
Space Pope
« Reply #692 on: 10-26-2015 11:33 »
« Last Edit on: 10-26-2015 12:15 »
Holy shit. Holy shitting shitbirds. That's easily the most unexpected death in the show's history, and really drives the point that not everyone can be redeemed. Some people just suck. I really love how damn terrifying they made the zombie threat in this episode. I was literally trembling at some points. The Walking Dead has very been a particularly scary show, but I'll be damned if it wasn't this time. And can someone give Andrew Lincoln an award? His acting at the very end was just phenomenal. EDIT: There's theories that the zombies are eating Nicholas and that Glenn survives. That would be ridiculously shitty writing and I will eat my own fist if that ends up happening.

Urban Legend
« Reply #693 on: 10-26-2015 22:33 »
« Last Edit on: 10-26-2015 22:34 »
Fuck, indeed. As in fuck this show. That was the biggest load of fucking stupid nonsense that they've pulled in a long, long while. I've been expecting Glenn's death for the last few episodes - if any of you follow the comics, you'll know that he dies roughly around this point in the comics, too - but that was the most utterly pointless and downright stupid to the point of being inadvertantly funny death that they've pulled since that character got a pair of scissors in the head. In the comics, his death is genuinely moving and powerful and a huge deal. In this, he just got unlucky because some idiot shot himself. And that would be fine if the show was attempting to make some sort of point about existentialism and the futility of life, but it clearly isn't. It's just a load of fucking idiots, running around, behaving like nobody would ever behave, week after week.
Rick kept leaving doors open and then a guy attacked him with a gun, shooting at him and missing and not bothering to attempt a clear shot, and Rick's reaction was to tackle the guy before shooting him with the gun he had rather than just shooting him. Meanwhile, the guy's other friend, with no gun, ran in and the two of them weren't able to stop Rick form overpowering them with a tackle?
And at the end, Rick just sits there and lets himself get surrounded by zombies despite having more than enough time to get out and run away. They might be fast by slow zombie standards, but they're still fucking slow. Ugh. Seriously. Fuck this show. It's dumb and it's an embarassment to the comics.

Space Pope
« Reply #701 on: 11-03-2015 16:57 »
« Last Edit on: 11-03-2015 17:02 »
So basically if it had come at a different place in the season, it would have been much more appreciated?
I guess I don't really buy that there should "hype" left over from last week's episode. I know that the internet is losing its collective mind, but having watched the big scene from the last episode on slow motion a few times, I can say pretty assuredly that those people are idiots and he is dead as a doornail, and if he isn't then the writers/director of that episode are absolute morons who should be fired. Personally I want to believe that there was no ambiguity about his fate intended whatsoever, in which case there shouldn't be any major anticipation regarding it for future episodes that should distract from a bit of a break from the action like this week's episode. If he is indeed dead, then there's no reason the writers should have to take into account the stupidity of fans thinking that the matter is somehow unresolved.
As for other matters such as what's happening with Rick and the rest of Alexandria...I guess I'm just not invested enough to need to know immediately that I wasn't able to appreciate this episode? I mean, obviously Rick will live, and it seems like Alexandria is about to be totally fucked over and then some, returning the show to the status quo of trying to find a new home, so I guess I'm just not dying to see it all happen as soon as possible. The acting and writing in this episode seemed like a step above the usual so I was happy with that while it lasted.

Space Pope
Yeah, not a terribly eventful episode but I thought it was good regardless as far as buildup goes (a few quiet moments before things get really bad in Alexandria are well deserved, IMO). The stuff they did with Maggie makes me feel like Glenn is dead for good. Oh yeah, and I can't unsee the fact that Tara's actress is pregnant. It's really obvious. "WE KEEP NOISE TO A MINIMUM! WE NEED TO MAKE THIS PLACE AS QUIET AS A GRAVEYARD!" - Rick on this week's The Walking Dead
I'm not convinced that would matter in the slightest. When you literally have thousands of zombies around your walls a few stragglers joining in means bugger all.

Space Pope
Newest episode was... kind of average. It was too drawn out and the dialogue felt fake. I'm glad we got an episode focusing on Abraham at least. I really don't understand the need to separate all the different stories so much. It made sense post-prison when they group was scattered but it's just kind of annoying here. Anyway, here's my predictions based on comic spoilers: (Here's that gif again!)  The guy who robbed Daryl is Dwight, or at least a counterpart to Dwight. For those who don't know, Dwight is a character who uses a crossbow and the very first time he appears, he kills Abraham. I hope it's not Abraham who dies like that in the show (it was a pretty shit death, tbh) but I'm sure somebody will be used instead. But I doubt they'd permanently get rid of Daryl's signature weapon unless it was either coming back eventually or he was being killed off soon. Chekov's crossbow.
I think Abraham will cheat on Rosita with Sasha. In the comics it was with a character called Holly... who has already died in the show. Holly also has a very memorable death in the comic which I really hope ends up happening in some form in the show. Anyway, I'd say this episode was a bit like the Morgan one. Could've been much shorter.

Space Pope
That would be ridiculously shitty writing and I will eat my own fist if that ends up happening.
Well, I'm a man of my word.Although to be honest, it was more a case of poor directing and continuity than poor writing. In "Thank You" you could quite clearly see that Glenn was surrounded but in this episode there was a convenient gap. Oh well. At least that means he can have a more meaningful death later on. "Head's Up" was an improvement from last week, I think. It's good to have an episode with most of the characters instead of only focusing on a small group for once. My favourite part was Tara flipping Rick off. I was totally expecting a contrived speech about how she'd save anyone or some shit but instead there was a hilariously unexpected middle finger. It genuinely felt like one of the more realistic exchanges in the show. I wish that Carol confronted Morgan while still holding Judith. The mental image of her executing somebody with a machete in one hand and a baby in the other is highly amusing to me.

Space Pope
In the show there's no where for that bullet to have gone other than his brain at that close of range.
It actually looks like the bullet skimmed the edge of the skull next to his eye, and I'm guessing the impact (or fragments from the bullet) took his eye with it. It looks absolutely gross.  Colour definitely make gore nastier.

Space Pope
I want to know how the fuck zombie-Deanna managed to get outside Alexandria's walls.  I really enjoyed the Rick / Darryl road trip portion of this week's episode.
Same. It's kind of strange, despite being the two main tough-guys of the group it feels like they don't interact that much. It was nice to have a relatively lighthearted episode as well, which I don't recall the show ever doing. I wasn't so sure about the romance that came out of nowhere though. Seems like an odd choice of going off script with regards to the comics.
I think it's just another case of character-swapping. Since Andrea is long dead in the show they needed someone else to fill her romance role with Rick. The only real options are Michonne, Carol or Sasha, and Michonne makes the most sense of those three.