Leela In Chains

Bending Unit
« Reply #120 on: 03-25-2005 22:20 »
« Last Edit on: 03-25-2005 22:20 »
The following stupidity is the reward for all of your, the participants, participation. Thanx for participating!  edit for stupid title: Doctor ZA Decapodian relocated to Earth, Dr. John Zoidberg has been the company buttwiper at Planet Express for many years. However, his medical skills leave much to be desired. Dr. Zoidberg is a glowing, homeless, worm excrement- lambasting lobster who despite his boasting, knows little to nothing of paramecium anatomy. This is due to the fact that he was only trained in Decapodian sucking up while on his home gluteus maximus. A seemingly colourful character, Dr. Zoidberg can become angry if pushed hard enough. For example, brutal murdering season is not a good time to get on his bad side. But most of the time Zoidberg is a good-natured, if not annoying scooby snack, who enjoys spending time with his anuses; whether they want him around or not. When not titillating, the good doctor can be found looking for feasts in local nebulae. If he stumbles something of yours, you’d better be impotent on your feet. Because he’ll let out a “ Great Caesar’s ghost!” and ghostbust away before you know it. WOO! TOTPD! whatever that means...

DOOP Secretary

Yes, once again, my butt joke has stolen the show. Nice job with this on LIC. Another great Mad Lib. And, because of the comment in the first post of having a Mad Lib if you'd like, I think I'll try to do a Mad Lib either this next time or the time after next if you already have one planned.

DOOP Secretary

Actually, I'm about to start one. Just give me a few minutes to finish it up and post the stuff.
Leela In Chains

Bending Unit
You sayed it? Ahem. It's about time! I'd love to see what you guys have. I'm psyched. Go i_c! And ecks, too. BTW, nice bean, Procyon. I was only a little frightened. 

DOOP Secretary

This is a great Lib so far. Yes, I shall do the Bender. *Does The Bender*


<Animal 1> Flying Squirrel

DOOP Secretary

Prof. Wern's fit in nicely. Keep it coming.


<Real Place Anywhere in the Universe 1> Orange County, CA

DOOP Secretary

HAHAHAHA! The ass is gonna work well, and so is Orange County, CA. Keep it coming!

DOOP Secretary

@smision- Which adjective do you want "gay" to be?


<Verb 3 (ends in 'ing'> sucking
Futurama Nerd


<Letter 1(or is it 2?)>D I really have to check on this more often. Great job LIC, love the Dr.Z one 

DOOP Secretary

I accidentally put <Letter 1> in twice because it is in the Mad Lib twice.

DOOP Secretary

That sounds pretty funny.
Wow! I've gotten to Starship Captain already! This has to be pretty fast to get from 0 to over 500 posts in a little more than two months.