Space Pope
« Reply #642 on: 12-02-2014 01:53 »
« Last Edit on: 12-02-2014 01:58 »
Yeah, it wasn't as good as the destruction of the prison last season but I wouldn't say it was particularly bad either. Norman Reedus gave a pretty damn impressive performance. Although I still wish this happened. I liked the post-credits scene at the end, with Morgan finding Abraham's note to Rick.
DOOP Secretary
Checked into this thread to see if the show's quality had improved since I bailed... I'd say the last few comments are a pretty good indicator that I made the right choice.
Urban Legend
Yeah, I think it was yet another new highlight for this season. I'm starting to get excited for how this story arc is going to progress. I feel like I'm on the verge of starting to get excited about new episodes again.
For anyone who's read the comics, how do you think this is going to play out? I think they'll probably draw this story arc out over, at very least, season 6, which would bring them up to the most recent development in the comics - one I can't see them doing on TV. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they use this story arc to wrap up the entire series. Negan will probably make a 1-second appearance at the very, very end of the last scene, this season, leading to the show's finale when they finally wrap it all up and decide to focus on this spin-off of theirs instead. The producers did state an intent to make the show last for seven seasons back when it started. Who knows, though? It's such a successful show, they might just decide to keep it going indefinitely like a zombie.
Space Pope
« Reply #677 on: 03-31-2015 02:12 »
« Last Edit on: 03-31-2015 05:12 »
Yep, absolutely. The season finale was probably one of the first Walking Dead finales that wasn't anticlimactic or disappointing in some way. Yay, Morgan's back! Hopefully he doesn't hate Rick's guts after watching him shoot a guy in the head. Also, Carol threatening Pete was brilliant. You know, now that season 5 is wrapped up I think I'll rank the episodes from worst to best: 16. Consumed It was an all-round waste of an episode where only the final 5 minutes were necessary. The two leading characters have already had plenty of screen time together so it wasn't exactly a new dynamic. Also, that falling van. 15. Slabtown I liked Beth as a character but she wasn't strong enough to carry the entire episode. Or rather, the entire hospital arc which is possibly the weakest story they've done. I see no reason why this episode couldn't have been merged with "Consumed". 14. Coda Any episode that makes character die due to their own stupidity is going to rank low. On the bright side, it finally concluded the bloody hospital arc. 13. Crossed Another uneventful episode. This could've been merged with "Coda" and nothing of value would've been lost. 12. What Happened and What's Going On Decent episode that dragged on far too long. Nothing more, nothing less. 11. Self Help Also dragged on far too long, however I quite enjoyed the confession scene. 10. Strangers I barely remember anything about this episode other than meeting Gabriel and the ending scene with Bob (which was great). Not bad, but not amazing. 9. Them I didn't like this one at first, however I think it ended up quite necessary to have an episode emphasising how much it sucks out on the road prior to the Alexandria arc. 8. Forget Scene with Carol scarring the shit out of the kid was spooky as hell. Honestly though, the plotline of Sasha going mental wasn't my favourite. 7. Try Fairly tense atmosphere and the fight scene at the end was great. 6. Four Walls and a Roof. "Tainted meat" scene was gold, and the death of the cannibals was not only absolutely brutal, but proof that they can have a great story arc that doesn't last an entire season. 5. Conquer Great finale that was consistently interesting without feeling like a missed opportunity. Loved the implied awkwardness from the ending as well. 4. No Sanctuary Despite some far-fetched elements, this is easily one of the show's most thrilling episodes. Rick and Carl's reunion with Judith was also very touching, which is something rare in show dominated by death and sadness. 3. Remember Really strong and mysterious tone that introduces Alexandria in a fascinating way. Succeeded in being slow-paced, but not boring. 2. The Distance The season's big turning point, in my opinion. Really great from start to finish and the car scene was terrifyingly awesome. 1. Spend One of the show's best episodes. It was brutal, frightening (that revolving door scene) and gave Eugene his baby steps into badassery (or at least, I hope that's where it goes). It also gave us a glimpse of the Glenn from season 1 who did more than fawn over Maggie.