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Author Topic: Futurama News Past 6ACV13 - No spoilers outside spoiler tags!  (Read 121309 times)
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« Reply #1360 on: 06-23-2011 16:19 »

What's with people not being excited about Möbius Dick? Seems like a cool sci-fi story to me, and the one released clip looks promising.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1361 on: 06-23-2011 16:22 »
« Last Edit on: 06-23-2011 16:24 »

Yo Leela Leela also worries me, a lot...

I think "Yo Leela Leela" will probably just be a gag-centric romp of an episode--not some monster-of-the-week thing, or something about the crew's wacky delivery-related hijinks. It may be, uh, sitcom-ish (or at least Futurama's version of a sitcom), but some of my personal favorite episodes might be considered sitcom-ish ("The Cyberhouse Rules" is a good example, and even "A Leela of Her Own" is not as awful as people make it out to be).

What's with people not being excited about Möbius Dick? Seems like a cool sci-fi story to me, and the one released clip looks promising.


Since I like fun things...

Mobius Dick

Who, Where, What, How?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #1362 on: 06-23-2011 16:27 »
« Last Edit on: 06-23-2011 16:32 by Who,Where,What,How? »

Yo Leela Leela to me just seems like a weak cliche storyline, not much thought put into it
and I'm guessing it will be quite predictable.

What's with people not being excited about Möbius Dick? Seems like a cool sci-fi story to me, and the one released clip looks promising.

A whale in space, it's just a bit absurd like the stingray at the end of ITWGY yet the whale is the main focus of the episode. So thats why I have doubts about that particular episode.

« Reply #1363 on: 06-23-2011 16:44 »

Creatures floating around in space is not far-fetched at all. Many genius scientists, including Stephen Hawking, has posited that the search for extra-terrestrial life should not be limited to planets, but also inside stars, gas clouds and floating around in space.

Ofcourse the possibility of an extra-terrestrial creature being shaped almost exactly like a creature on Earth is extremely unlikely, but it's not impossible. Plus, it's a cartoon show. It's much more unlikely that so many extra-terrestrial species understand English, or that life on the Robo-Planetoid would evolve almost exactly like on Earth. I don't see what's so far-fetched about a four-dimensional space whale.
Who, Where, What, How?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #1364 on: 06-23-2011 16:51 »

What about a four-dimensional space penguin...does that sound far fetched?

Anyway that's just my two cents, I can't predict the future I may be entirely wrong.
It may even be the best episode this season, Who knows?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1365 on: 06-23-2011 18:01 »
« Last Edit on: 06-23-2011 18:04 »

Law and Oracle  

Why, just cause Fry's in it? ¬_¬

And I'm looking forward to all of them I guess, besides All the President's Heads and maybe Yo Leela Leela... :hmpf:

Starship Captain
« Reply #1366 on: 06-23-2011 18:49 »

i almost forgot about Yo Leela Leela. It looks terrible. the babies fighting in the crib just looks terrible.

as for mobius dick, this sci-fi nerd patiently awaits it.

« Reply #1367 on: 06-23-2011 19:03 »


Can't wait for the episodes tonight!

Urban Legend
« Reply #1368 on: 06-23-2011 19:17 »

Great read!

Some season 7 plots revealed:

Bender impregnates a new Planet Express soda machine.

An episode about the 3012 presidential election involving people demanding to see a candidate's Earth certificate.

An episode about predictions that the world will end in 3012.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1369 on: 06-23-2011 19:24 »

Bender impregnates a new Planet Express soda machine.

Any one see the slight irony? :p

« Reply #1370 on: 06-23-2011 20:00 »

What about a four-dimensional space penguin...does that sound far fetched?

No. Maybe you should have read my reply before replying to it.

Great read!

Some season 7 plots revealed:

Bender impregnates a new Planet Express soda machine.

An episode about the 3012 presidential election involving people demanding to see a candidate's Earth certificate.

An episode about predictions that the world will end in 3012.

Wow, sounds like cool plots. :D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1371 on: 06-23-2011 20:02 »

Except for the first one... That sounds like one of the worst plots I've ever heard. It's one of those "you know what we haven't done yet?" stories. I hope it's a B-plot.

« Reply #1372 on: 06-23-2011 20:03 »

To be honest I don't know. I think it's too early to comment properly on it, it could be done well and it could be done badly.

Bending Unit
« Reply #1373 on: 06-23-2011 20:31 »
« Last Edit on: 06-23-2011 20:33 »

election and 2012!! for now it seems like a great season!!

and just to quote myself from another thread :
End of the world like 2012 but in futurama :D
yeah that could be a good christmas episode for the season 8, airing like december 21th 2012 , I could easily see a good parody of 2012 with Mom being involved with the omnicronians, a big war episode with santa claus too since it would be a christmas episode...

(am I the only one who think this sound like a Kurt idea?)

« Reply #1374 on: 06-23-2011 20:32 »

I'm especially excited about the election episode. Would be cool to see some change in the presidential office after 12 years with Nixon. :P
Dorsal Axe

Bending Unit
« Reply #1375 on: 06-23-2011 20:54 »

I'm just hoping that the Cheney thing is addressed. Is he canon, or not canon, ya know?

« Reply #1376 on: 06-23-2011 20:56 »

I hope that to. Some part of me wants them to find Cheney's body and somehow drop his head in the garbage... and then rename him to Agnew.

Bending Unit
« Reply #1377 on: 06-23-2011 21:38 »

I miss Angnew and his growling. He was such a funny headless character. Dick Cheney if you're canon you nothing compared to Angnew!

Oh how I wish they could clone him back!

« Reply #1378 on: 06-23-2011 21:39 »

Awesome idea for an episode...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1379 on: 06-23-2011 21:40 »

Agnew was one of those characters that appeared without explanation, yet everyone loved him and didn't seem to care how he got there. Meh, he was alright.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1380 on: 06-23-2011 21:49 »
« Last Edit on: 06-23-2011 21:50 »

It's not like they'll have somebody else be president. Nixon is now synonymous with Futurama, he's a character that they can't just get rid of.

And, if it hadn't been for TFHS, then I would've said it would be great if they just have Agnew reappear as VP without any explanation whatsoever. But I'd like to see if they actually do something with Cheney.

Bee tee dubs, when they say TFHS is not canon, I think they mean the specific plots and events, not everything down to the last cel is not canon whatsoever. I would go out on the limb to say that Cheney is the current VP in 3011 and that it's more happenstance that the first time they introduced him as such was the "non-canon" story.

« Reply #1381 on: 06-23-2011 21:52 »

Yeah, I think so to. And I think there's some potential in Cheney if they do it right.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1382 on: 06-23-2011 22:42 »
« Last Edit on: 06-23-2011 22:43 »

Time to close this for a "Futurama news during the 2011 season" thread.
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