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Author Topic: Bring on Season 7! - General Futurama Discussion  (Read 53683 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« Reply #560 on: 02-03-2012 20:58 »

Strange review, but okay. I didn't hate YLL. I didn't think it was anything special, but the beginning was funny. I also should rewatch it.

Space Pope
« Reply #561 on: 02-04-2012 01:25 »

When it first aired, I didn't think it was that bad. All rewatching it did was lower my opinion of it.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #562 on: 02-04-2012 02:56 »

That also could happen. I don't really have any strong opinions on it. I probably could do better things with my time than rewatch it. Like rewatch Parasites Lost or something.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #563 on: 02-05-2012 01:19 »

It was fairly bad to me on my first viewing. From there on it wildly changed back and forth between decent and bad...:hmpf: I mean, it had some laughable moments. But most of the attempted funny moments fell short. :nono:

Space Pope
« Reply #564 on: 02-05-2012 01:25 »

The problem isn't that it's unfunny, it's that the premise is completely unsuitable for a sci-fi sitcom. Why on Earth did anyone think it would be a good idea?
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #565 on: 02-05-2012 01:50 »

I remember hearing that it was one of the staff members kids ideas. As nice as it was for the staff to do this in general, it sure sucked. Was there anyway this could of been a good episode? :nono:

Urban Legend
« Reply #566 on: 02-05-2012 01:54 »

I think that Leela creating a kids' show about some odd, colourful characters that turns out to be plagarised from the real characters' lives is far more fitting a plot for a sci-fi cartoon than say Leela becoming a professional blernsball player.

Space Pope
« Reply #567 on: 02-05-2012 01:58 »

Probably true, but since they where both crap episodes, it doesn't really matter. I think any episode with "Leela" in the title is in danger of being awful. (The only exceptions being Leela's Homeworld and TMLH).

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #568 on: 02-05-2012 07:33 »

Wait, was it actually a staff member's kid's idea? Ugh. That fact alone just made it worse for me.

UnrealLegend, aren't your exceptions like half of the episodes with Leela in the title? Okay, 40%, I checked. A rule that's only true 60% of the time doesn't seem like a very good rule to me. :p

Space Pope
« Reply #569 on: 02-05-2012 07:36 »

Not really a rule, just an observation I recently made.

On the other hand, there aren't many bad episodes with "Fry" in the title.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #570 on: 02-05-2012 13:46 »

Wait, was it actually a staff member's kid's idea? Ugh. That fact alone just made it worse for me.

Me too, it's like they couldn't be bothered to come up with 26 episode ideas for the Season 6 production run, so they started asking their kids. No wonder shit like this happens :nono:...

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #571 on: 02-05-2012 13:53 »

In the audio commentary, they talk about how YLL was only possible after the original run of Futurama because they show writers et al had kids while the show was off the air. Since many parents watch TV with their kids nowadays, the writers themselves were inspired by the kids show they themselves had watched. I think that concept alone alienated most of the show's viewers because I would bet a few pretty pennies that most Futurama fans don't have kids (or started watching before they had kids). That means the humor of satirizing a kids show isn't going to translate very well to the fan base.

So my understanding was that it was inspired by watching those shows with their kids - it was not suggested by their kids.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #572 on: 02-05-2012 14:23 »
« Last Edit on: 02-05-2012 14:24 »

I think I mentioned that my half-brother is 4 and my half-sister is 1, so I'm pretty much used to watching baby/kid's TV shows, and I know where the writers are coming from, but it still just didn't feel right.

What I'm trying to say is, even if you do watch baby/kid's TV shows, YLL still sucks.

And I'm not saying I watch them, but I've seen them so many times due to their ages, so yeah...

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #573 on: 02-05-2012 17:21 »

I'd heard that too, Scrappylive, and I agree. Just because you've changed doesn't necessarily mean that your fanbase has changed - or, if it has changed, that it wants your show to change. Did that make sense?

My sister watched shows for four-year-olds until she was eleven. She's thirteen now, and I still have all those damn theme songs memorized.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #574 on: 02-05-2012 17:33 »

To sum up the effects of YLL by Matt Groening using Gob Bluth's catchphrase: "I've made a huge mistake." How can such a high-quality show be inspired by such crap as "Yo Gabba Gabba". That episode wanted me want to Yo-Barfa Barfa.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #575 on: 02-06-2012 03:52 »

Eh, I don't know that it was a huge mistake, per se. It was a mistake, but it's not like it'll haunt the show for the rest of its days. We'll just pack up and move on to the world of tomorrooooow.
Starship Captain
« Reply #576 on: 02-06-2012 06:47 »

I think I mentioned that my half-brother is 4 and my half-sister is 1, so I'm pretty much used to watching baby/kid's TV shows, and I know where the writers are coming from, but it still just didn't feel right.

What I'm trying to say is, even if you do watch baby/kid's TV shows, YLL still sucks.

And I'm not saying I watch them, but I've seen them so many times due to their ages, so yeah...

Actually, you ARE saying you watch them. After all, you said earlier in that post:

I'm pretty much used to watching baby/kid's TV shows,

Eh, I don't know that it was a huge mistake, per se. It was a mistake, but it's not like it'll haunt the show for the rest of its days. We'll just pack up and move on to the world of tomorrooooow.

And then complain about the next mistake.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #577 on: 02-06-2012 08:00 »
« Last Edit on: 02-06-2012 08:51 »

I'd heard that too, Scrappylive, and I agree. Just because you've changed doesn't necessarily mean that your fanbase has changed - or, if it has changed, that it wants your show to change. Did that make sense?

Quite. In fact, I think you explained it better than I did.

I think I mentioned that my half-brother is 4 and my half-sister is 1, so I'm pretty much used to watching baby/kid's TV shows, and I know where the writers are coming from, but it still just didn't feel right.

What I'm trying to say is, even if you do watch baby/kid's TV shows, YLL still sucks.

And I'm not saying I watch them, but I've seen them so many times due to their ages, so yeah...

Actually, you ARE saying you watch them. After all, you said earlier in that post:

He meant he doesn't watch them for himself (or anymore at all for that matter), as opposed to watching/seeing it simply because his sister had it on. There is a difference.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #578 on: 02-06-2012 17:34 »

He meant he doesn't watch them for himself (or anymore at all for that matter), as opposed to watching/seeing it simply because his sister had it on. There is a difference.


Fnord, you're kind of a dick.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #579 on: 02-06-2012 17:39 »
« Last Edit on: 02-06-2012 18:29 »

Fnord, you're kind of a dick.

Agreed. I wrote the same thing in my post, but deleted it before hitting the 'Post' button. You remind me of this one time I bought a Barney DVD just a few days before Christmas and the clerk at the cash register was laughing at me for buying it. You and he both lack sense and sensibility.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #580 on: 02-06-2012 18:58 »

I think I mentioned that my half-brother is 4 and my half-sister is 1, so I'm pretty much used to watching baby/kid's TV shows, and I know where the writers are coming from, but it still just didn't feel right.

What I'm trying to say is, even if you do watch baby/kid's TV shows, YLL still sucks.

And I'm not saying I watch them, but I've seen them so many times due to their ages, so yeah...

Actually, you ARE saying you watch them. After all, you said earlier in that post:

I'm pretty much used to watching baby/kid's TV shows,

Eh, I don't know that it was a huge mistake, per se. It was a mistake, but it's not like it'll haunt the show for the rest of its days. We'll just pack up and move on to the world of tomorrooooow.

And then complain about the next mistake.

When do you get time to feed that high horse of yours?
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #581 on: 02-06-2012 20:14 »

I don't get what is so bad about "Yo Leela Leela". I thought it was a fun ride. I quite enjoyed it. It wasn't the essence of Futurama, but it wasn't a massacre either.

If you're going to bash "Yo Leela Leela", at least provide specific examples in the episode that made it so bad. I enjoyed the bad actions-good consequences ending. Did you have a problem with that?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #582 on: 02-06-2012 21:11 »

I like the original ending better. They didn't use it in the final version of the episode, but you can find it in the Volume 6 DVD extra features. It is a bit darker (which is the reason they didn't use it), but the darkness is sort of a gratifying way to end an episode I don't enjoy too much.

As for why I don't like it, it is too far out of character for the show as well as some of the characters. I also don't appreciate the subject matter very much. This is the same reason why I don't enjoy much of Beast With a Billion Backs - I don't enjoy the subject matter of a love story.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #583 on: 02-06-2012 21:19 »

The fact that the whole episode bashed TV shows was really cheap. Maybe if it focused less on the corniness of the show and more on Leela being famous (That would also have to be improved :hmpf:), the episode would be a whole lot better. Oh well...
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #584 on: 02-06-2012 21:38 »

The fact that the whole episode bashed TV shows was really cheap. Maybe if it focused less on the corniness of the show and more on Leela being famous (That would also have to be improved :hmpf:), the episode would be a whole lot better. Oh well...

I didn't once see that as bashing. I thought "Rumbledy-Hump" was just a friendly parody of "Yo Gabba Gabba". Though the joke about "Dora the Destroyer" was kind-of cliche and not very funny. It really was a light satire on children's television.

Episodes that focus on show business are never very popular with nerdlingers (is that the accepted term now? I remember it was used to describe fans other than of Futurama...). Just look at "That's Lobstertainment!". I thought that "Yo Leela Leela was a bit better than that, and the former wasn't a total lost (though it really wasn't entertaining). Maybe you're embarrassed by your childhood interests? Or maybe you were just that irritated by the Lady Gaga fame-whore quote?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #585 on: 02-06-2012 23:42 »

Yeah, I'd say it was more of a parody than bashing. And I actually really enjoy That's Lobstertainment! as much as any other episode. I was quite surprised to find that most fans rank it quite low. It is a bit slow-paced, sure, but other than that, I'm not sure what there is to not like.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #586 on: 02-06-2012 23:50 »

Harold Zoid is kind of "meh"...

Space Pope
« Reply #587 on: 02-06-2012 23:51 »

The episode as a whole is "meh".

However, I don't think it's horrible.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #588 on: 02-07-2012 00:17 »

It's grown on me since I first saw it. I like the tar scene with Fry and Leela. The rest is kind of slow and Harold Zoid just doesn't do anything for me.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #589 on: 02-07-2012 00:46 »

The Bender scenes are also pretty funny. "Hi I'm Boiler, but you can call me Bender!" :laff: I also liked all the terrible acting encouraged by Zoid with the pie-throwing and the running around. :laff:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #590 on: 02-07-2012 00:54 »

I can recognize it as being a bit dry compared to other Futurama episodes, but that definitely never bothered me.

"Okay, but I still feel like eating a shoe."

"This is one death Dr. Zoidberg won't be responsible for! ZOIDBERG - AWAAAY!" (slowly walks off)


Urban Legend
« Reply #591 on: 02-07-2012 01:27 »

I love Jach Nicholson's DNA reconstituted into a gorilla's body.

But other than that, very little really sticks out about That's Lobstertainment! to me. It's far from my least favourite episode but it's certainly one of the weaker examples of the show.
Starship Captain
« Reply #592 on: 02-07-2012 08:03 »

He meant he doesn't watch them for himself (or anymore at all for that matter), as opposed to watching/seeing it simply because his sister had it on. There is a difference.


Then you should have said that.

Fnord, you're kind of a dick.

You shouldn't have said that.

When do you get time to feed that high horse of yours?

I don't. Warren Buffett does it for me.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #593 on: 02-07-2012 19:50 »

He meant he doesn't watch them for himself (or anymore at all for that matter), as opposed to watching/seeing it simply because his sister had it on. There is a difference.


Then you should have said that.
Erm I guess he thought everybody with a brain would tell he watches them with his half siblings.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #594 on: 02-07-2012 23:33 »

I can't wait until new episode titles are announced on the copyright database, but for now we must wait...:hmpf:

God, I hate waiting! I'm so bored! :cry: :(

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #595 on: 02-07-2012 23:42 »

The longer we wait the more we're excited for it.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #596 on: 02-08-2012 01:00 »

What if this season suck terribly? For example, 4 episodes as good as Neutopia, 6 average episodes, and 3 good episodes...:hmpf:

I would stop watching.

But I'm sure Season 7 will be amazing! It just seems it! :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #597 on: 02-08-2012 01:27 »

Futurama has built up enough good will with me over the years so that they could produce an entire season of Attack of the Killer Apps and I'd still return next season in the hope that it was just a blip.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #598 on: 02-08-2012 17:06 »

I can't wait until new episode titles are announced on the copyright database

They aren't 'announced' on there, they are just added to the database and we find them...

I would stop watching.

Some fan you are. :nono:
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #599 on: 02-08-2012 21:25 »

I meant the season. If there was another broadcast season after that, I would easily watch it. But once your show hits a certain low, it'll never hit a certain high that it once obtained...If such disastrous seasons were to occur more than 2 times, then I would stop watching; because I can't watch a show with shitty quality that was once a huge aspect of  my life...:(

But I have faith that we'll never go that low! I even feel like Season 7 is going to be the best season since we came back! :D Lets just wait and see...
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