Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Better than nothing I suppose, and the fact it's on page 21 makes it all the clooler  ...

DOOP Secretary

*Sigh* I know that, but it wasn't really a word that needed to be emphasized....
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Once upon a time the grass played a tune!  ...


There definitely needs to be more Doctor Who references in Futurama. I'm surprised that hasn't been anything substantial in it's entire run, I'm sure X Cohen and Co are fans

DOOP Secretary

Is it? I always thought of it as a bit more low budget than other science-fiction (especially American where - unlike the BBC - they have big monies!), but is there anything wrong with the plots? I am sure some episodes are better than others, but 'bloody awful'?
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I only ever watched an ep and a bit of Doctor Who and I didn't like it. Just as well it's not in Futurama because I'd never get the references...
Frida Waterfall


« Reply #814 on: 05-30-2011 16:07 »
« Last Edit on: 05-30-2011 16:13 »
I only ever watched an ep and a bit of Doctor Who and I didn't like it. Just as well it's not in Futurama because I'd never get the references...
Wait... aren't you... British? Well, to deter from the subject, as this is still a Futurama news thread, another character design popped up today, courtesy of the now-redeemed (at least in my opinion) Matt Tobey.  He also gives a description of the plot for the (assumed) next episode-in-line, "Fry am the Eggman" and hints at what the new character may be (he's probably wrong, but that's a part of the job). Today we get our first introduction to the upcoming new episode Fry Am the Eggman, which sees Fry nurturing an alien egg out of which hatches a monster. This is a design for a character named Mr. Peppy, who I'm guessing is either the alien monster or the obstetrician who handles the delivery. Hard to tell for sure. Well, if you want me, I'll be over on the not-nearly-as-large speculation thread.

Urban Legend
Is it? I always thought of it as a bit more low budget than other science-fiction (especially American where - unlike the BBC - they have big monies!), but is there anything wrong with the plots? I am sure some episodes are better than others, but 'bloody awful'?
It's popular, but it's really lowest common denominator TV like shows such as The X Factor (current UK equivalent of American Idol). The show is horribly written, poorly acted for the most part, full of complete bollocks and constant deus ex machina, and worst of all -about 80% of the episodes are actually gripping for about 40 minutes, only to turn around and give you the crappest, un-thought-through ending imaginable so that they can get out of whatever balls they've gotten themselves into this week within 5 minutes, leaving the show ready to go again next week. It's just so full of logical holes, but... welll, you know. These complaints are aimed at the modern-day Doctor Who rather than the original series which I've not seen much of, but from what I know, the original series is worse.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I only ever watched an ep and a bit of Doctor Who and I didn't like it. Just as well it's not in Futurama because I'd never get the references...
Wait... aren't you... British?
Yeah, and one of my classmates at school was in Dr Who as well, but that doesn't mean to say I'm gonna like it... As for the news, that new monster looks interesting. I always love the sheer scope Futurama can have in its plots...

DOOP Secretary

I only ever watched an ep and a bit of Doctor Who and I didn't like it. Just as well it's not in Futurama because I'd never get the references...
I'm not too fussed about a Doctor Who reference, but a sly one might be nice. Also, woo, more plot details and new stuff! 
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Is it? I always thought of it as a bit more low budget than other science-fiction (especially American where - unlike the BBC - they have big monies!), but is there anything wrong with the plots? I am sure some episodes are better than others, but 'bloody awful'?
It's popular, but it's really lowest common denominator TV like shows such as The X Factor (current UK equivalent of American Idol). The show is horribly written, poorly acted for the most part, full of complete bollocks and constant deus ex machina, and worst of all -about 80% of the episodes are actually gripping for about 40 minutes, only to turn around and give you the crappest, un-thought-through ending imaginable so that they can get out of whatever balls they've gotten themselves into this week within 5 minutes, leaving the show ready to go again next week. It's just so full of logical holes, but... welll, you know.
These complaints are aimed at the modern-day Doctor Who rather than the original series which I've not seen much of, but from what I know, the original series is worse.
Some episodes from both eras fit this description. Some don't. Most of the RTD-Tennant run is terrible, but Matt Smith and Christopher Eccleston have delivered some good performances and had some brilliant episodes. The revived series' " Dalek" for example was a fantastic return to what made Doctor Who so popular back in the day. Your complaints should be addressed to Tennant's doctor, rather than the new run as a whole. Some of the stuff they've come up with (particularly Moffatt) has been very good. I'd love to see a shout-out to Doctor Who in Futurama. Perhaps a TARDIS somewhere, or even a sonic screwdriver joke. Something small, not terribly obvious, but instantly recognisable to Whovians across the globe. As for "really lowest common denominator TV", I'd say you should rethink that. Again, Tennant is the guilty party, with his legions of squee-ing fangirls who'd watch him take a shit if it was televised in three parts. The whole franchise is generally beloved of nerds, geeks, and dorks everywhere. The cardboard sets and rubber monsters (of the older episodes) are looked upon fondly and with the same admiration as many classic B-movies. The incredibly nonsensical plots and their baffling resolutions are often the sort of thing you'd have gotten from Red Dwarf, but with the silliness dialed down a little and the "drama/action" dialled up to eleven so as to thrill the younger viewers (remember the show was originally aimed at seven to twelve year olds). It's mindless, switch-your-brain-off scifi entertainment. Not lowest-common-denominator. There's a crucial difference. Now excuse me, I'm off to finish reversing the polarity of the neutron flow in my deus ex machina.


"Smart Ass Teen" made me lol.

DOOP Secretary

they're called Smart Ass Teen

DOOP Secretary

They as in genderless singular third person pronoun.

DOOP Secretary

But it looks like a boy...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I love how adaptable the P.E Ship is, even if it does look like someone took a giant sledgehammer and smashed the roof in to accommodate the new modification...

DOOP Secretary

I love how adaptable the P.E Ship is, even if it does look like someone took a giant sledgehammer and smashed the roof in to accommodate the new modification...
Second. Epicness overload.