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Author Topic: Attention New New Yorkers - Stop asking so stupid! - Stupid Questions  (Read 36903 times)
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PEE Poll: Ideas for the title of the next thread. Suggestions will be added, cause I don't like any of the ideas me and BF1221 came up with.
Why? My stupids.
If you guys are done being stupid. I have more...
Did you just say questions are cool? No, we said they're stupid. Cool!


Starship Captain
« Reply #200 on: 01-11-2009 03:34 »

A: Because raccoons are so gullible they will accept any offer in exchange for goods and services

Q: Who thought up this weird fraction?

Space Pope
« Reply #201 on: 01-11-2009 03:52 »

A: Mathanomalybot.

Q: What is Mathanomalybot's primary function?

Starship Captain
« Reply #202 on: 01-11-2009 03:56 »

A: Analyzing  fractions for currency exchanges.

Q: Why does Zapp have such a fetish for velour?

Space Pope
« Reply #203 on: 01-12-2009 09:28 »

A:  It makes him forget his "Sexlexia"

Q:  What are some symptoms of "Sexlexia"

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #204 on: 01-12-2009 17:19 »

A: Perpetual horniness and failure to understand the concept of sexual harassment.

Q: Who else suffers from Sexlexia?

Starship Captain
« Reply #205 on: 01-12-2009 23:48 »

A: Scruffy the janitor

Q: How did Scruffy acquire Sexlexia?

Urban Legend
« Reply #206 on: 01-13-2009 20:04 »

A:  Reading too many diry magazines. 

Q:  Could Bender be a racecar driver and take Fry for rides in it?

Starship Captain
« Reply #207 on: 01-13-2009 23:56 »

A: No, the rules specifically prohibit using a robot driver (no auto pilot either)

Q: Can Fry ever eat more than 5.1lbs of cotton candy?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #208 on: 01-14-2009 01:28 »

A: Yes, yes he could.

Q: Would he survive?

Starship Captain
« Reply #209 on: 01-14-2009 03:20 »

A: Not without having his stomach pumped, >5.1lbs of cotton candy is the lethal threshold for some one with his 20th century genetics.

Q: Has he ever found this out?

Space Pope
« Reply #210 on: 01-14-2009 12:55 »

A: No, because as soon as he reaches 5.1lbs the Professor drains his blood for pancakes. Fry is consequently too weak to eat more cotton candy.

Q: Why wont the Professor let him eat more than 5.1lbs?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #211 on: 01-15-2009 04:09 »

A: Because 5.1lbs is the optimal amount for using blood as syrup.

Q: Why does the Professor eat pancakes with blood anyway?

Starship Captain
« Reply #212 on: 01-15-2009 04:34 »

A. Because after you get to be 160 years old if you've escaped the sunset squad robots, you're going to need to eat blood to help replace the nutrients that have long since gone out of your shriveled body.

Q:How does Farnsworth continue to remain free from the sunset squad robots?
My Own Grandpa

« Reply #213 on: 01-15-2009 23:18 »

A: Cubert destroyed their GPS system when he hit his head on the door, so now they have no idea which direction to go to find earth.

Q: Has anyone ever found them?

Starship Captain
« Reply #214 on: 01-16-2009 02:47 »

A: Found whom? The answer is no.

Q: Why haven't the sunset robots purchased a new GPS unit?

Bending Unit
« Reply #215 on: 01-16-2009 23:32 »

A: Because they spent most of their budget on those black satin cloaks.

Q: What alternate method could they use the navigate?

Starship Captain
« Reply #216 on: 01-16-2009 23:54 »

A:The celestial navigation by using star charts

Q:Why haven't they used the star charts?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #217 on: 01-17-2009 11:23 »

A: They forgot how to use archaic maps.

Q: Why would they start using the star charts now?

Urban Legend
« Reply #218 on: 01-17-2009 13:29 »

A: Because one of the rappers brought it back in style! :laff:
Q: What was the wrapper's name :confused:

Bending Unit
« Reply #219 on: 01-17-2009 23:21 »

A: Mixmaster Festus.

Q: Are the Beastie Boys affiliated with Mixmaster Festus?

Starship Captain
« Reply #220 on: 01-18-2009 03:03 »

A: No, he doesn't associate with the heads of any former pop group, only the rappers.

Q: Which rapper's heads is Mixmaster Festus associated with?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #221 on: 01-18-2009 08:10 »

A: The black one? This is hard.

Q: Where does Leela keep her eye she got removed?

Starship Captain
« Reply #222 on: 01-18-2009 15:30 »

A: She doesn't, it was creepy and she threw the parafin eye in the trash

Q: Why would she have wanted to keep a wax eye?

Urban Legend
« Reply #223 on: 01-18-2009 19:18 »

A:  As a memento from when she dated Adlai and when she had two eyes.

Q:  What would Fry and Bender call their own web show if they had one?

Starship Captain
« Reply #224 on: 01-18-2009 20:06 »

A: Bender the magnificant, and that insignificant little meat bag Fry Present Tales from the past

Q:Who would watch such a web show?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #225 on: 01-19-2009 05:15 »

A: Nerds, who else.

Q: What would Leela call her web show?

Starship Captain
« Reply #226 on: 01-19-2009 06:14 »

A: The Leela Hour

Q: Why would Leela bother with performing a web show?

Urban Legend
« Reply #227 on: 01-19-2009 08:01 »

A: Because she has nothing better to do with her lonely, lonely nights.

Q: What other activities does Leela do?

Starship Captain
« Reply #228 on: 01-19-2009 15:08 »

A: Take Nibbler for a walk, and beating people up who make fun of her eye

Q: Besides trying to rob people, watching All My Circuits, and drinking to fuel his power cells what does bender do for fun?

Bending Unit
« Reply #229 on: 01-19-2009 21:14 »

A: Dream of becoming a folk musician.

Q: What's stopping Bender from trying to become a folk musician?

Starship Captain
« Reply #230 on: 01-19-2009 22:09 »

A: His inhibition chip functions perfectly as long as its not near a strong enough local magnetic field

Q: How big of a magnet is necessary to screw up his inhibition unit to allow him to persue his dream?

Urban Legend
« Reply #231 on: 01-20-2009 16:37 »

A magnet with a surface area of 4x10^3 how the heck am I supposed to know

Who authored the 43rd edition of the Becktionary

Bending Unit
« Reply #232 on: 01-20-2009 20:01 »

A: Beck

Q: Why doesn't Beck get a robotic body?

Starship Captain
« Reply #233 on: 01-20-2009 20:18 »

A: Because it won't look like his old human one

Q: Why won't it look like his old human body?

Urban Legend
« Reply #234 on: 01-20-2009 20:21 »

A: What? Because it's robotic....   what the heck kind of thread is this?
Q: What the heck kind of thread is this?

Starship Captain
« Reply #235 on: 01-20-2009 20:39 »

A: The point is to ask questions, but it looks like you failed to come up with a valid answer, because it was robotic isn't good enough, since with reasonable certainty based on "I Dated a Robot" a robot can be made to look like the image of a human/celebrity, a correct answer might have been because it lacks certain appendages, or it wouldn't feel the same, etc.

Q:Who else opposes the use of a robotic body to transport their head in a jar?

Urban Legend
« Reply #236 on: 01-20-2009 20:46 »

Probably everyone... and wtheck you do mean it wasn't acceptable? There are no guidelines set forth in this spamfest.

What's Amy's paternal granfather's middle name? This thread is a joke!

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #237 on: 01-20-2009 20:56 »

Only 17 more posts Bear my friend. :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #238 on: 01-20-2009 21:03 »

I know, thanks, I was just thinking that I can probably do it. :)

Space Pope
« Reply #239 on: 01-21-2009 01:05 »

What's Amy's paternal granfather's middle name?

Leonidas. This is MARS!!!!!!

This thread is a joke!

Yes, it's the GD equivalent of, well, take your pick from any number of threads in OT that have been made/locked/deleted in the past month. At least it's mostly related to Futurama though.

Q: Exactly how related to Futurama is this thread?

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