S14 Nemesis
Zapp "Hey baby, aren't you going to tell me your secret?" "Great time soldier, beat my time by 2 seconds..and 36 minutes..and 8 hours..and I'm going to finish some day"
Fry "Fixit Fixit Fixit Fixit Fixit... Fixit Fixit Fixit"
Dr. Zoiberg "My precious slinky!! :sobs:" "Stop yelling at me!! :sobs:"
Bender "Making frequent stops where ever the hell I feel." "Abandon Ship!" "OMG! :steals money:" "I wasn't programmed to steal Leelas purse but that didn't stop me." "Look! This one has no eyes :steals eyes:" "Harpoon my ass."
Scenes Dr Zoiberg: "oh no my home, it burned down!" Hermes: "that only raises questions" Bender: "oh so thats where i left my cigar" Hermes: "that raises further questions"
Zapp: I am expecting a all out tactical dog fight. Followed by a light lunch- ham, Sunday bar ....
S14 Nemesis
This goes along great with me having to go to work shortly.
On the episode bender was sleep bending. Leela: "Here is the manual with a list of everthing wrong with the ship." Bender: "I'm not reading that crap! Sum it up in one word!" Leela: "Sabotage!"
DOOP Secretary
Pi-kea Robot: Enjoy your affordable swedish crap
DOOP Secretary
"Sorry, but that song doesn't normally last three hours, but we got into a serious thing, and then I forgot how it ended."
- From "Bending In The Wind"
DOOP Secretary
"Hello!..Professor!..lava!..hot!!"P Professor Farnsworth ruining our Fan Service. Jurassic Bark
Classic Zoidberg - Now if you will excuse me there is some ravioli with only 2 shoes prints in it >SQUISH!< 3. lol
DOOP Secretary
9...10...A big fat hen....named Bender.
Mom's Three Sons have some awesome lines-
"And to prove this is actually 1000 years ago, here's contemporay actress Pamela Anderson" -Walt, A Fishfull of dollars
"The Glasses man is gonna touch mommy... iahhh... iahhh" -Ignar, Mothers Day
"You can get there on this precious noncomputerised map" -Larry, Mothers Day
"Mommy, can I wear your fat suit?" - Ignar, A fishfull of Dollars
"This Mr Fry must be a master-mind of the highest order" - Walt, A fishfull of Dollars
"Someday I want to marry a girl like her" (referring to Mom)- Walt (what ep was that).
selects Pat Buchannan on Stock vote "Iahh... The ballot was confusing!"- Ignar- Futurestock
DOOP Secretary
I can't believe it, either.
DOOP Secretary
Bender:That's what I get for sharing my vunerablelity with you people. Crimes Of The Hot.
Sorry about the misspelling.
Bender is pacing around the Planet express building, grumbling to himself.
Farnsworth: "Obsessing won’t help, Bender. Take a lean back and enjoy life. Bender: "I can’t. My fembot may be in love with another manbot!" Leela: "Well talk to her. Tell her about your feelings in an open and honest way." Fry: "Yeah, either that or be a man!" Next scene, in Bender's apartment. Bender: "Ok, I’ve constructed an elaborate lie. I’ll call Angeleine, while pretending to be Flexo, arrange a date, show up disguised as him and catch her two- timing me with myself!" Fry: "That’s thinkin’ like a man!"
-Bendless Love
Leela's quotes:
'This Wangs Chung!'
This 'Toads the Wet Sprocket!'
Bender: "Ah, Let's face it, comedy's a dead artform. Now tragedy,*laughs* That's funny!"
Urban Legend
From 'Fear of a Bot planet' Movie (talking about humans) ...They may even be in our movie theatres! *cries from audiance* Fry - God help us!! I love that line. Also: Leela: Oh come on Bender, last month it was Robanadon, then it was Robanza Fry: Man that was a blast!