

Futurama's initial run was amazing falling just short of the Simpson's first 10 seasons. I give the Simpson's first 10 seasons an edge because it is so enduring in all of our hearts and minds. Futurama is fantastic, but cannot beat the Simpsons because the Simpsons established what a prime-time cartoon show is all about. Small side note, when I was 10 I wanted to be Bart, now that I'm 24, I want to be Fry. I'm glad that I could grow along side of Matt Greoning's Universe.


Simpsons is funnier but Futurama has the better stories and more action. Oh..and..the new episodes of Futurama are better than the new episodes of The Simpsons!! Well, ...when I get the money?

DOOP Secretary

Damn this is a Tough One.... Stuck between Futurama and American Dad!.... I think Futurama beats it by 10%.... =P


I vote futurama. But I wish I could vote twice, Venture Brothers being voteless is a crime! A crime, I say!!!


from futurama i like bender and amy oh and also leela and from simpsons i like bart homer and lisa


from futurama i like bender and amy oh and also leela and from simpsons i like bart homer and lisa

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

yeah who could forget smithers with a tan and the simpson house changing colors every frame lol...

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

futurama with 90% but i guess thats being too optimistic

Starship Captain
yeah who could forget smithers with a tan and the simpson house changing colors every frame lol...
That's seriously one of the reasons, the quality isn't too good. (But it's understandable...) "Homer's Odyssey" is a well written episode, but poorly animated. And the windows' shape changes as well.
All that's is really a reason for me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm just asking, What's your favorite ep of S2 of the Simpsons? For me is it: Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? It's a classic ep, Danny DeVito is great. 
Phil K


Fam Guy is far more inconsistent than the Simpsons which is far more inconsistent than Futuram which is marginally (imperceptively so in fact) less consistent than American Dad AmDad and Futuram are way ahead of the other two When FamGuy is good, it's excellent. Problem is, it rarely is. Simpsons are hit and miss more miss than hit. Futurama and AmDad are most often very good, and occasionally excellent.

Bending Unit
« Reply #384 on: 05-21-2011 18:18 »
« Last Edit on: 05-21-2011 18:26 »
I think the Simpsons were great from season 1 to 10, the rest OK.
Plus the Simpsons don't appeal to me as much as Futurama. And no Futurama isn't the Simpsons in space (though they do have elements of Simpson humor), nor is very much like The Jetsons.
I find the Simpsons to be to much mainstream for my liking. The Simpsons' setting is it in our time, so they can only do so much when it comes to science fiction. As for Futurama it's in the future, there are sapient aliens, sapient robots and the Human race can travel to end of the universe and back home to Earth in one week, and much more.
Plus the Simpsons is mostly about a dysfunctional family, Futurama the work place, even though Simpsons does a lot of work place too, Futurama does very little on family, which makes it a very different show.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

It won't become outdated until the year 3000!...

Liquid Emperor
ik lol i was bored, and wanted 2 c wut idiot wuld do dis
Try to not type in cell phone speak as many people wont understand it. And you should really try to look for a topic in the search bar as there is a futurama>simpsons thread already. But since you opened a new one it wont matter any more. Anyway I think Futurama is a much better show because they can do everything they want to. I think the older episodes of the Simpsons is slightly better than Futurama but now that the Simpsons is on the 23rd season I don't enjoy any more

DOOP Secretary

Futurama. It has more continuity. Also science-fiction, which allows it to do more. Science-fiction beats everything else. Science fiction is an existential metaphor that allows us to tell stories about the human condition. Isaac Asimov once said, "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinded critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."

DOOP Secretary

They're both pretty sucky now.
Get out.