DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by winna: Also, I believe the X-files mytharc stuff was running itself into the ground by season 5. Lies! I could never get enough of the conspiracy stuff. But whatever your opinion of it, most XF fans are sticklers for canon, not unlike your typical Trek fan. Meaning there'll be much wailing and gnashing of teeth if the circumstances our two heroes were left in at the end of the series are ignored or glossed over. I think it has the potential to end the series far better than the finale did... I'd like to see the series end on such a dark engrossing comforting mark. You're assuming there won't be a third film.
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #164 on: 12-12-2007 20:41 »
« Last Edit on: 12-12-2007 20:41 by coldangel_1 »
Originally posted by winna: I'm not saying they should skip over the story and ignore everything It would be hard to do so, as Mulder and Scully are fugitives at the end of The Truth. So unless the series is being totally ignored, that's something that'll have to be addressed. And I think a lot of people would be peeved if they did ignore it. I wonder if the T-1000 will be in this one? He was a great character..... Neither Robert Patrick as Agent John Doggett, nor the less popular Annabeth Gish as Agent Monica Reyes, have been officially credited as being in the film. Seems a shame, 'cause they both carried the last two seasons very well, filling some mighty big shoes.
DOOP Secretary
I actually am, yeah. While everyone else was moaning and weeping at the loss of Duchovny I just kinda went with it. Granted it was a different show after that point, that didn't make it a bad show. It was still leaps and bound ahead of any of the other crap on TV at the time (Stargate is the exception). The idea of a prequel has been kicked around on the official X-Files forum, but is generally dismissed due to DD and GA's obvious aging. They were able to set the PS2 game 'Resist or Serve' during Season 7 because they were just shitty looking polygons with voiceovers, but it wouldn't really gel on the big-screen... But I dunno - no script details have leaked as yet, and there's very little chance they will. When making the first movie, Chris Carter had the scripts printed in red ink so they couldn't be photocopied. That guy's so paranoid. Must be all the weed.
DOOP Secretary
Haha, word! Love the cue-card guy with "Oooh Oooh, Daddy Daddy".
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J. J. Abrams likes to cross-promote in his productions, so there may be a link between Cloverfield and Star Trek 11... like the monster is actually an alien entity that young James Kirk accidentally flings backward in time and has to go back to the year 2008 and fetch it before history can be destroyed.
I'm totally joking of course... but that would be kinda cool.
Cloverfield hype = irritating. I hate hype.
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #173 on: 12-14-2007 22:14 »
« Last Edit on: 12-14-2007 22:14 »
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by ~FazeShift~: I came a little. I came a lot.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Spacedal11: Five full minutes of Cloverfield. That looks oddly familiar, like I posted it before... I am indeedy looking forward to this. As am I. Winna, the SoL's head looks like it's the right size. I just think it's funny that people are screaming and running away from (apparently) Mr. Grumpypants, but then decide that it's okay to stop and take pictures of the SoL's head which Mr. Grumpypants threw towards them.
DOOP Secretary
The Dark Knight looks pretty damn good. I notice the Joker is currently just wearing make up and hair dye. I assume he will be 'killed' in the end by somehow falling into a vat of chemicals. No doubt after that, at the end of the credits a really white hand will shoot out of the water from the area where they pump all the waste into outside.
I guess this movie is the basic Batman Villains forming really, since Dent is also becoming Two-Face. This is all nerd speculation.
Space Pope
« Reply #185 on: 12-21-2007 11:24 »
« Last Edit on: 12-21-2007 11:24 »
Originally posted by Nurdbot: The Dark Knight looks pretty damn good. I notice the Joker is currently just wearing make up and hair dye. I assume he will be 'killed' in the end by somehow falling into a vat of chemicals. No doubt after that, at the end of the credits a really white hand will shoot out of the water from the area where they pump all the waste into outside.
To be honest I do hope that this won't happen. Because that would be a mere repeat of Burton's Batman, where the chemicals turned Napier into the Joker. But in Nolan's Batman the Joker is already the Joker. Also: Hellboy: The Golden Army trailer Red is back.
DOOP Secretary
From Wikipedia: Based on the history of the other films in the series, it is speculated that the film will be critically panned upon its release. Indeed it will. The first two/three Scary Movies were good. Once they started with the spin-offs, it got old quick. How many times have they parodied Pirates of the Caribbean in this series of movies? At least they could think of something that hasn't been parodied yet... although it'd likely suck greatly anyway...
DOOP Secretary
It wouldn't make it faster... but if it WOULD, then you'd all be dead! DEAD, I say!
DOOP Secretary
It looks pretty good, very purty. Let me know when you watch it, I'd appreciate a review.
DOOP Secretary
Re: Hellboy 2, but posted in the wrong thread: Originally posted by winna: No... apparently whole scenes from the movie got leaked onto the internet the other day. It's ridiculous. Can we have a link?