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Author Topic: The Walking Dead  (Read 53064 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #600 on: 05-01-2014 15:38 »

I just finished the first episode of season two. I can't help but notice that Daryl (spelling?) seems completely different now... he went from a violent asshole to a resourceful badass. But yes, I can definitely see the appeal of this show. I've heard season two is the weakest of the bunch... but I guess we'll see.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #601 on: 05-01-2014 17:16 »

Ars Technica nails it.

Urban Legend
« Reply #602 on: 05-01-2014 20:29 »

Season 2 fucking sucks, but the first few episodes of season 3 are among the best that they've made.

But then season 3 degrades into wishy-washy nothingness. Not bad, but just kind of like who cares? This follows through the first half of season 4, but then the back-end of season 4 was surprisingly good, albeit inconsistently so.

Space Pope
« Reply #603 on: 05-13-2014 12:47 »

Finished season 2. Definitely not as good as the first season, but that's largely because the pacing dropped to a snail's pace. Otherwise it had some great moments.

Also, I can't help but notice how ridiculously accurate they all are at shooting. Especially shooting shotguns with one hand from a moving vehicle. :hmpf:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #604 on: 05-13-2014 13:38 »

With infinite ammunition, too! :rolleyes:

Space Pope
« Reply #605 on: 05-13-2014 16:25 »

Haha, that was definitely the number one thing I noticed in the season 2 finale as well, how they're all seasoned sharpshooters in a moving car. So ridiculous.

Space Pope
« Reply #606 on: 06-05-2014 14:04 »

Finished season 3. The finale wasn't amazing (some closure on where the hell the Governor went after slaughtering everyone would've been nice), but it was overall much better than season 2. There was plenty of great zombie action and it didn't feel like 60% of it was filler.

A few things:

Are bones made of egg shells in The Walking Dead universe? Heads seem to be crushed like they're made of cardboard, and fingers get bitten off like they're carrots.  :hmpf:

...What was the point of T-Dog? He did practically nothing the entire time he was alive. There was literally no plot revolving around him.

The Governor narrowly avoided death so many times I lost count... and nobody seemed to ever prioritise him during the firefights. Why couldn't Merle have opened fire when he was in his sights instead of shooting the nameless grunts?!

I was surprised when Axel was sniped; it really caught me off-guard. Lori's death was also pretty surprising, although I guess it shouldn't be.

The scene where Glenn killed the walker whilst tied to a chair was pretty awesome. Making a shiv from it's bone was also neat.

Haha, that was definitely the number one thing I noticed in the season 2 finale as well, how they're all seasoned sharpshooters in a moving car. So ridiculous.

They're definitely not seasoned sharpshooters when it comes to shooting at people!  :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #607 on: 06-05-2014 14:20 »

...What was the point of T-Dog? He did practically nothing the entire time he was alive. There was literally no plot revolving around him.

You say that as if the other characters do have plots. :rolleyes:

Also, this:


Space Pope
« Reply #608 on: 06-27-2014 14:45 »

Aaand I've finished Season 4. Honestly, I think it's my favourite so far. The episode where

Generally*, I like the approach they took by only showing a small group of characters per episode, which was only done a couple of times prior to season 4. It really gave them more time to develop rather than get two minutes of screen time each episode.

*I say "generally" because it wasn't always great. The second episode about the Governor could've been combined with the first, and the episode with only Daryl and Beth was honestly pretty terrible.

It had it's ups and downs, but I can definitely say it's my favourite. Season 1 was obviously the most consistent, but that's partially because it was so damn short.

Starship Captain
« Reply #609 on: 08-02-2014 02:11 »

Not into the show anymore. Comics are better, imo

Space Pope
« Reply #610 on: 08-02-2014 02:30 »

The game is better than both.

Space Pope
« Reply #611 on: 08-02-2014 03:43 »
« Last Edit on: 08-02-2014 03:48 »

I haven't read the comics but I'd agree the game is better than the show. The ending of "No Time Left" is incredibly powerful.

That said, I'm looking forward to season 5 of the show. I felt like the back-end of season 4 was great for the most part. The show's usually at its best with the episodes focusing on 2-3 characters rather than the entire group.

Urban Legend
« Reply #612 on: 10-14-2014 02:17 »
« Last Edit on: 10-14-2014 02:21 »

So season 5 premiered but a few days ago, and goddamn is that pretty damn fan-fucking-tastic. The way they bought everything together is brilliant but, I think, a little bit rushed. I was expecting an episode or two more of Rick and the gang being holed up in the Terminus, but nope, Carol has to come in and be a total badass. With that said, the episode was still thoroughly enjoyable and I'm curious to see if they'll continue the idea of the Terminus being "overrun" by.. some other dudes, and then that guy swearing to take it back again.

I still don't understand why they killed people and used them for meat, though. That was just plain wrong in itself. Maybe they'll expand on this story as the season progresses, and we'll see more of the former Terminus owners as a different storyline.

Other than that, good stuff! I thoroughly enjoyed this premiere.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #613 on: 10-14-2014 02:53 »

I didn't bother finishing all of season 4 (I think I stopped 2 episodes shy of the finale). Is the show still as badly-written as it was in its first 4 seasons?

Space Pope
« Reply #614 on: 10-14-2014 03:31 »
« Last Edit on: 10-14-2014 03:35 »

I haven't seen anything of TWD's season 5 yet, but I'm currently watching Breaking Bad and that's made me realise how inconsistent TWD is in comparison. There's so much... nothing. It has the occasional excellent episode but at least 50% could be cut down.

Who's stupid idea was it to devote an entire episode to Beth and Daryl (possibly the two most boring characters on the show) finding alcohol? :nono: That said, I still feel as though the latter end of season 4 was the strongest so far.

I didn't bother finishing all of season 4 (I think I stopped 2 episodes shy of the finale).

Did you see "The Grove"? That was one of the last in S4 and was probably the show's best episode IMO.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #615 on: 10-14-2014 04:46 »

The Grove is actually the last episode I watched. When a tv show attempts a hard-hitting emotional ending and winds up making me laugh my ass off instead, that's when I call it quits.

Space Pope
« Reply #616 on: 10-14-2014 04:55 »

What exactly was so bad about it? I'm curious. I mean, it's not like that type of drama is uncommon in the show.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #617 on: 10-14-2014 05:24 »

Exactly, and all their other attempts at "that type of drama" were awful, too.

As for this specific instance, it was just too damn much. The show tries too hard to be shocking and horrifying, and it shows (perhaps the worst example was Korl having to cut open his mother to save the baby - I mean, really? Why the fuck even bother saving the baby?! You have a fully grown adult who doesn't NEED constant supervision and you decide a helpless fucking baby is worth saving during a zombie apocalypse?!). Generally, if I see heavy-handed material handled in an insincere manner, my knee jerk reaction is to laugh. And seeing the girl standing over the other one's corpse with a knife insisting that "she'll come back" was the fucking epitome of "heavy-handed material handled in an insincere manner." The ending was alright, I guess, but other shows have done a far better job of executing the ol' Of Mice & Men ending.

As for the show's other slew of problems, I think I've covered them pretty thoroughly much earlier in the thread. I should be clear - I don't hate the show. When it actually gets things right (ie. The Governor's season 4 story arc), it makes for excellent viewing. But those moments are just too few and far between to warrant the amount of time it takes up. Should the quality become more consistent, I would consider putting it back on my watch list.

Urban Legend
« Reply #618 on: 10-14-2014 05:30 »

I feel like I'm watching one person talk to himself over and over. So confusing. One gets used to the avatars after a while, when they cant always be bothered with the names... :rolleyes:

Space Pope
« Reply #619 on: 10-14-2014 05:42 »

When it actually gets things right (ie. The Governor's season 4 story arc), it makes for excellent viewing. But those moments are just too few and far between to warrant the amount of time it takes up.

That's something I can agree with. I was fortunate enough to have seen the first four seasons all at once; I can imagine it being extremely frustrating watching it on a week-by-week basis and enduring large stretches of nothing. :hmpf:

I feel like I'm watching one person talk to himself over and over. So confusing. One gets used to the avatars after a while, when they cant always be bothered with the names... :rolleyes:

It's easy to tell us apart. One of us makes extremely though-provoking, informative posts and the other one is Beamer. :p

Space Pope
« Reply #620 on: 10-14-2014 06:02 »
« Last Edit on: 10-14-2014 06:16 »

The season 5 premiere was an overstuffed ball of craziness that rushed through what could have been episodes worth of storyline and left me with absolutely no clue of where the season is supposed to head next.

And honestly? I kind of liked it. Not quite sure why...everything that happened was ridiculously convenient, somehow every character we already knew made it out alive of what was easily the most horrific situation they've been in so far, and the acting wasn't particularly convincing (beyond Rick, who I actually really like as an actor, despite the hate he seems to get a lot). But it was all pretty fun and entertaining in a pulpy, B-movie sorta way.

I haven't seen anything of TWD's season 5 yet, but I'm currently watching Breaking Bad and that's made me realise how inconsistent TWD is in comparison.

You're only just now noticing a difference in quality between those shows? :p I know that's not what you meant (at least I hope), but if you're watching this show waiting for it to rise to the heights of the best dramas on television, you're in for disappointment. This show has been inconsistent with equal moments of awfulness and brilliance spread throughout since it began, and that's really all I expect from it at this point. It's entertaining enough to keep me wanting more, but you're not going to see me praising it as transcendent television to incoming viewers.

Space Pope
« Reply #621 on: 10-14-2014 06:18 »

You're only just now noticing a difference in quality between those shows?

Well, yes. I only started Breaking Bad quite recently.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #622 on: 10-14-2014 06:22 »

The season 5 premiere was an overstuffed ball of craziness that rushed through what could have been episodes worth of storyline and left me with absolutely no clue of where the season is supposed to head next.

And honestly? I kind of liked it. Not quite sure why...everything that happened was ridiculously convenient, somehow every character we already knew made it out alive of what was easily the most horrific situation they've been in so far, and the acting wasn't particularly convincing (beyond Rick, who I actually really like as an actor, despite the hate he seems to get a lot). But it was all pretty fun and entertaining in a pulpy, B-movie sorta way.

See, I'd be perfectly happy with The Walking Dead if it went the "pulpy B-movie" route more often. It ventures into that territory every now and again, and it's always a whole lot of fun whenever it does (the season 2 finale springs to mind here, along with a great deal of the third season).

At this point, the show has proven itself completely inept at deep, emotionally-driven character drama (particularly given that it didn't even bother to start fleshing its characters out until the back half of season 4 - far too late in the game, in my opinion), and we already have plenty of shows on tv which have perfected the art and are able to offer up that style of drama on a regular basis (Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Orange is the New Black, etc.), so The Walking Dead just isn't doing itself any favours by trying to play with the big boys (especially seeing as two of the examples I listed are on the same damn network). If the show just went the exact opposite route and became a balls-to-the-wall crazy, pulpy zombie show, it'd have pretty much an entire niche to itself, and would make for much more entertaining viewing.

On an unrelated side note, I started playing The Walking Dead game. I'm on the second episode now and I'm finding it a hell of a lot more engrossing than the show. It's really, really great. :)

Space Pope
« Reply #623 on: 10-14-2014 06:31 »

On an unrelated side note, I started playing The Walking Dead game. I'm on the second episode now and I'm finding it a hell of a lot more engrossing than the show. It's really, really great. :)

Keep at it. It's easily one of my favourite stories in any form of media.

Space Pope
« Reply #624 on: 10-14-2014 07:13 »
« Last Edit on: 10-14-2014 07:17 »

Agreed, it's inarguably better than the show.

If the show just went the exact opposite route and became a balls-to-the-wall crazy, pulpy zombie show, it'd have pretty much an entire niche to itself, and would make for much more entertaining viewing.

I agree, but unfortunately it won't happen. They have to straddle the line to appeal all the different factions of their audience. They know that some who watch would be happy with just crazy stupid zombie action the whole time, but they also know that a big part of their audience still considers the show to be good drama, so they have to at least pretend to be thoughtful and deep. And honestly, while sometimes it's painfully contrived, they have managed to get it right at points.

Urban Legend
« Reply #625 on: 10-14-2014 18:30 »

So season 5 premiered but a few days ago, and goddamn is that pretty damn fan-fucking-tastic. The way they bought everything together is brilliant but, I think, a little bit rushed. I was expecting an episode or two more of Rick and the gang being holed up in the Terminus, but nope, Carol has to come in and be a total badass. With that said, the episode was still thoroughly enjoyable and I'm curious to see if they'll continue the idea of the Terminus being "overrun" by.. some other dudes, and then that guy swearing to take it back again.
Eh... it was enjoyable enough to sit through once but it wasn't particularly great. I wouldn't even call it one of the better episodes of The Walking Dead's last couple of years.

I still don't understand why they killed people and used them for meat, though. That was just plain wrong in itself. Maybe they'll expand on this story as the season progresses, and we'll see more of the former Terminus owners as a different storyline.
Um... for sustinence? Meat is a pretty scarce resource in the post-apocalyptic world portrayed in The Walking Dead. They were using them for everything they had and, along with clothing and belongings, meat was a part of that. It's morally reprehensible, but it's pretty easy to get your head around the logic behind it?

See, I'd be perfectly happy with The Walking Dead if it went the "pulpy B-movie" route more often. It ventures into that territory every now and again, and it's always a whole lot of fun whenever it does (the season 2 finale springs to mind here, along with a great deal of the third season).
I completely agree. Too often, the show ventures into misguided attempts at "legitimate", meaningful drama and it just ends up feeling like a bad soap opera. This sort of story is perfectly capable of producing that level of drama (see the comics for proof), but clearly the combination of writers and directors just aren't up to the task, here.

In other news, the comic book is still an utter masterpiece that I cannot recommend enough. I don't suppose anybody else here reads it, yet? Some pretty huge stuff happened a couple of issues ago and I'd love to discuss it with someone.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #626 on: 10-23-2014 01:47 »

Ugh, poor Bob, slight shudder at the end of that episode.  :O_o:

Urban Legend
« Reply #627 on: 10-23-2014 21:24 »

I thought this week's episode was much better than last week's. It was nothing special, but it was absolutely solid which is more than I can say about the show usually. If they don't screw this story arc up, it's leading into some cool places.

Space Pope
« Reply #628 on: 10-29-2014 04:37 »

The newest episode was pretty good as well. For a while I thought we were going to be stuck in a dragged-out war between the main characters and the Terminus survivors, but I'm glad the show is playing with my expectations.

Urban Legend
« Reply #629 on: 10-29-2014 12:23 »

Yeah, this season is pretty decent so far. Nothing amazing, but it feels like the show has settled into itself a bit, operating at this level of being good TV despite being a missed opportunity for greatness. Of course, I'm only basing this on 3 episodes so it could easily go downhill. The first 3 episodes of season 3 were outstanding and that lost its way pretty quickly.

Urban Legend
« Reply #630 on: 11-04-2014 12:30 »

Agh, I hate cliffhangers!

I want to see what happens when Eugene and those guys finally get to Washington to try to solve this problem. Isn't there like another two seasons to go after this one though? If that's still true, then obviously that effort does not succeed, but I'd love to see how it pans out! This season has really kicked off with a bang and I'm enjoying it so far, however I do believe some of the episodes are a little bit rushed, primarily with the pace of storyline, and the expectancy of what's going to happen/what has happened, like with Rick and everyone miraculously coming back into the church to save everyone which meant they clearly knew that the Terminus dudes would be there. I wasn't expecting them all to brutally kill them though. I mean, they did deserve it, but the kills were just a tad over the top. All you needed was a stab in the brain and boom, you're done.

With that being said, Rick seems to be getting more and more corrupt/torn apart with himself as each episode progresses. It's almost as if he's forgetting who he is and if focusing only on the facts, not "what is right".

Urban Legend
« Reply #631 on: 11-04-2014 15:44 »

I wouldn't call it a cliff-hanger so much as a mere lack of resolution.

Space Pope
« Reply #632 on: 11-10-2014 11:13 »

Saw the first few episodes of season 5.

First one was a lot of fun; they don't seem to do many episodes that are practically pure action all the way through. Although I don't buy the fact that Carol can hit a gas tank with a firecracker from such a long distance on her first attempt... :p

The others were also pretty good. I read about the comic's "tainted meat" story online, so I knew that one was coming, but it was still pretty badass.

I was cheering when Rick

Urban Legend
« Reply #633 on: 11-10-2014 22:36 »

"Self Help" sucked.

Almost all of it played like a comedy, but it was meant to be deadly serious.

Space Pope
« Reply #634 on: 11-13-2014 05:18 »


Urban Legend
« Reply #635 on: 11-17-2014 23:48 »

This week wasn't unintentionally hilarious, but it was really, really, really dull.

Space Pope
« Reply #636 on: 11-18-2014 02:37 »
« Last Edit on: 11-18-2014 06:36 »

Ya, I was gonna say I think you spoke too soon. Self Help may not have been very good TV, but at least it wasn't totally bland useless filler like this episode. Everything that happened here could have been explained in about five minutes, and absolutely nothing would have been lost besides some moments of vague character "development" and completely pointless Carol flashbacks that added nothing to the story. Which is ludicrous because these two characters have the potential to be the most interesting on the show, and they were wasted here. There were also no surprises because we already knew where all the characters were going to end up from reveals in previous episodes. Definitely one of the worst in a while.

There was one moment that was unintentionally hilarious, when the van was dropping and clearly starting to flip over before the ridiculous cut to it landing flat on all four wheels.

Space Pope
« Reply #637 on: 11-19-2014 04:06 »
« Last Edit on: 11-19-2014 04:12 »

I liked the first Carol flashback in the cold opening (which is a fairly reasonable place to put flashbacks) but the episode definitely could've been cut down by about 80%.

Which is ludicrous because these two characters have the potential to be the most interesting on the show, and they were wasted here.

Funny, I've always thought Daryl was one of the most bland, one-dimensional characters on the show yet apparently he's a fan favourite. The only word I could use to describe his personality is "crossbow".

Carol's pretty good though (at least, from season 3 onwards).

EDIT: One thing from this episode that made me laugh was Daryl's critique on the art, partially because I was thinking the exact same thing. :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #638 on: 11-24-2014 19:04 »

This week's episode was much better than the last couple. Nothing exceptional, but it was reasonably solid and the only bit I found unintentionally funny was the weird way that the guy ran away in the final shot.

Space Pope
« Reply #639 on: 11-24-2014 23:52 »
« Last Edit on: 11-25-2014 00:01 »

Ya, the episode was well-structured with letting us see all the different groups. It kind of draws attention to how poorly the season has been structured recently (since the group split up) with jumping back and forth between groups each week as well as not showing us events in chronological order, which in some cases can be a clever storytelling device but in the show was used pretty pointlessly. Having an episode for each group worked at the end of season 4 when there were so many different groups to follow, but with only 2 or 3 now I'd much rather see episodes like this one where we get equal doses of each.
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