on the url thing add the ] then description it results in what I have talked about....still.

What happens when i dont type it correctly : "url=http://www.bash.org]test[/url]"

=http://www.bash.org test

Seems like there is a need to that ]

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #582 on: 03-13-2011 22:46 »

Alrighty then


It works mArc....what the hell, when I just click on the url thing add the ] then description it results in what I have talked about....still.

What happens when i dont type it correctly : "url=http://www.bash.org]test[/url]"

=http://www.bash.org test

you typed "url:http://=http://"

New Tester
Urban Legend
« Reply #583 on: 03-13-2011 22:46 »

Alrighty then


It works mArc....what the hell, when I just click on the url thing add the ] then description it results in what I have talked about....still.

What happens when i dont type it correctly : "url=http://www.bash.org]test[/url]"

=http://www.bash.org test

you typed "url:http://=http://"

No I didn't, it doubled itself....again.

New Tester
Urban Legend
« Reply #584 on: 03-13-2011 22:51 »

let's see what happens if i do it manually


Oh I see, linking is l33t you gotta type it....NO ICONS

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #585 on: 03-13-2011 22:58 »


aaah, I see what happens.

when you put [*url]www.bash.org]test[*/url] it has one ] too much and gets confused...

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #586 on: 03-14-2011 20:06 »

Yeah it will double link itself if you do it incorrectly and post it FYP. I wasn't paying attention and did that the other day by using [url] instead of [url=

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #587 on: 05-22-2011 11:44 »

I found some old PEELies threads (2005 2006) in Offtopic, is it possible to move them to somewhere in PEEL Vault or is that a no go?

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #588 on: 05-22-2011 12:37 »

I think we've asked marc for more than enough recently.... perhaps we could let him rest a while. 

You might be able to get an ubermod (Nixorbo or Tweek...) to move those threads if you really want I guess.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #589 on: 05-23-2011 11:27 »
« Last Edit on: 05-23-2011 11:30 »

I was just making a note of it in case they didn't realize. I didn't know whether they wanted it all together or not, I only noticed because I was using them for my writing...but yes, you are right winna, he has stepped in tremendously for POTM of which we are all grateful. It doesn't mean we have to stop for good at future suggestions though :p

It wasn't meant as a "complaint" but I didn't know what other thread it would be appropriate to put in in the Wish Void. My apologies to anyone who may have thought that. =/
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #590 on: 05-23-2011 21:47 »

Apology accepted :)...
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #591 on: 06-11-2011 17:02 »

Okay, what the hell? Can somebody please explain why I can only send a PM to five people at once, why I can only send ten an hour, and why I have to wait a minute in between sending each one? I'm not trying to spam anybody to death here, I just want to send a message to a few people in the Trading Card project.

If there's a way to lift the restrictions on my PM feature, I'd appreciate it. Of course, I'm guessing that only [-mArc-] even knows if it's possible. Much of PEEL 2 is a mystery. A deep and mysterious mystery.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #592 on: 06-12-2011 00:43 »

Well, you may not be spamming, but others have in the past. However, I raised the limit of hourly messages a bit.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #593 on: 06-12-2011 01:12 »

Ta very much. Hopefully I won't need to send messages to a huge number of people again tho.

New Tester
Urban Legend
« Reply #594 on: 06-12-2011 23:13 »

Why do you use peel like an instant messenger ?
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #595 on: 06-12-2011 23:28 »

Because sometimes people don't share their email address or IM details, don't have me on Facebook, don't come into the chatroom, and don't make it nice and easy for me to track down these details.

So the PEEL PM feature is a useful means of sending them a private message.

I'm not using PEEL like an instant messenger in these cases, more like a last-ditch effort at communication.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #596 on: 06-12-2011 23:31 »

Here's my complaint:

If I said what FYP just said to TNUK, TNUK would come at me with a barrel of swear words and hurtful sayings. What's up with that?

New Tester
Urban Legend
« Reply #597 on: 06-12-2011 23:42 »

tnuk now understands the man behind fyp is all.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #598 on: 07-11-2011 17:42 »
« Last Edit on: 07-11-2011 17:45 »

Ok I'm getting fed up of something enough that I actually feel like posting about it in here. It may have come up before, but I'm getting sick of whenever I do a really long post, if I want to edit it and stuff it keep defaulting to the top of the box even if I'm trying to edit stuff which is way further down. If I want to highlight some text to either delete or copy and paste it, if that said text is a long way down outside of the viewable margins of the reply box then it often has a mind of its own and tries to highlight loads more text than I wanted to. It will only let me fully control the text that is within the viewable margins of the box...

If you want to add a word in or delete a typo and re-type it a long way down, then each letter you delete or type, instead of the reply box keeping your view at that part of the post it automatically keeps defaulting your view to the top of the post so you can't see what you are doing. You have to scroll down individually to each individual letter or type blind and hope it's ok, and then scroll down and check. It's fucking annoying and I'm sure it never used to be like this...

Another annoyance I have is when you quote a post that already contains multiple quotes outside of the viewable reply box margins. Your view of the post is always defaulted to the top of the first quote, not at the bottom where you actually want to type. This means you have to needlessly scroll down to the bottom which aside from being annoying can also create another error. I sometimes reply to a quote forgetting that there's another quote off-screen further down and then my new reply is sandwiched between other quotes and makes no sense. The whole post is a rambling screw up. Admittedly this other error is my one and I often sort this out before committing to reply (but not always), but it's as a result of it always defaulting to the top...

Is there any way some of this can be fixed?...
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #599 on: 07-11-2011 17:57 »

Ok I'm getting fed up of something enough that I actually feel like posting about it in here.

Firstly, I totally expected the thing you were getting fed up of to be SorynArkayn :laff:

Secondly, if you're making a longpost or a multiple quote post, use Notepad or Word to help you organise it. That's how I get around both those issues (which I have also noticed).
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