Originally posted by Tweek:
Originally posted by Drippy_taco:
<meta name="keywords" content="futurama, Forum, Board, Message, PEEL, chat, chatting, comics, Groening, simpsons, Leela, download, morefuturama, schedule, tv listing, episodes">...
Looks like [-mArc-]'s fabricating PEELs keywords to get more visitors
It's not illegal!
I see only one character is named 
And who can blame him for choosing exactly that character?
[Chief Singing Wind]Nobody, that's who![/CSW]
But he missed an opportunity. Why didn't he include the words "nude" and "Amy"? That, coupled with "Leela", would've generated a great deal more visitors.

Edit: Damn, now mArc have made my entire post look stupid. Meh...nothing new in that.