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Author Topic: Simpsons VS Futurama  (Read 43137 times)
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PEE Poll: Which is better?
Futurama   -136 (79.5%)
The Simpsons   -18 (10.5%)
Family Guy   -4 (2.3%)
American Dad   -5 (2.9%)
South Park   -6 (3.5%)
Yu-Gi-Oh GX or Yu-Gi-Oh   -1 (0.6%)
Venture Brothers   -1 (0.6%)
Total Members Voted: 171


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #280 on: 06-09-2009 16:09 »

I have the solution - you are both wrong.

That would be taking the easy way out though.
I.C. Weiner

Bending Unit
« Reply #281 on: 06-09-2009 18:17 »

It is very likely that I may be wrong but at least we have solved this now.

Back to the debate at hand I have never really found American Dad to be that funny but really it isn't a bad show. With FG I find myself changing the channel because I am annoyed but with AD I can watch an entire episode and be somewhat entertained.

Bending Unit
« Reply #282 on: 06-09-2009 21:17 »

i know im supposed to be dead from that other thread, but as (i think) you are debating something that is subjective, you are both wrong, and you are both right.
but now im probably wrong, thanks to you two.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #283 on: 06-10-2009 02:34 »

American Dad has more linear storytelling without the fantasy cutaways and a lot less general randomness.

Bending Unit
« Reply #284 on: 06-10-2009 21:20 »

I just think that seth macfarlane has played out this randomness too much, and the extended jokes are often so lame.  I understand the mass appeal, and that is why, on the other side, the great storytelling of futurama and early simpsons episodes last so long in the minds of the fans and why FG and AD will fade away.

« Reply #285 on: 06-13-2009 20:35 »

The Simpsons seasons 3-9 are as good as all of Futurama.  If I had to list em'.

Futurama > The Simpsons > South Park > American Dad > Yu-Gi-Oh! > Family Guy

At least I can have a good laugh with Yu-Gi-Oh!

Cannot enjoy Family Guy. 

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #286 on: 06-14-2009 00:05 »

At least I can have a good laugh with Yu-Gi-Oh!

Regular or abridged?

Urban Legend
« Reply #287 on: 06-14-2009 12:43 »

Abridged becuase it actually is funny, regular becuase it's so rediculous it's funny.

« Reply #288 on: 06-15-2009 22:36 »

guys guys, Futurama is great, but the simpsons are just too damn good. (except the new ones which are crap)  The old simpsons is arguably the best cartoon show EVER!!  The one show better than the old simpsons is Arrested Development, check it out

Word!  Arrested Development was a great show.  Not better than futurama, but i would definetly rate it higher than the rest of those shows.

Bending Unit
« Reply #289 on: 06-15-2009 22:47 »

Arrested development is a great live action show, but Futurama is awesome animation, apples and oranges haha

« Reply #290 on: 06-16-2009 01:52 »

Any love for Married with Children?

« Reply #291 on: 06-18-2009 01:11 »
« Last Edit on: 06-18-2009 01:58 »

Its not a fair comparison.The Simpsons will always be in a league of their own,because without them we wouldn't have any good shows like south park,family guy etc. Even though Im a big Futurama nerd,i would still have to  vote  for The Simpsons(even if they are past their prime).  

Urban Legend
« Reply #292 on: 06-18-2009 12:19 »

I was just watching the episode where marge says something along the lines of "A show should go out in its prime before it gets stale and repetitive". :/

« Reply #293 on: 06-21-2009 10:00 »

I'm going to put it in a way everyone can understand. When  I sit down and start watching the entire simpons series out on dvd at this time I get board after a while. When I watch futurama, guess what, I do not get tired of it. BOOSH

Bending Unit
« Reply #294 on: 06-22-2009 20:37 »

I actually pretty much agree with that, but I do find a lot of enjoyment in watching seasons 5 through 8 of the simpsons but I would take Futurama any day of the week.  I never get bored with it

Delivery Boy
« Reply #295 on: 06-30-2009 23:49 »

Its not a fair comparison.The Simpsons will always be in a league of their own,because without them we wouldn't have any good shows like south park,family guy etc. Even though Im a big Futurama nerd,i would still have to  vote  for The Simpsons(even if they are past their prime). 

Agreed.  Futurama is benefitting from all the lessons learned on the Simpsons.  Futurama has so many great episodes, but when the Simpsons was on, it was untouchable.

Freddy Phelps

« Reply #296 on: 07-14-2009 18:13 »

Simpsons season 3-8 for me  was a close to perfection as any show will ever get, although the Simpsons  has had a lot more crappy episodes than Futurama, at its peak the Simpsons is the best.

Starship Captain
« Reply #297 on: 01-18-2010 19:46 »

I like Futurama, The Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park- they all have their advantages and disadvantages. Futurama is funny and gives a comic insight on what the future might hold for us. The simpsons is a classic, funny cartoon that tells the story of a messed up family. Family Guy is a show similar to the simpsons and shows a world of stupid, indecent, messed up people, which, can be very funny. South Park shows a town with unusual people and a high crime rate.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #298 on: 01-18-2010 22:03 »

Simpsons season 3-8 for me  was a close to perfection as any show will ever get, although the Simpsons  has had a lot more crappy episodes than Futurama, at its peak the Simpsons is the best.

Probably something to do with the longer run. When Futurama stinks, it stinks bad. That said, I do believe that the writing of Futurama was just that little cut above the Simpsons anyways. All those little extra jokes, inside jokes, easter eggs and hidden extras kinda elevate it for me above other animation of the same sort.

Of course, The Venture Bros comes close to edging it out of the top spot for me. Gotta go with:

Venture Bros
Family Guy
Everything else
King Of The Hill
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #299 on: 02-06-2010 20:26 »

Well I have the right to stay active if I please and you cant stop me..

I am not doin nothing wrong, just stating my opinion that's all

Reporting you to a moderator could have you stopped in fairly short order if all you are here to do is say Futurama is crap.

Urban Legend
« Reply #300 on: 02-06-2010 23:53 »

Venture Bros doesn't even belong in that list.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #301 on: 02-07-2010 11:04 »

And shouldn't the second-to-last one be "Everything else except King Of The Hill"?

Urban Legend
« Reply #302 on: 02-07-2010 11:09 »

And shouldn't American Dad be above Family Guy?
Delivery Boy
« Reply #303 on: 02-07-2010 12:16 »
« Last Edit on: 02-07-2010 12:17 »

this list is far more accurate.

simpsons (in the 90s)
family guy
amercian dad!
king of the hill
Everything else
day light

transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #304 on: 02-07-2010 14:17 »

this list is far more accurate.

Venture Bros
Family Guy
Everything else
King Of The Hill

Fixed it for you, at no charge.
Delivery Boy
« Reply #305 on: 02-08-2010 08:19 »

i am not a TV series, so your post doesn't really make sense.

in other words: your post is a fail
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #306 on: 02-08-2010 10:02 »

Nah. You're not a TV show, but who said that it was exclusively a list of TV shows?

You fail much harder than any post of mine ever could.
Delivery Boy
« Reply #307 on: 02-08-2010 12:12 »

considering every show above is a television series, putting a poster on that list seems kind of stupid to me. so i repeat: your post is a failure.

Urban Legend
« Reply #308 on: 02-08-2010 12:27 »

Although...if your life was made into a TV show titled 'shot', then it would most definitely be a failure of a show, therefore, be last on that list of TV shows..just before family guy though..

Urban Legend
« Reply #309 on: 02-08-2010 12:31 »

Heh, Bianca's like the Family Guy version of Shot.

As for tnuk's post being a failure, it's still much less of a failure then every one of Shot's self-contradictory posts put together...

Urban Legend
« Reply #310 on: 02-08-2010 12:35 »

The only difference is that I don't go around being stupid on family guy forums. Except the difference there is that everyone goes around being stupid there anyway.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #311 on: 02-08-2010 18:48 »

considering every show above is a television series, putting a poster on that list seems kind of stupid to me. so i repeat: your post is a failure.

It seems stupid to you, but you're stupid. Maybe that's why it seems stupid: it has your name in it. Still adds up to you failing, not me.

Starship Captain
« Reply #312 on: 02-08-2010 22:37 »

How lame is when people that hates one show comes to a forum full of fans of that show to write against it.

I see the same on twitter, people that say "I hate this, I hate that". It only works if you start discussing with that kind of people, therefore that's all I'm gonna write about that.


I guess I like the Simpsons until season 10 perhaps.. and I created TFP because I liked the Simpsons back in 1999, but once I saw Futurama, it became my favorite show.

About the other animated shows, I try to see the best of each one, but I'll not change them for Futurama.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #313 on: 02-09-2010 03:39 »

I ran along the same lines.  Loved the Simpsons in my childhood, and when 1999 started coming around and the Futurama advertisements started airing, I said to myself, "That's gonna be my show!"

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #314 on: 02-09-2010 03:40 »

Venture Bros doesn't even belong in that list.

Is the list only applicapable to Fox animation?  I certainly consider Venture Bros in the same categorical league as Futurama, and I love Venture Bros.

Urban Legend
« Reply #315 on: 02-09-2010 03:47 »

Well I've never heard of it, and I like to judge things before I've seen it so I say it's terrible.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #316 on: 02-09-2010 04:04 »
« Last Edit on: 02-09-2010 04:05 »

Actually it's pretty good.  You would probably like it.
Delivery Boy
« Reply #317 on: 02-09-2010 11:17 »

even shows like popeye, the flintstones and the jetsons are better then this steaming pile of shit that u people call a show. sure it might have 1 or 2 good ep's, but talking aliens, and stupid immature robots are elements that a child is attracted to in a animated TV series.

Urban Legend
« Reply #318 on: 02-09-2010 11:47 »
« Last Edit on: 02-09-2010 11:48 »

Why are you still here? You do realise you're posting on a Futurama forum? A Futurama forum being a forum for people who like Futurama. What's the point in joining a forum about something you don't like? If you hated a show why would you want to be a part of a community of people who like this show you hate? If I wanted to bitch about a show I hated, I'd go to a "We Hate (whatever show it is that I hate) Forum" or a forum full of people who like a show that I like that don't talk about the show I hate... But then again I'm not an Internet troll like you.

but talking aliens, and stupid immature robots are elements that a child is attracted to in a animated TV series.

So, in a "mature" TV series (which, I assume, you would love because you're obviously such a mature person) that contained aliens and/or robots, the aliens would be mutes and the robots would only solve maths equations, or is the idea of aliens and/or robots in general just inherently a stupid and immature idea? Because that would make a lot of good movies apparently "stupid and immature".

Anyway, on topic:

American Dad
The Simpsons (back in the day)
Family Guy

And so on...
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #319 on: 02-09-2010 22:38 »

even shows like popeye, the flintstones and the jetsons are better then this steaming pile of shit that u people call a show. sure it might have 1 or 2 good ep's, but talking aliens, and stupid immature robots are elements that a child is attracted to in a animated TV series.

Funny, the Flintstones has talking appliances, the Jetsons has robots that have quirkier personalities than Bender, and Popeye is aimed specifically at kids. So how are they better?

Talking aliens and immature robots are funny, dumbass. It's a comedy. We have a childish sense of humour to temper our fearsome intelligences.

Besides, if it has "1 or 2 good eps", then you must've watched them and liked them. Robots and aliens and all. So you're full of crap.

Go suck on a lemonjuice-soaked dick for an hour, then slit your wrists with rusted razorwire. Once you've done that, you're allowed to post about how much more enjoyable it was than watching cartoons.
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