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Author Topic: Bring on Season 7! - General Futurama Discussion  (Read 53561 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #480 on: 01-12-2012 10:08 »

Kif didn't share any "deep feelings of love" with Leela.

Irrelevant, as he later explained:

"I thank Leela for the DNA she gave me but, in my species, the true parent is the one who inspired the initial feeling of love."

His receptive state was evidently caused by the panic of decompression

No idea where you got that from.

when would Leela have "impregnated" Kif?

Watch the episode. Everybody touches him.

Give up now and admit your idiocy.

« Reply #481 on: 01-12-2012 11:17 »
« Last Edit on: 01-12-2012 11:20 »

According to the transcript on 'Infosphere' it was explained by Kif.

Kif: Leela must have impregnated me when she grabbed my ungloved hand. That explains the poster in hygiene class: "No Glove, No Love".

It is obvious that Kif was not in that 'Receptive State' when he was holding hands with Amy.

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #482 on: 01-12-2012 11:41 »

It's a shitty ep anyways, one of the worst from the original run if you ask me. I'd sooner forget it than worry about who got Kif pregnant. The offspring have been completely neglected, just conveniently pushed to the sidelines with that cop-out twenty years line. Really makes the ep feel worthwhile...
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #483 on: 01-12-2012 12:28 »

I thought it was a nice episode with some truly hilarious moments.  I also love the Grand Midwife.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #484 on: 01-12-2012 12:52 »

I liked it as well.  It was not the best episode, sure, but hardly terrible.

« Reply #485 on: 01-12-2012 14:28 »

is reincarnation the newest ep?
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #486 on: 01-12-2012 14:48 »

The newest ep to air, yes...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #487 on: 01-12-2012 15:23 »

According to the transcript on 'Infosphere' it was explained by Kif.

Kif: Leela must have impregnated me when she grabbed my ungloved hand. That explains the poster in hygiene class: "No Glove, No Love".

Yeah, I always figured Kif's species is impregnated only by hand-to-hand combat contact. The scene where they're all trying to hold on to Kif makes a big deal about how everyone kind of grazes his hand, but only Leela grabs it. Amy is the parent of Kif's offspring to the extent that she "inspired the initial feeling of love"; the genetic material itself is only Kif's and Leela's.

I don't find that problematic, though, from a storytelling perspective. Kif doesn't care who the biological parent of his children is--all that matters is that Amy's the one who put him in the receptive state in the first place.

It's a shitty ep anyways, one of the worst from the original run if you ask me. I'd sooner forget it than worry about who got Kif pregnant. The offspring have been completely neglected, just conveniently pushed to the sidelines with that cop-out twenty years line. Really makes the ep feel worthwhile...

"Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch" has to be one of my favorite episodes of the series; it's nice to see the spotlight on Kif and Amy for once, and the story itself is both hilarious and strangely touching (no pun intended).

You're right that the ending is kind of a cop-out, but that's never bugged me. Amy and Kif becoming "real" parents would totally change the dynamic of the show; maybe the writers shouldn't have pursued the story in the first place if they never really expected it to amount to anything, but I just find the episode so enjoyable that its lack of continuity with the rest of the series doesn't bother me. As a standalone episode, it's one of my favorites.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #488 on: 01-12-2012 16:32 »

I quite like the ending.  The point was that Amy isn't ready to be a mother yet, (especially to children that are only hers through an alien custom, imagine having what's basically a shotgun wedding when you didn't even have sex), but this way, she gets to be a mother when she is ready for it.  I thought it was quite cute when she fought to save them from the predators whilst referring to them as her babies.  I doubt it was just the adrenalin talking in that moment.   She'll be a good mother in 20 years.  Having her be a parent would change the dynamics of the show too much as Gorky has pointed out.  Plus people usually hate one Cousin Oliver, imagine how people would react to about thirty of them.    I wouldn't want Kif and Amy to end up like Apu and Monjula as well (it's a bit sad watching the old episodes where they both adored each other, whilst their marriage seems to be a hollow shell now.)

Space Pope
« Reply #489 on: 01-13-2012 03:02 »

I was just watching TBWABB, and I noticed that it has something that most episodes these days lack. Crazy sci-fi gadgets such as Fry's pattern-changing tie, Leela's "wink glasses", and the smell-o-scope cake. Most recent episodes seem to lack these cool innovations.  :(

I think the best recent episode to have stuff like this was Fry am the Egg Man, which featured rocket-darts and hologram books. Meanwhile, other episodes stick to projectile firearms instead of flashy lasers.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #490 on: 01-13-2012 06:03 »

I don't find that problematic, though, from a storytelling perspective. Kif doesn't care who the biological parent of his children is--all that matters is that Amy's the one who put him in the receptive state in the first place.

Which was a nice way for the writers to nudge modern society toward acceptance of non-conventional family units. Namely same-sex parents. An enlightened mob, those Futurama writers.
Starship Captain
« Reply #491 on: 01-13-2012 06:36 »

Kif didn't share any "deep feelings of love" with Leela.

Irrelevant, as he later explained:

"I thank Leela for the DNA she gave me but, in my species, the true parent is the one who inspired the initial feeling of love."

His receptive state was evidently caused by the panic of decompression

No idea where you got that from.

It's called a hypothesis.

when would Leela have "impregnated" Kif?

Watch the episode. Everybody touches him.

Give up now and admit your idiocy.

I'm going to take 1/3 of your advice. I'm going to rewatch it, especially since we seem to have seen different things.
Starship Captain
« Reply #492 on: 01-13-2012 08:19 »

Watch the episode. Everybody touches him.

Give up now and admit your idiocy.

I'm going to take 1/3 of your advice. I'm going to rewatch it, especially since we seem to have seen different things.

I just got done watching the episode again.

There's nothing in the episode that contradicts anything that I have said or conjectured. However, in the commentary, the writers did say that Leela was the only other parent of Kif's offspring. So I'm going to take another 1/3 of coldangel's advice.

However, I still consider the ending to be "part of O.M.", so I will not admit any (nonexistant) idiocy.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #493 on: 01-17-2012 04:37 »

I honestly feel like ACV08 is going to be like TLPJF. Aimee Steinberg said she was stressing, so I'm guessing it's going to be EPIC and complicated : D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #494 on: 01-17-2012 14:46 »
« Last Edit on: 01-17-2012 14:47 »

ACV08?  There are 6 of those.

Do you mean "A Big Piece of Garbage", "Raging Bender", "That's Lobstertainment!", "Crimes of the Hot", "The Beast with a Billion Backs Part 4" or "That Darn Katz!"?

Urban Legend
« Reply #495 on: 01-17-2012 15:31 »

I think it's pretty obvious that they mean 7ACV08.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #496 on: 01-17-2012 19:55 »

I know, but I still was granted the opportunity to make that post.  We nitpick around here.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #497 on: 01-17-2012 21:29 »

Globviously 7ACV08, you can just infer that instantly. :hmpf:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #498 on: 01-17-2012 21:31 »

Hey look who's back..

Gone forever you say?!

Well I didn't miss you!
I did a little bit..
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #499 on: 01-17-2012 21:35 »

I explained that in the Leaving Forever thread a bit ago, go check it out.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #500 on: 01-17-2012 21:36 »

I know, just noticed. 
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #501 on: 01-18-2012 01:02 »

So excited for Season 7! I just have this great feeling that it's gonna be great!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #502 on: 01-18-2012 01:33 »

Oh don't fucking jinx it you douchebag!
I oughtta slap you down.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #503 on: 01-18-2012 01:38 »

I mean, it's gonna suck donkey boner. ;)

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #504 on: 01-18-2012 07:11 »
« Last Edit on: 01-18-2012 07:13 »

Ehhh Kif Gets Knocked up a Notch was okay, not great. I personally prefer the dynamic between Zapp and Leela, which in recent years has been swiped under the rug in favor of the on off again ship...

We did have In a Gadda Da Leela which people didn't seem to like...if it were a DVD extra your opinions would have changed!!
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #505 on: 01-18-2012 07:53 »

I personally prefer the dynamic between Zapp and Leela, which in recent years has been swiped under the rug in favor of the on off again ship...

...though there is imhO not really a reason why Zapp should stop chasing Leela, even when she's together with Fry.

Space Pope
« Reply #506 on: 01-18-2012 08:13 »

I much prefer the dynamic between Zapp and Kif. It's simply hilarious seeing the two interact sometimes.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #507 on: 01-18-2012 13:24 »

"The jackass will see you now..." :laff:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #508 on: 01-23-2012 19:21 »

Something that has been bothering me for a while:

Has anyone else noticed that huge chunks of all the new episodes take place in the Conference Room? I can't think of a single ep from Rebirth that doesn't involve something minor/major in the plot happening in that room. :hmpf:

Dunno if that's a bad thing or what...
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #509 on: 01-23-2012 19:26 »

Something that has been bothering me for a while:

Has anyone else noticed that huge chunks of all the new episodes take place in the Conference Room? I can't think of a single ep from Rebirth that doesn't involve something minor/major in the plot happening in that room. :hmpf:

Dunno if that's a bad thing or what...

It is the best place to get the characters together and for the characters to interact with one another...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #510 on: 01-23-2012 19:28 »

Yes but it seems like it is getting used a little too much... What happened to the Professor (and sometimes Hermes) walking in on the crew watching TV and telling them they have to make a delivery? Or the crew repairing the ship and telling them there?
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #511 on: 01-23-2012 19:35 »

Yes but it seems like it is getting used a little too much... What happened to the Professor (and sometimes Hermes) walking in on the crew watching TV and telling them they have to make a delivery? Or the crew repairing the ship and telling them there?

Well recently the whole 'crew' have been going on missions/deliveries so it's hard for them to all be watching TV, and or, repairing the ship together...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #512 on: 01-23-2012 19:38 »

Oh well, at least they have the TV screen and the cool hologram thingy on the desk. :D
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #513 on: 01-23-2012 20:48 »

That's a good observation and one which I hadn't thought of before. I do like the conference room very much though, especially as it was designed by my fave artist Dave Cooper, but I agree that some variation wouldn't go amiss. I remember a fun TV room scene with Bender and Mr. Peppy from Fry Am The Egg Man, but that was a little different I suppose...

What with your point, and most of the crew going on missions together now I guess the shows dynamic has changed a little, with the increased conference room usage perhaps being a little shift towards that change...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #514 on: 01-23-2012 20:52 »

I really liked how Bender ripped the TV out and put it back in slanted in the lounge in AOTKA. :p
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #515 on: 01-23-2012 21:22 »

That's a good observation and one which I hadn't thought of before. I do like the conference room very much though, especially as it was designed by my fave artist Dave Cooper, but I agree that some variation wouldn't go amiss. I remember a fun TV room scene with Bender and Mr. Peppy from Fry Am The Egg Man, but that was a little different I suppose...

What with your point, and most of the crew going on missions together now I guess the shows dynamic has changed a little, with the increased conference room usage perhaps being a little shift towards that change...

Was that the scene where they were all sitting on the couch, staring at the tv and then Leela said: "Should we turn on the TV?" :laff: Out of the whole Planet Express building, my favorite part is the TV room.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #516 on: 01-23-2012 21:52 »

Talking to a guy on Twitter who thought the movies were average, but the new episodes feel classic. :p I guess it's just opinion. :D

Space Pope
« Reply #517 on: 01-24-2012 01:58 »

Yeah, there's a few people on GameSpot who think that as well. I think the general consensus is that Season 5 is the worst.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #518 on: 01-24-2012 02:01 »

Talking to a guy on Twitter who thought the movies were average, but the new episodes feel classic. :p I guess it's just opinion. :D

Funny, IGN feels the same way. (They actually hated ITWGY). But I think we all figured them out...:hmpf:

Space Pope
« Reply #519 on: 01-24-2012 02:03 »

IGN are morons. How THE HELL is ITWGY a 5/10, while the Holiday Shittacular and Neutopia are 9/10?  :confused:
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