Delivery Boy
I am from the great land of OZ, or in different terms - Australia.
Delivery Boy
Family Guy is smart especially the older episodes which were more on-topic to the plot then what the are these days.
Delivery Boy
the older episodes are classics perfect balance of flashbacks, cut-aways and story development. Loved the Aliens joke about the queen a few years ago
"stop, not so fall yall, you think you can just step-away you crazy, i like to eat people especially yall. I like to yall with my little mouth to, yall u get back inside little mouth, i wants to play to, get back inside i gets ya when wheres eaten them"
Classic, especially if ur a fan of the alien series especially Aliens.
Delivery Boy
Even early family guy was stupid. They named the first five to six episodes with the word death in it. I respect your opinion, I don't agree with it but I respect it.
Delivery Boy
Hmm, I am a member of a lot of forms and there are heaps of members who aren't fans of a particular show however still stay active to voice there opinion on the show as am I.
Nothin' wrong with that is there?
Delivery Boy
Well I have the right to stay active if I please and you cant stop me..
I am not doin nothing wrong, just stating my opinion that's all
DOOP Secretary
I think the problem here is that you're completely disregarding the entire series after seeing, I'd say, about five or six episodes. And, with the exception of the dog episode--"Jurassic Bark", from season four--you're talking about episodes from seasons one and two, which were more gag-driven ("silly and babyish", as you would deem it, though I have to disagree). If you want to see what I consider the best of Futurama, I'd look to seasons three and four--the funny episodes got funnier, and the dramatic episodes were handled beautifully. If you're a fan of The Simpsons, like me, I think the two shows are brilliant in comparable ways: they can combine pretty sad stories with pretty hilarious jokes.
There's nothing wrong with joining PEEL to let us all know that you hate Futurama, but it'd be nice if you had more to go on than having seen less than a tenth of the episodes.
DOOP Secretary
Don't feed the troll, people.
DOOP Secretary
Ah, Svip, I was all out of pigeons to feed--I had to occupy myself somehow.
DOOP Secretary
Well I have the right to stay active if I please and you cant stop me..
No but there are certain people who are. They just haven't found you yet. Don't worry though your day of rekoning will come.
Delivery Boy
Thanks Gorgy for your mature input responds, you at least make me fell welcome to the site unlike some others.
Delivery Boy
Shock I contacted the admin because Jezzem was spamming me with constant e-mails even when I asked him/her to stop.
DOOP Secretary
Shot? Should be. Anyway - Futurama crap? Here's a list of the awards it's won: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futurama#AwardsIn comparison to the Simpsons; having a slightly older target audience means it has a greater emotional depth and more mature subject matter. Your criticism seems to stem from the fact that it exists within a science-fiction framework, and you may be personally adverse to science fiction. That's just a matter of personal taste, not a reflection of the program's quality... The science-fiction setting allows for greater situational and conceptual freedom compared to The Simpson's mundane real-world setting (and this is one of the reasons many people are drawn to sci-fi as a whole). It isn't unfunny. Much of the humor just happens to be based in fairly advanced science and mathematics. It's humor for the intelligent, not crass absurdity like Family Guy. Don't get me wrong, I like Family Guy for a bit of mindless fun. But I also enjoy programs which require thought. Smart people do. Evidently you do not; your lack of intelligence evidenced by your apparent pressing need to join a fan forum for the sole purpose of bagging the member's chosen fandom... and then your apparent surprise that they would lash out at you. Well duh. I also find it amusing that you reference childishness yet seem to be a fan of Family Guy. Hypocritical much? FG, along with the virtually-identical American Dad (at least Groening and co. were able to make something different from their flagship product) is one of the most childish adult animations to be found. Funny, but patently stupid. Anyway, in conclusion: Fuck off.
Delivery Boy
So we agree, that robot dance that the Futurerama crew was doing was indeed stpid??
Like i have siad, I have seen many episodes all of which contain the same basic concept for example one I didn't mention that I most probably forgot about but now remember was that stupid titanic parody ep.
Delivery Boy
oh well it was stupid none of the less..
oh and coldangle, horror/sci-fi is my favorite genre of films
DOOP Secretary
Shot, you claim to be 18, yet you are a total failure of spelling every single member's name you address.
How can we trust you can have an opinion on anything that is worth considering?
Did you expect us to greet you with open arms when you would announce that the show we love sucks, and you think it is the worst thing ever to happen on this very Earth?
Either you are a troll or just a complete fucking moron.
For your sake, I hope it is the former, because I seriously hope people are not that stupid.
Delivery Boy
You are basically saying that because I don't like futurerama I am a moron, hmm last time I checked different people like different programming for example I like Family Guy and you might hate it however that doesn't mean I'm going to start calling you a moron or an idiot just coze u don't like the same show I like. Take that into consideration mate. oh and I have a right to free-speech which is why I'm voicing my reasons for my dislike for the show on these boards.
Delivery Boy
I did understand the joke and I do know the robot dance was popular during the 70's and 80's however what annoyed me were the facial expresses I don't know, I just felt stupid 4 watching it... hard to explain