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Author Topic: Attention New New Yorkers - Stop asking so stupid! - Stupid Questions  (Read 36905 times)
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PEE Poll: Ideas for the title of the next thread. Suggestions will be added, cause I don't like any of the ideas me and BF1221 came up with.
Why? My stupids.
If you guys are done being stupid. I have more...
Did you just say questions are cool? No, we said they're stupid. Cool!


Starship Captain
« Reply #400 on: 02-06-2009 17:08 »

A: Because they are expendable

Q: Will Zapp ever be exposed for going out with a man dressed as a woman?
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #401 on: 02-06-2009 17:11 »

A: No.

Q: Why wouldn't he?

Starship Captain
« Reply #402 on: 02-06-2009 17:12 »

A: Because he usually bribes them afterwards to keep quiet.

Q: How does he bribe them to keep quiet?
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #403 on: 02-06-2009 17:13 »

A: Give them a letter with money in.

Q: How does he give it to them?

Starship Captain
« Reply #404 on: 02-06-2009 17:14 »

A: Planet Express

Q: Why via Planet Express?

Bending Unit
« Reply #405 on: 02-06-2009 20:10 »

A: Because they contain 2 of the only people who've ever loved him (he means physically)

Q: Why would this make him want to send his letter via that company?

Starship Captain
« Reply #406 on: 02-06-2009 20:13 »

A: Because he gets to try and hit on the two women who ever physically loved him.

Q: Why would they continue to accept his harassment?

Bending Unit
« Reply #407 on: 02-06-2009 20:16 »

A: They wouldn't, they would lock him in the plasma fusion boiler room

Q: How would he survive?

Starship Captain
« Reply #408 on: 02-06-2009 20:24 »

A: He wouldn't, the radiation would eventually kill him.

Q: What would the radiation do to him before it killed him?

Bending Unit
« Reply #409 on: 02-06-2009 21:55 »

A: Turn him against velour

Q: Would Scruffy take his velour when he died?

Bending Unit
« Reply #410 on: 02-06-2009 23:00 »

A: Yes. he would.

Q: Do any of the futurama characters apart from Doop wear velour?
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #411 on: 02-06-2009 23:18 »

A: ............................. ........No.

Q: If anyone did who would?

Starship Captain
« Reply #412 on: 02-06-2009 23:45 »

A: The mysterous #9 man, since no one knows his private habits.

Q: Who really cares about a minor throwaway character enough to resurrect into playing a major role in the fourth film?

Bending Unit
« Reply #413 on: 02-07-2009 10:36 »

A: I do

Q: Does anyone else?

Starship Captain
« Reply #414 on: 02-07-2009 16:37 »

A: Perhaps, but not by enough.

Q: Would Lrr really have been slightly better than the park ranger's demented foot lust if he harnessed Fry's Lower Horn?

Bending Unit
« Reply #415 on: 02-07-2009 18:59 »

A: Of course

Q: Is human still available in shops?

Starship Captain
« Reply #416 on: 02-07-2009 19:06 »

A: ? Human horn you mean?, uh No, since it went out of fashion last week in favor of Andreligian Mammary Juice.

Q: Why Andreligian Mammary Juice?
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #417 on: 02-07-2009 21:57 »

A: Because the species it was made of was deemed 'undesireable' by zapp.

Q: Why was it?

Starship Captain
« Reply #418 on: 02-07-2009 22:38 »

A: Because they associated with those filthy Neutrals.

Q: Why does Zapp hate the Neutrals so much?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #419 on: 02-08-2009 05:45 »

A: His illegitimate grandfather was neutral.

Q: Does anybody know about this?

Starship Captain
« Reply #420 on: 02-08-2009 06:04 »

A:Yes, its in his personnel records at the DOOP.

Q: Why is this shocking fact not made more public?

Bending Unit
« Reply #421 on: 02-08-2009 10:30 »

A: Zapp 'lost' them with the charts for planet Amazonia

Q:  Where did he put them?

Starship Captain
« Reply #422 on: 02-08-2009 16:47 »

A: In a pile of things that were not coated in velour.

Q: Why are Amy's parents so insistent that she have grandchild?

Bending Unit
« Reply #423 on: 02-08-2009 18:51 »

A: So they can be called Grandma or Grandpa

Q: Do they want more Grandchildren?
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #424 on: 02-08-2009 19:20 »

A: Yes

Q: How many grandchildren do they want?

Starship Captain
« Reply #425 on: 02-08-2009 19:50 »

A: At least 6.

Q: Why at least 6?
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #426 on: 02-08-2009 19:50 »

A: Because 6 is their fav number.

Q: Why is it their fav number?

Bending Unit
« Reply #427 on: 02-08-2009 19:52 »
« Last Edit on: 02-08-2009 19:53 »

A:Because they were 6 when they wanted grand children .

Q: What names would they call there grand children?
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #428 on: 02-08-2009 19:53 »

A: Wong 1, Wong 2, etc.

Q: Why would they do this?

Starship Captain
« Reply #429 on: 02-08-2009 19:54 »

A: Because its easier than remembering names.

Q: Why does Leela overtly act as if she hates Fry so much?
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #430 on: 02-08-2009 19:56 »

A: Because she doesn't want him to know her true feelings for him.

Q: Why doesn't she?

Bending Unit
« Reply #431 on: 02-08-2009 19:58 »

Because she'lle get embarrassed.

Why would she get embarrassed?

Starship Captain
« Reply #432 on: 02-08-2009 19:58 »

A: Because she's afraid he'll leave her like everyone else.
Q: Why would Fry leave Leela?

Bending Unit
« Reply #433 on: 02-08-2009 20:02 »

Because she is ugly.

What if Fry hated Bender.

Starship Captain
« Reply #434 on: 02-08-2009 20:03 »

Then Bender would commit suicide
What if Bender started a new cult?
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #435 on: 02-08-2009 20:18 »

Then he would leave P.E.

What if the word because became banned?
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #436 on: 02-08-2009 20:21 »
« Last Edit on: 02-08-2009 20:24 »

It would be difficult to explain why Bender was driving with no alcohol content.

What if Bender was Megatron?
(Note, these What if questions are deleted scenes in the What if thread DVD)

Starship Captain
« Reply #437 on: 02-08-2009 20:41 »

Then Bender would be a famous destructive robot.

What if Fry married an Amazonian woman?
no9man v2

Bending Unit
« Reply #438 on: 02-08-2009 20:43 »
« Last Edit on: 02-08-2009 20:44 »

A: He would get crushed.

Q: What if PEEL never existed?

This isn't the what if page.

Starship Captain
« Reply #439 on: 02-08-2009 20:46 »

It doesn't matter if its not the what if page, since its a stupid question thread and a what if question can qualify.....

A:Then you would be quite bored

Q: Why does Nibbler act so stupid all the time?
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