
DOOP Secretary

I thought it looked like Johnny Depp, myself.
bored idiot

Delivery Boy
i want to see resident evil extinction so i can see some more badass zombie slaying and i want to see avp 2 to see if it will actually suck as much as the first or maybe be better. Originally posted by BirthdayClown: Superbad funniness. pretty sure that was staged

DOOP Ubersecretary
Unlike JJ Abrahms and his complete Cloverfield guessery, the Indy 4 guys have gone a sort of multiple-choice path and registered 6 titles for the project to confuse us: Indiana Jones... ...and the City of Gods ...and the Destroyer of Worlds ...and the Fourth Corner of the Earth ...and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ...and the Lost City of Gold ...and the Quest for the Covenant Could the 2nd one mean Indy fights Galactus? Could the 4th one be an SG-1 crossover? No, most likely not... awwww. 

DOOP Secretary

City of Gods sounds the best to me.

DOOP Ubersecretary
Ya, it's also the one listed on IMDB, but LucasFilm registered the others for the craic anyway. I also read there was some Dark Knight footage shown at Wizard World in Chicago recently... but security was so tight that nothing will appear online...  Nolan sez filming is 50% done... attaboy!

DOOP Secretary

City of Gods and Lost City of Gold sound the best to me. Most of the others sound uber-cheesy.
David A

Space Pope
...and the City of Gods Didn't the Incas call Machu Picchu the City of the Gods? Or am I thinking of something else? ...and the Destroyer of Worlds Shiva is the Destroyer of Worlds. This one would probably be more Hindu stuff like Temple of Doom. Galactus is the Devourer of Worlds, Faze. Close, but no cigar. ...and the Fourth Corner of the Earth No idea here. ...and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Crystal skulls are generally associated with Aztecs, Mayans, or other pre-Columbian Central American cultures. ...and the Lost City of Gold This one's pretty obvious: El Dorado, the Lost City of Gold sought after by the conquistadores. ...and the Quest for the Covenant A direct sequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark, perhaps? I dunno.

Space Pope
« Reply #95 on: 08-13-2007 10:52 »
« Last Edit on: 08-13-2007 10:52 »
Originally posted by Nixorbo: It could be a Halo 3 tie-in. Master Chief enters the picture. *audience cheers* Shia: "Who the hell are you?" Master Chief shoots Shia. *audience cheers some more* Yeah, I could live with that. For the record: It's not like I can't stand Shia LeBouf (Who's that guy anyway? Rhetorical question, don't answer.), but I do fear that he's going to play a character that will ruin the entire film...unless he's killed off after five minutes. Which probably won't happen.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #96 on: 08-13-2007 20:12 »
« Last Edit on: 08-13-2007 20:12 by coldangel_1 »
I'm assuming he's playing Indy's son? Or has that been long-established? I haven't really kept up. Eh, just as long as he doesn't do the typical smart-arsed loudmouth Yank teen idiot role like he did in Transformers. EDIT: Stoked that Cate Blanchett is in it. She's classy, baby .

DOOP Secretary

Oh, I remember hearing about that script. If I remember correctly, it was debunked about two years ago.
There's been various different script rumors, ranging form dinosaurs with freakin' lasers attached to their freakin' heads, dinosaurs on the North American plains, and the revelation that the disease that killed the dinosaurs was reproduced when they cloned them and is now threatening humans.
Personally... I like the lasers one the best.

DOOP Secretary

Yay Ghostbusters are back.

DOOP Secretary

I've disliked the 'Ghostbusters in Hell' script from the day they first announced it all those years ago. Seems really stupid, and not in keeping with the feel of the original two movies. Now they're making it a cartoon? Shite. Swallow your pride, Bill - it was the greatest role you ever had.
Iron Man will look awesome on the big screen.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #107 on: 08-25-2007 05:38 »
« Last Edit on: 08-25-2007 05:38 »

DOOP Secretary

Jeebus! I know it's probably not saying a lot, but AvP2 looks a damn sight better than the first one.

DOOP Secretary

how could it possibly looks worse?

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Bend-err: how could it possibly looks worse? 

DOOP Secretary

nope, even that wouldn't make it worse...

DOOP Secretary

well, it repeats the alien quadrilogy names
alien -> alienS alien vs predator -> alienS vs predator