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Author Topic: Movie trailers and films you just want to see  (Read 30548 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #40 on: 07-14-2007 17:52 »
« Last Edit on: 07-14-2007 17:52 »

Originally posted by Mr.MastodonFarm:
 Sure. Fella, Christopher Walken acts in plenty of terrible movies. Might I instead suggest that the movie fulfills one of your deepest fantasies? You know what it is: "What if John Travolta were a fat woman?"

Yeah, Walken's been in a few bad movies, but he's often the only good thing in them.

I actually don't like Travolta. If anything, him being in it is a reason that I might not want to see it. Although, another reason I want to watch it is the back up my claim that he cannot do a Baltimore accent.

Another major turn off of this movie is the fact that it's the movie adaptation of a pretty good Broadway musical based on a great movie. The Producers was a great movie, a pretty good musical, but the movie on had only a few good moments and the only thing that saved it was the combination of Broderick and Lane.

Yes, I notice that I'm pointing out turn offs for a movie I said I wanted to go see. The major reasons I want to see it is (1)Christopher Walken, (2)Jerry Stiller, (3)I liked the original Hairspray and (4)Baltimore. That's basically it. I could tell you a bunch more reason why I think it won't be good, including Travolta and Amanda Bynes. I'll see it sometime when it comes out, but I'm not expecting much from it.


Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #41 on: 07-14-2007 18:24 »
« Last Edit on: 07-14-2007 18:24 »

Warning: This post is unnecessicarily verbose, and contains no new information aside from editorials expressing Gopher's opinions.

Nix: I have only one remark on that trailer. Towards the end, when he said "Just hold me and think of home" (or something to that effect), what I heard for some reason was "Just lie back and think of England."

This has nothing to do with anything, of course, but I found it hilarious.

i_c_weiner: I agree with Faze. Though much as I loved it, I can't imagine a sequel to Fifth Element being very good, expecially if it's called "The Sixth Element."

Die Hard: ... might be good, might be complete sh*t. see also: Lethal Weapon 4, Beverly Hills Cop 3.

transformers: still keeping my expectations low but from what I've heard I may actually go to the theaters for this one. The only people I've talked to who were disappointed are either fools who actually believe the vague, ill-defined and impractical vision they've dreamed up in their ignorant heads is going to be precicely reflected on screen, or fools who seemed to forget that Michael Bay is directing it and complained that it was too Michal Bay-styled.

Evan Almighty - I'll probably like it when I see it, as I did Bruce Almighty, though I'll probably wait for DVD or PPV.

Simpsons - I can never forget MG's comments when asked about a Simpsons movie back during the show's prime, which were usually along the lines of "When the series is dead, then we'll talk about a movie." I pray that this means the series will be allowed to die soon, before I am forced to remove it from my "greatest shows" list for the sheer volume of drek drowning the good bits.

Hairspray: What was wrong with the original movie version (aside from the fact that it featured Ricky Lake)? I don't get movies-based-on-musicals-based-on-movies. Who's their target demographic exactly, closeted homosexuals afraid someone might guess their secret if they're seen attending a musical? I mean, there's always drama geekstheatre afficionados like i_c_weiner, of course, but that's too small a demographic to justify major advertising and a national theatrical release.

IJ4: Forcing myself to hold my expectations low, but it's tough with this one, since I am fairly confident Harrison Ford wouldn't do it without a damn good script. So I'm measuring in at "reserved excitement."

Gopher is dead. This post was made by MetaGopher, a sophisticated algorithm derived from a database containing the complete internet writings of Gopher.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #42 on: 07-14-2007 18:34 »

Lucky The Sixth Element isn't related to The Fifth Element then!

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #43 on: 07-14-2007 18:40 »

... I was aware of that, I just had the same thought as you when I saw the link, and was disappointed to find no Leeloo. The additional comments were the result of further reflection.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #44 on: 07-14-2007 20:35 »
« Last Edit on: 07-15-2007 00:00 »

American Gangsta, we can get to see Denzel Washington shout and hit his chest with his fists and probably spit a little.

Ooooh, there might be a Dark Knight teaser attached to The Simpsons movie.  :eek:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #45 on: 07-17-2007 20:33 »

Star Trek 11, which may possibly just be called 'Star Trek' with no subtitle, is set to recast Kirk, Spock, and possibly Bones as their younger selves.
Could be a prequel or a reboot - nobody is sure.
Matt Damon's been kicked around as potential Shatner replacement.
Interesting if nothing else.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #46 on: 07-17-2007 20:51 »

I heard Gary Sinise could be Bones and Sylar from Heroes could be Spock, he knows Greg Gunberg from the show, who is also JJ Abrams pal (directing).

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #47 on: 07-18-2007 17:22 »

I can see Gary Sinise as the Doc, yes... As for the other guy... I reserve judgement.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #48 on: 07-19-2007 13:58 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
Also DeNiro is on two movies next year, in one he's a hitman (Frankie Machine) and in the other Pacino is in it too (Righteous Kill).


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #49 on: 07-19-2007 15:00 »

Star Trek's a meh from me. I'll see it regardless, but I think it'll be bad.

Oooo. De Niro + Pacino = Awesome.

96000th post in It's got a TV! history!! So... what do I win?
HookerBot 5000

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #50 on: 07-19-2007 16:06 »

I'm looking forward to: The Simpsons, Evan Almighty, and Rush Hour 3.

Bending Unit
« Reply #51 on: 07-19-2007 17:17 »

I think the Chuck & Larry movie looks like it's going to be funny.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #52 on: 07-19-2007 17:24 »

I dunno, I have a feeling that I've already seen all the funny parts.

Bending Unit
« Reply #53 on: 07-19-2007 17:42 »

Like the trailer's probably going to be as funny as it gets? That does seem to happen a lot. But what better scenario could you have than 2 men pretending to be gay...

I was watching the Get Smart trailer too. I can't wait for that one to come out. I used to watch Get Smart years and years... and years ago.

And I wonder what the preview right before Transformers comes on is for. Did I miss something? Is that what i_c_weiner was talking about last page?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #54 on: 07-19-2007 18:40 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
I dunno, I have a feeling that I've already seen all the funny parts.
I was thinking the opposite, that they just made those trailer clips to fool us and most of it won't be in the  film, for example that 3D bunny bit, if they bothered to d that they could have easily done the other ones too.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #55 on: 07-19-2007 19:30 »

Yes saucie.  But I'm not quite sure what you're referring to.  Maybe you could elaborate?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #56 on: 07-24-2007 16:54 »

indy arives

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #57 on: 07-24-2007 22:00 »

This is Godly


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #58 on: 07-25-2007 22:59 »

I am totallysuperbad.

How does Cera keep appearing like he's getting younger...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #59 on: 07-26-2007 03:54 »

Hah. That Superbad flick looks amusing.
Not normally my kind of thing, but the clip cracked me up.

Oh, and how Indy has aged.

Urban Legend
« Reply #60 on: 07-26-2007 03:55 »
« Last Edit on: 07-26-2007 03:55 »

Because you're getting older. And more attractive. *raises eyebrows several times in a seductive manner*

*shoves coldangel out of the way*

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #61 on: 08-02-2007 18:53 »
« Last Edit on: 08-02-2007 18:53 »

Did anyone else see the Iron Man trailer from Comic Con? It's from a crappy cam guy, but man it looked sweet.

Robert Downey Jr!   :love:

"Starting tonight, people will die... I'm a man of my worrrd... HOOHAA HAA HAAA!!"

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #62 on: 08-03-2007 19:42 »
« Last Edit on: 08-03-2007 19:42 »

No one else saw those? ^

"It is set thousands of years after the original Snow White story, when the princess has reincarnated into a young woman, played by Natalie Portman.

Her evil stepmother wants to collect the seven pieces of her magic mirror to resume her power.

The Shaolin temple in central China, which has been protecting the mirror for thousands of years, sends seven warriors, led by Jet Li, to protect the mirror and the young woman."
Jet Li is Grumpy Kicky The Dwarf!   :love:

And, Shoot Em Up.

Urban Legend
« Reply #63 on: 08-03-2007 20:02 »

Snow White? Natalie Portman? Jet Li?
I don't believe this at all. You lie.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #64 on: 08-04-2007 06:49 »
« Last Edit on: 08-04-2007 06:49 »

Originally posted by ~FazeShift~:
I am totallysuperbad.

How does Cera keep appearing like he's getting younger...

Trailer is excellent, movie looks good, Cera seems to be permanently stuck in puberty.

Meanwhile: Get Smart

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #65 on: 08-04-2007 12:43 »

@faze: A source would have been appropriate

WTF indeed
HookerBot 5000

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #66 on: 08-04-2007 13:09 »

Rush Hour 3 and the Simpsons movie are next on my list.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #67 on: 08-04-2007 22:47 »

Nix, finding is easy! See? Adventure!  :p


My Name Is Bruce:

Urban Legend
« Reply #68 on: 08-05-2007 01:12 »


Space Pope
« Reply #69 on: 08-05-2007 01:13 »

Whoa; I must be out of touch.  Is this from a movie ("My Name is Bruce" ) or are you just putting up a pictue of my favorite actor, Bruce Campbell?  I don't recognize the pic...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #70 on: 08-05-2007 02:57 »

Holy hell! Fanboys! Awesome! Best concept ever!

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #71 on: 08-05-2007 14:37 »
« Last Edit on: 08-05-2007 14:37 »

Originally posted by seattlejohn01:
Whoa; I must be out of touch.  Is this from a movie ("My Name is Bruce" ) or are you just putting up a pictue of my favorite actor, Bruce Campbell?  I don't recognize the pic...
New pic from My Name Is Bruce.

I want Kristen Bell in the gold bikini superbad, and I'm willing to go mano y mano with Jeremy to get her...
Rules: No biting, no crotch grabbing, no use of homerjaysimpsons... COMMENCE BATTLE!!

Urban Legend
« Reply #72 on: 08-05-2007 15:17 »
« Last Edit on: 08-05-2007 15:17 »

Faze, I will cut off my penis and shove it down your throat until you choke and die. Sure, she'd have no use for a penis-less BirthdayClown, but at least you won't get to have her either. Jerk!
Also, I own seasons 1 and 2 of Veronica Mars on DVD. That will impress her much more than your stupid Irish accent.
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #73 on: 08-05-2007 15:50 »

Holy hell, things are looking all kinds of awesome.

Get Smart
My Name Is Bruce
That Snow White acid trip

I haven't been this excited about upcoming movies since, well, ever probably.

Space Pope
« Reply #74 on: 08-05-2007 18:21 »

Hasn't been released here yet:

Black Sheep


Space Pope
« Reply #75 on: 08-05-2007 18:41 »

Another Johnny Depp & Tim Burton collaboration. I am psyched.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #76 on: 08-05-2007 19:34 »

Gocad: Second! October 9th on DVD apparently.

I never saw released in Cinemas here either.  :hmpf:



DOOP Secretary
« Reply #77 on: 08-05-2007 19:45 »

I want to see that Black Sheep

Space Pope
« Reply #78 on: 08-05-2007 22:36 »

Fine Faze, out poster me! I don't care. The point still remains.

Speaking of which, does the dude in the chair looks like Heath Ledger, or is that just me?

Space Pope
« Reply #79 on: 08-06-2007 15:20 »
« Last Edit on: 08-06-2007 15:20 »

WTF!!!!!!! It didn't show up before. Damnit my bad.
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