its true. everything reminds me of Futurama. i can't help it!
Bending Unit
Sign me up on that "everything"-list too! Anyway, today at school, a guy in my class was supposed to say "insane in the membrane" (everyone in my class has begun to use that expression, despite the fact that English is not our main language), but instead he said "insane in the mainframe"! I almost laughed my ass off, I asked if he was a fan, he said yes, and then we had this great talk about how brilliant Futurama is! I love it when these things happen.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
I just finished reading 'Paradise Lost' in my AP European History class.
Reminded me of that great episode: 'Parasites Lost'.
I was at my high school the other day in maths and my teacher asked the special ED teacher something about a book, and the teacher replied "I was going to thumb through that later". The exact words of Fry in MTS!!
Futurama Nerd
I was at Ikea today, with B2.0 actually, and I say some red velour bedspread.
Starship Captain
Originally posted by Matt Roush on tvguide.com: This is the sponsors' game, so I'd gripe there first. (If a show like American Dreams can survive only by contriving a blatant business deal for a subplot, that might just be the price we pay to keep TV shows on the air these days.) As Todd M. writes, adding to this subject, "The merger of television shows and commercials is a slippery slope that ends with the medium becoming completely irrelevant. I realize that in the age of TiVo, advertising needs to become more aggressive, but product placement isn't the answer. If advertisers continue to alienate viewers by watering down our programs with their fodder, there will be no one left to watch. Their only recourse will to invade our dreams at night (à la LightSpeed Briefs on Futurama)." Yes, Todd, but what is the answer? TV shows don't exist for our benefit alone. They're designed as delivery vehicles for advertiser messages. Some do it more efficiently (and less obviously) than others, but the playing field is getting messier with each technological breakthrough.
I am so jealous of my friend's graphics class, which has some nicely drawn graffiti of Bender on the wall.
Urban Legend
MKTai, you play NationStates? Check this out.Umm...ontopic...er...... I got nothing. Unless I can bring up Farnsworth Pavillion again.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Everytime I see 'The Venture Brothers' and the robot "Helper" I'm always reminded of the one-time Futurama character of the same name.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Today I found another Futurama fan at my work! I'm so happy! Anyway, today's special at the canteen were nachos (I think, something Mexican) with guacamolé. While standing in line, I heard one mutilation of "quackamoll" after another. Finally I said: [Lrrr]"it's pronouced guacamolé!"[/Lrrr]. Well most people looked at me funny, but a guy further back in the line said: [Lrrr]and stop eating our young!"[/Lrrr] Unfortunately the guy work in a completely different section of the warehouse, so we only see eachother at lunch, but we shared a few laughs.
Originally posted by becky: Thanks, Airbagfailure, now I know what to tell a certain guy who’s really been getting on my nerves lately. Seriously, he sticks to me like glue, and it's beginning to get really annoying... Oh crap, is it me? I just realised how much I've been responding to you lately. Sorry if I'm being a jerk. And even if it isn't me, I'll still look completely self-centered and stupid for posting this...
Bending Unit
Jerk? You?! Zmithy, please don't say something like that ever again. Do you have any idea how much your replies means to me? Really, I mean it You make me feel appreciated. The guy I'm talking about is someone at my school. [small rant]It was ok in the beginning but now he’s gone a little too far and kept it going a little too long... I just need my personal space.[/rant]With that said, don't feel stupid about your post. Now let's get back on topic!