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Author Topic: The Walking Dead  (Read 53080 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #640 on: 11-26-2014 05:40 »

Why you so stupid, Sasha? :mad:

Urban Legend
« Reply #641 on: 12-01-2014 22:42 »

The mid-season finale was really boring up until the last minutes when they threw a really cheap death in as a desperate attempt at keeping us interested.

I thought season 5 had a reasonably promising start, but it's not followed through on it at all.

Space Pope
« Reply #642 on: 12-02-2014 01:53 »
« Last Edit on: 12-02-2014 01:58 »

Yeah, it wasn't as good as the destruction of the prison last season but I wouldn't say it was particularly bad either. Norman Reedus gave a pretty damn impressive performance.

Although I still wish this happened.

I liked the post-credits scene at the end, with


Urban Legend
« Reply #643 on: 12-02-2014 14:22 »

It wasn't actively bad; I just didn't care.

To be honest, I thought the destruction of the prison was pretty poor, too. It seems like killing off one of the "main" characters is a sure-fire way to get a really high score on IMDb, though.

Space Pope
« Reply #644 on: 12-02-2014 22:11 »

The main problem was they killed her off in a really, really stupid way.
Herschel's death at least made sense for everyone involved, this one sure didn't.

Space Pope
« Reply #645 on: 02-10-2015 04:50 »

So... it's back.

New episode was alright, although I'd really like to know how they can constantly keep their cars fueled. Maybe it's magic, like their ammo.


Space Pope
« Reply #646 on: 02-10-2015 05:25 »

I liked the events that happened, but it shouldn't have taken up a whole episode...the hallucinations and trippy visuals seemed more like an excuse to drag things out than anything that had any great meaning beyond some obvious and frankly silly symbolism.

Can we stop looking to indie arthouse directors for inspiration for a zombie apocalypse show, guys?

Space Pope
« Reply #647 on: 02-10-2015 05:29 »

I liked the events that happened, but it shouldn't have taken up a whole episode...the hallucinations and trippy visuals seemed more like an excuse to drag things out than anything that had any great meaning beyond some obvious and frankly silly symbolism.

I agree, but it didn't bother me too much because it's honestly what I've come to expect from this show.

Space Pope
« Reply #648 on: 02-10-2015 05:43 »

*sigh* I'm with you there, I guess.

Urban Legend
« Reply #649 on: 02-10-2015 13:43 »

I thought it was a load of pretentious crud that stretched 5 minutes of not-particularly-interesting story into a TV hour.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #650 on: 02-11-2015 00:33 »

Ya, bit of a lame episode, farting around as usual.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #651 on: 02-11-2015 01:57 »

Checked into this thread to see if the show's quality had improved since I bailed... I'd say the last few comments are a pretty good indicator that I made the right choice.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #652 on: 02-12-2015 20:50 »

At least you get to feel smug about it!

Space Pope
« Reply #653 on: 02-16-2015 23:10 »
« Last Edit on: 02-17-2015 01:31 »

The new episode was considerably better than the last I thought. It still dragged out some scenes unnecessarily, but it was one of the heavier, more depressing outings we've gotten that appropriately highlighted the most important themes of the show. Also, even if the symbolism was a bit hamfisted, I liked the way everything came together at the end with the group working together and the more pessimistic characters finding their strength. One of the more tolerable "transition" episodes between major story arcs.

The scene with the dogs was clever, showing how domesticated pets would turn back to a vicious pack mentality under the circumstances. Although if you've played the Telltale game then you've already come across that concept.

Urban Legend
« Reply #654 on: 02-17-2015 00:22 »

I more or less agree with you. It wasn't enough to particularly win me back over to the show, but it was a step in the right direction.

That said, this show has lots of steps in the right direction whilst still managing to take far more in the wrong direction. The ending suggests they're doing some story arcs from the comics sooner than I expected, though.

Space Pope
« Reply #655 on: 02-17-2015 03:47 »
« Last Edit on: 02-17-2015 04:07 »

Huh, I'm surprised to see this has a positive response here because I thought it was the most pointless episode in the show's history. I think it could be summed up with "Maggie and Sasha are sad."

The part with the dogs was unexpected and kind of cool, but they seem to be throwing out enormous servings of peopling frowning at each other and passing it off as "character development".

EDIT: Rick dropping the title was pretty badass/cheesy. I can't decide which.

Space Pope
« Reply #656 on: 02-23-2015 06:53 »

Can we agree that this last episode was a pretty significant step up in quality and intrigue? Lots of great tension and cool scenes. I particularly liked the visuals of seeing them run down dozens of walkers with the car, blood splattering the windshield. And the flare to the face was a fun, campy kill.

Urban Legend
« Reply #657 on: 02-23-2015 22:17 »

Yeah, I actually quite enjoyed it. It wasn't amazing but it's probably my favourite episode of this season, so far, and I hope it's a good sign of things to come regarding this story arc.

Space Pope
« Reply #658 on: 02-24-2015 04:16 »

I'd agree that this was a great episode; it was a great balance between character development, plot development, drama and action. If the rest of the season can match this one then I'll be quite happy.

Urban Legend
« Reply #659 on: 02-24-2015 11:41 »

I must say that the overtly gay nature of the new characters really annoyed me. In the comics, those characters are gay, but it's really subtle and you wouldn't even notice it if you weren't paying attention. They're gay but it isn't their defining character trait. They're human beings outside of that.
In this episode, it's almost treated like a plot-twist and that didn't sit well with me.

On the plus side, I really liked the shot of the zombies through the car windshield, though, all in red. That was cool, like old-school zombie movies.

Space Pope
« Reply #660 on: 03-02-2015 06:22 »

I really, really liked this week's episode too. It's actually a little jarring how decidedly better the last couple episodes have been than the preceding batch. Crossing my fingers that they don't fuck it up and sink back into mediocrity like they always seem to.

Space Pope
« Reply #661 on: 03-03-2015 05:31 »

I liked it as well. The standoff between Glenn and Stupid McDumbass was my favourite part.

Also, I can't believe how much different Rick looks now. It's like he jumped back to season 1.

Space Pope
« Reply #662 on: 03-03-2015 06:10 »

Yes, RIP the beard. It's been since before he woke up in the hospital in episode 1 that he didn't have one.

Urban Legend
« Reply #663 on: 03-03-2015 16:11 »

Yeah, I think it was yet another new highlight for this season. I'm starting to get excited for how this story arc is going to progress. I feel like I'm on the verge of starting to get excited about new episodes again.

For anyone who's read the comics, how do you think this is going to play out? I think they'll probably draw this story arc out over, at very least, season 6, which would bring them up to the most recent development in the comics - one I can't see them doing on TV.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they use this story arc to wrap up the entire series. Negan will probably make a 1-second appearance at the very, very end of the last scene, this season, leading to the show's finale when they finally wrap it all up and decide to focus on this spin-off of theirs instead. The producers did state an intent to make the show last for seven seasons back when it started. Who knows, though? It's such a successful show, they might just decide to keep it going indefinitely like a zombie.

Urban Legend
« Reply #664 on: 03-10-2015 20:10 »

I'm enjoying this story arc a lot. I really hope it continues to play out as well as it is at the moment.

Space Pope
« Reply #665 on: 03-10-2015 21:22 »

Fuckin' A, Carol....

Space Pope
« Reply #666 on: 03-11-2015 10:34 »

That was some creepy shit.

Also, where the hell is Gabriel?! He hasn't been shown at all in Alexandria yet.

And Morgan. I'm eagerly awaiting his return. There was even a street sign that said "Morgan" at the end. Stop teasing me, show!

Urban Legend
« Reply #667 on: 03-16-2015 20:42 »


Space Pope
« Reply #668 on: 03-16-2015 21:13 »
« Last Edit on: 03-17-2015 00:02 »

Even for this show, that was a particularly brutal and exploitative death. That said, I wish they'd stop pulling that kind of stunt on characters who've only been around for maybe half a season and expecting it to have a huge emotional impact.

Obviously Gabriel will have to die next since this show isn't allowed to have any long-term black male characters.

Space Pope
« Reply #669 on: 03-17-2015 02:41 »
« Last Edit on: 03-17-2015 02:54 »

Yeah, he was sort of similar to T-Dog in that he didn't really do much to push the story. Still, it's possibly the most gory on-screen death they've done, and Glenn's reaction to it made it even worse.

This half-season has been very good so far, it might end up being TWD's best batch of episodes yet.


-Deanna will think Gabriel is full of shit
-Tara will survive
-Eugene will grow some balls
-Daryl and Aaron will find Morgan
-Carol will end up being the one who kills Pete
-Glenn will find somebody else to punch

Space Pope
« Reply #670 on: 03-17-2015 05:00 »

Yeah, he was sort of similar to T-Dog in that he didn't really do much to push the story.

Not to mention the deaths of Bob and Tyreese, who at least were around for a while and had developed some semblance of character. The actor who plays Bob (who I really like) in particular can't seem to catch a break...his major character in The Wire dies pretty early on as well.

Space Pope
« Reply #671 on: 03-17-2015 09:18 »

I think the idea of there being only one black guy at a time is a bit of a myth... Michonne and Sasha have both been around for ages and I don't see them trying to fight over some sort of metaphorical throne (unless this only applies to men).

Anyway, was anyone else really amused by Abraham's "Mother-dick" line? I know it's a little bit stupid but I thought the delivery was hilarious (unlike last season's "They're screwing with the wrong people!", which was horrible).

Space Pope
« Reply #672 on: 03-17-2015 15:38 »

I think the idea of there being only one black guy at a time is a bit of a myth... Michonne and Sasha have both been around for ages and I don't see them trying to fight over some sort of metaphorical throne (unless this only applies to men).

I was specifically talking about men (earlier I said black male characters). I honestly don't think they will ever kill Michonne simply due to her popularity from the comics alone.

Space Pope
« Reply #673 on: 03-24-2015 08:19 »

Glad there's finally some closure on what happened to Rick's hidden gun... that was driving me nuts.

The conversation between Glenn and Nicholas was amazing; it's great that Glenn is finally getting a chance to be awesome.

Space Pope
« Reply #674 on: 03-30-2015 22:30 »

Checked into this thread to see if the show's quality had improved since I bailed... I'd say the last few comments are a pretty good indicator that I made the right choice.

I think it's pretty funny that you said this literally immediately before the show became considerably better than it's been since the first season. If you're caught up through the first half of season 5 already, I legitimately recommend continuing on through the second half...you just have to get through the first shitty episode.

Urban Legend
« Reply #675 on: 03-31-2015 00:46 »

I wouldn't go so far as to call it "considerably better than it's been since the first season". Considerably better than it's been since the back-end of season 4, maybe. It's certainly in a decent place at the moment, so I agree with the sentiment.

Space Pope
« Reply #676 on: 03-31-2015 01:51 »

I liked bits of the second half of season 4, but thought it was fairly inconsistent...in contrast, starting with "The Distance" I thought this last run of episodes was incredibly strong, at least in terms of this show.

Space Pope
« Reply #677 on: 03-31-2015 02:12 »
« Last Edit on: 03-31-2015 05:12 »

Yep, absolutely. The season finale was probably one of the first Walking Dead finales that wasn't anticlimactic or disappointing in some way.

You know, now that season 5 is wrapped up I think I'll rank the episodes from worst to best:

16. Consumed It was an all-round waste of an episode where only the final 5 minutes were necessary. The two leading characters have already had plenty of screen time together so it wasn't exactly a new dynamic. Also, that falling van. :nono:
15. Slabtown I liked Beth as a character but she wasn't strong enough to carry the entire episode. Or rather, the entire hospital arc which is possibly the weakest story they've done. I see no reason why this episode couldn't have been merged with "Consumed".
14. Coda Any episode that makes character die due to their own stupidity is going to rank low. On the bright side, it finally concluded the bloody hospital arc.
13. Crossed Another uneventful episode. This could've been merged with "Coda" and nothing of value would've been lost.
12. What Happened and What's Going On Decent episode that dragged on far too long. Nothing more, nothing less.
11. Self Help Also dragged on far too long, however I quite enjoyed the confession scene.
10. Strangers I barely remember anything about this episode other than meeting Gabriel and the ending scene with Bob (which was great). Not bad, but not amazing.
9. Them I didn't like this one at first, however I think it ended up quite necessary to have an episode emphasising how much it sucks out on the road prior to the Alexandria arc.
8. Forget Scene with Carol scarring the shit out of the kid was spooky as hell. Honestly though, the plotline of Sasha going mental wasn't my favourite.
7. Try Fairly tense atmosphere and the fight scene at the end was great.
6. Four Walls and a Roof. "Tainted meat" scene was gold, and the death of the cannibals was not only absolutely brutal, but proof that they can have a great story arc that doesn't last an entire season.
5. Conquer Great finale that was consistently interesting without feeling like a missed opportunity. Loved the implied awkwardness from the ending as well.
4. No Sanctuary Despite some far-fetched elements, this is easily one of the show's most thrilling episodes. Rick and Carl's reunion with Judith was also very touching, which is something rare in show dominated by death and sadness.
3. Remember Really strong and mysterious tone that introduces Alexandria in a fascinating way. Succeeded in being slow-paced, but not boring.
2. The Distance The season's big turning point, in my opinion. Really great from start to finish and the car scene was terrifyingly awesome.
1. Spend One of the show's best episodes. It was brutal, frightening (that revolving door scene) and gave Eugene his baby steps into badassery (or at least, I hope that's where it goes). It also gave us a glimpse of the Glenn from season 1 who did more than fawn over Maggie.

Urban Legend
« Reply #678 on: 08-25-2015 00:17 »

I really liked the pilot for Fear the Waling Dead. I've seen a lot of complaints that it's off to a really slow start, but I'm glad that they've taken a bit of time to actually try to make us give a crap about the characters for once.

It wasn't amazing and it wasn't better than the pilot for The Walking Dead, but I've enjoyed it more than any episode of The Walking Dead since season 3 or 4.

Space Pope
« Reply #679 on: 08-25-2015 03:31 »

I don't think "slow" is really a valid complaint for a single episode of The Walking Dead given the premise and direction. I find the end product much more memorable and satisfying if it takes its time.

Anyway, I'm not in any rush to watch FTWD. Maybe once the season is over.
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