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The Wish Void
All your PEEL feature or settings related wishes, proposals and questions go here. The Wish Void Board is free for everyone to post.
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Subject Replies Views Started by Last post
Pages: 1 ... 11 12 13 [14] 15
Sticky threads? 33 2014 Nixorbo 09-03-2002 18:15
by Kryten
Moderators, Moderators... 1 1324 Nefnar 08-27-2002 15:32
by Drippy_taco
question 25 2025 futurefreak 08-26-2002 11:06
by Nixorbo
Sex (not that, another one :-) 34 3308 Loki 08-13-2002 11:03
by Nixorbo
Proposition 69 29 2379 transgender nerd under canada 08-03-2002 06:20
by [-mArc-]
Proposition 68 1 1745 TSN-Bot 08-02-2002 23:59
by [-mArc-]
Uploading your own avatars 22 1968 PCC Fred 07-28-2002 12:51
by Drippy_taco
kicked off
« 1 2 3 4 5 »
160 10459 sex_man 07-24-2002 15:39
by Nixorbo
why 39 2420 sex_man 07-17-2002 03:00
by Drippy_taco
best board maker 5 2347 bartman 07-16-2002 11:02
by [-mArc-]
How do you change your advatar? 7 1604 Speli 07-06-2002 01:21
by Nixorbo
How does this poster of the month works? 33 2078 Mr. Potter 07-04-2002 12:34
by Nixorbo
The chat room... AGAIN! 9 1629 PCC Fred 06-21-2002 09:30
by Kryten
Newbie Spamming
« 1 2 »
70 4315 aslate 06-17-2002 18:28
by PCC Fred
Chat Room 6 3914 Tweek 06-08-2002 19:19
by static
Has nobody noticed this????
« 1 2 »
50 4788 MacHackerBS 06-07-2002 21:10
by Ninaka
how do u upload images on ure signature and on ure messages 5 1627 bartman 06-07-2002 13:23
by ZombieJesus
name change 25 2011 TSN-Bot 05-26-2002 10:47
by PCC Fred
Want To See Poll Topic A Header 20 1949 meisterPOOP 05-21-2002 09:48
by VelourFog
Some Forum Latitude Needed.... 2 1454 FryBender3000 05-16-2002 00:38
by Nixorbo
Pink Folders Come And Go 3 1502 BrainSluggo 05-15-2002 13:00
by Kryten
How come I don't see my name in the members section? 7 1597 ZombieJesus 05-14-2002 11:17
by Nixorbo
Product Forum 30 2174 [-mArc-] 05-13-2002 23:46
by Nixorbo
can som1 explain these ratings to me 3 1621 bartman 05-09-2002 13:07
by Kryten
Easy Futurama Smilies? 10 2122 Kryten 05-08-2002 22:10
by FishyJoe
Pages: 1 ... 11 12 13 [14] 15
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